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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "When spiritual life begins; understanding pregnancy, loss and termination" Part 2

Jan 13, 2017

**Caution; this subject/topic contains sensitive information regarding pregnancy and the spiritual life force. There is absolutely NO judgments nor negative components. And many may find this to be helpful in healing and moving forward. It is possible this blog could trigger memories, so be advised**

"When spiritual life begins; understanding pregnancy, loss and termination"

Part 2
So as we look at the spiritual form of life, we then need to accept and/or embrace a few foundational beliefs or systems of energy and influence. And as always, this information is channeled via my guides and is what they teach, not necessarily the only or the "best" way of interpreting soul life.

First we need to understand that we all reincarnate in a varying number of physical lives' in order to achieve the highest vibration or level of energy. Simply put, we learn to see by living and experiencing many different lives', living in various eras, in different cultures and countries. So we may be rich in one life, but poor in another; or raised by supportive and healthy parents or guardians, and faced with less than ideal situations. Just as there is dark and light (or the absence of light) our main spiritual lesson is the ability to reach the highest form or grace. Once we have accomplished and learned all that is necessary, we may no longer return to the physical form or earthly life.

As we begin the process of preparing to incarnate, from what I am shown, there are many influences that affect when and how we will return. Among those one of the most important or that which has the greatest impact is our "soul contract". This has been covered in prior blogs and also on Starz BlogTalk radio as well. A soul contract is what we agree to before entering the physical world and is formulated around our lessons, our purpose for that life and whatever predestined events or paths will be waiting. And within that soul contract we have some input as to choosing our parents/parent. We may for example choose our biological mother (fathers of course cannot carry a child) but that may not necessarily be the person who nurtures or even raises and supports our childhood. From what my guides share and how I understand the process of birth selection, this is chosen in part with regards to the lessons "scheduled" for that life, and also in our desire to remain close to our familiars. A familiar (also written in blog series) is the spiritual energy of one who we have shared most if not all physical lives' with. Although there is no hard and fast rule, generally we all have at least 5 familiars that appear in our lives' in a close connection. So as an example this may be a sibling in one life, then a parent or grandparent, a best friend or extended family member. So as we give our input or help to choose or decide how the next set of lessons will be undertaken, we are also choosing or are aware of how our familiars will be present in that life. And it is shown to me that Divine and Divine in the sense of the creator, God or that of the highest in spiritual energy and to some degree control. For example consider the board or committee that sits in on parole hearings. They review the files which includes the original crime for which one was convicted. Any prior issues, arrests or time served for violations, the behavior and general demeanor during the current time incarcerated and lastly whatever the potential parolee has to say in pleading their case for parole=release from prison. The committee takes all under consideration, discusses the options, and then votes on a decision. Although most parole hearings prefer that all are in agreement with the decision to be made, the majority can and does rule.

In the spiritual sense, it appears to work in a very similar fashion; there are those of the highest or higher spiritual status. These are earned via their learned lessons and number of physical lifetimes lived and just the general energy of grace and total compassion. So after we may make our requests, or perhaps state our desire to be connected to or with certain other spiritual energies that are also reincarnating, a decision is made, granting our request or denying.

So before the birth, that spiritual energy has been selected with perhaps input or the desire to literally pick their parents or at the very least the birth or biological parents. And so the choice has been agreed upon with input from the spirit or soul returning and those that help to regulate lessons, Karma, destiny and life paths.

My guides believe that during a pregnancy although in most cases that spirit has already been chosen or has chose to inhabit that specific physical body. During the first 6 months or so of pregnancy, I am shown that the spiritual energy may go back and forth. It is very similar to when we leave this earth due to a lingering illness and are in and out. The spirit or soul does not form a permanent attachment in the beginning and in some cases that final bond is not created until just before birth. And this is also why it can be difficult to work with or why my guides choose to not work on questions that surround a pregnancy.

There are times when something goes wrong in the physical sense, and/or the female chooses to terminate the pregnancy. It feels that although this may be known in advance and even the spirit which chose this body or had it chosen for them may know and times when this is not known. Because much of this can revolve around free will and choice, it is not always a known factor when a soul chooses parents, a mother or a vessel for return. And there are also instances which while not common do occur where the spirit/soul energy may change their mind, and what is referred to as a "walk-in" takes over. This is the spiritual energy that agrees to inhabit this vessel or body, but which had not been the original plan or soul contract in the beginning. And as we pointed out in part 1, it is impossible to sustain life, regardless of gestation or physical perfection if the body or vessel lacks a spiritual being/energy or soul.

So there are a number of variables that can and at times do occur during a pregnancy and in rare instances even immediately after birth. It also possible and accepted by some, including my guides that during the first month or after birth, the spirit/soul can leave the body for very short periods of time.

If the soul were to abandon the body and no walk-in took over, the physical body would be unable to survive, and some medical issue would arise. In fact there are those that believe that "SIDS" (Sudden infant death syndrome) is in fact a spiritual issue in which for reasons that vary and may be beyond our grasp as humans, the soul abandons the body.

So it becomes a very complex situation with a multitude of layers, influences and energies when we view pregnancies and the viability of such from a purely spiritual view. So we now understand that the soul can come and go and does not always take possession of the vessel or body immediately, nor does it remain until birth, and even then there may be moments of return.

Next we look at our choices, and the result or the affects/effects that a death of any type, whether natural or intentional has upon that soul or spiritual energy that was chosen.

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