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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "You Are What You Think"

Jun 21, 2016

"You are what you think"
Starz BlogTalk Radio topic for yesterday; Monday-6/20

Be sure to visit Starz homepage for links to listen in a variety of formats if you missed the live broadcast. All shows are available by using the link and selecting your preference in hearing all prior shows.

As usual hosting we had Natalie AKA StarzCast (Owner, founder, CEO of Starz and all affiliates) and myself, Maya AKA StarzMayaMoon.

This topic got off to a great start as both Natalie and I are firm believers in we manifest or create by first recognizing our positive or negative thought processes. As always Natalie shared real time experiences and insight into how our inner thoughts and self image produce results. And she also shared that no matter how our day may begin, or the potential setbacks we may face, maintaining a positive approach thus thinking constructively truly can and will manifest our dreams and visions. While neither of us buy into the propaganda or hype that sitting around "thinking" or wishing for some very specific event, relationship, success or even a materialistic goal is easily attained. We both strongly support that success in all venues of life and especially within our own self-image and energy always begins with how we choose to "think" or to perceive the journey.

Manifesting is the proof and/or outcome that what we "think" and therefore the energy or persona we emit has great influence upon our intentions and most important our actions. So while it all begins with a simple thought or idea, for all to reach fruition or what we personally dub as success it also requires dedication and action to whatever the cause or outcome is desired.

We also both were in harmony with the false belief that in general humans have either "good luck or bad luck". The universe, creator, source or God does not randomly reach down and bless or provide one human with all they desire.

Nor are we randomly chosen to be blocked or prevented from success, balance, happiness or even that harmonious state of grace.

In truth all that we become, create and acquire begin within our spiritual being, and what we choose or how we choose to view our own self and the future. So while it can of course be challenging to remain positive and optimistic when adversity appears, it is also the very core of how we learn to create greatness or a lack of.

As we both shared our insight and added some personal experiences and examples, our goal was to offer to our listeners one of the most influential and life altering messages;

"We are what we think". And when we maintain a strong and positive attitude, able to overcome fear, doubt and uncertainty we transmit this not only within but externally as well. All those we come into contact with, whether a store clerk, our partner or family member can be inspired and uplifted simply by the way WE think and maintain our self-image.

If we allow external events or circumstances to disrupt our faith, hope or ability to believe in our own self and the universe at large, we often spiral downwards much like a sinking ship. However if we bounce back with a smile and hold tightly to that precious idea that there is greatness in each of us and in what tomorrow and/or the future has waiting; we become mascots for goodwill, love and the eternal light.

And yes it takes action and hard work, whether baby steps to move forward towards that which we intend to create or manifest, it never betrays or becomes lost as long as the belief remains.
And if you need proof that "you are what you think", spend a moment with Miss Natalie. Listen to her amazing story, or share yours. If there were any one person that could truly "bottle" the philosophy, idealogy or energy of what we think and how we act upon those thoughts, she above anyone I know is the epitome of success.

So next time you begin to create an idea or build a pattern based on your thoughts, assumptions or perceptions, choose wisely and carefully; for in truth we each are or shall become that which we think we are or think we can~~

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