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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "When spiritual life begins; understanding pregnancy, loss and termination" Part 3 Conclusion

Jan 14, 2017

**Caution; this subject/topic contains sensitive information regarding pregnancy and the spiritual life force. There is absolutely NO judgments nor negative components. And many may find this to be helpful in healing and moving forward. It is possible this blog could trigger memories, so be advised**

"When spiritual life begins; understanding pregnancy, loss and termination"

Part 3/Conclusion

When a pregnancy is ended or also in the case of the infant passing shortly after birth, what happens or happened to the spirit or soul?

In some situations, this was actually a part of the soul contract both by the mother and/or the spiritual energy or soul that had chosen that parent or that physical body or vessel. From all that my guides have taught me and that which I have experienced as a medium; that soul almost always returns in the next pregnancy or child. Obviously there are some very devastating circumstances in which a female suffers a miscarriage or some form of accident, disease or illness renders it necessary for a hysterectomy. In which case such female is no longer medically able to become pregnant or carry a child. Because this spiritual energy or soul is a familiar and has chosen this, there are often alternate plans that are put into action. Among those would be a surrogate, adoption of an infant or toddler with enough physical time to have passed that it is possible for that soul to inhabit this body. And in fact there are often many situations in which adoption or surrogacy is also part of the plan or soul contract and all has been predestined. So for example although in surrogacy, there are some instances where the actual physical egg is that of another female's, that has absolutely no effect on the spiritual energy or soul. Therefore that soul has still chosen the parent (parents or guardians) the physical birth or gestation is just in an alternate form or under different circumstances.

In those situations where a female for a myriad of reasons feels there is no alternative but to terminate the pregnancy; that soul or spirit almost always waits in the spiritual realm and returns when it is possible. Because the spiritual energy or soul is energy and in a state of grace or has a higher vibration that those that are humans in the physical world. There is only total understanding and forgiveness and no blame, or feelings of being unloved or unwanted. This is not about why or how a pregnancy is cut short, only that from the spiritual view, there is nothing that indicates blame, shame or pain from the spirit/soul.

It is the human who makes that choice or suffers from some medical issue which interferes with the pregnancy and birth process that grieve, feel pain and suffer emotionally and spiritually. No matter how strong the need, the reasons, those that are often truly for the best of both mother and potential child, the spirit or soul remain untouched or unaffected. They return to in a sense a state of "waiting" as in most cases that female is quite likely to give birth later in life.

On occasion there are those that again, for a multitude of reasons feel no desire to procreate. It could be a childhood of pain and suffering and the fear they will repeat those patterns. Or perhaps one is extremely career oriented and makes a logical judgment and decision, knowing they will not have the time to care for a child properly. In such cases when this is Karma and does not show any potential for a change, no familiar awaits to inhabit the growing fetus or child. However as we know that "grace overrides Karma" it does happen that those that begin determined or decided that children will not be a part of their life, at some point change their way of thinking and choose to become pregnant. Again we have to keep in mind that many if not all of these decisions are already predetermined; therefore that specific spirit or soul is waiting for the human to be ready. And in those situations where no change is made, or a female or couple remain childless, there will likely be another life that has different lessons which include procreating.

It is not necessary to procreate in order to find happiness. There are many influences upon our happiness, path, journey and life and children, regardless of how they may enter our physical or earthly lives' are just one of those.
So spiritually, for any children that you may mourn or grieve for, no matter the specific circumstances of that grief, please be in peace knowing that they are our "chosen" and have also made a choice and if it is at all possible, they do return and if not in this life, the next.

So in the case of the female who suffers miscarriages before finally giving birth to a healthy child, it is generally the same spiritual being or soul that returns and has been awaiting this moment. And just as people, friends, soul mates, co-workers etc., all enter our life with purpose and intentionally as familiars. Know and be assured that the same holds true for pregnancy, birth, termination, loss, adoption, fertilization, implantation and even surrogacy.

For those that have suffered greatly over decisions or that which may be out of their control, please forgive you and be in total peace. Spirit and soul energy are able to understand and accept way beyond what we can do or accomplish as humans, and the soul or spirit never feels unwanted, rejected or unloved.

So pregnancy and birth are very complicated and complex when it comes to tacking on a date of viability. Although the medical field has accomplished that, in the spiritual realm, there exists no clock, no trimesters, and survival or true life is determined very differently.

When the soul or spirit connects and attaches and is able to maintain that attachment without disruption; other than there may be some moments of back and forth which is normal. That is when life actually and truly begins. And for some that may be at the moment of conception for others that may be birth.

One thing is clear in looking at what actually allows for true life, a soul or spirit must be intact and always remember you were chosen. And no matter what obstacles may arise, you remain chosen until that cycle of life is completed.

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