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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "When no answer is the answer, do we seek or accept"

Jun 14, 2016

"When no answer is the answer, do we seek or accept"
Starz BlogTalk Radio~ Monday's 8pm EST

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Featuring Natalie AKA StarzCast (Owner, founder, CEO of Starz and affiliates) myself, Maya AKA StarzMayaMoon and special guests always welcome!

It was a great topic as always with several comments sent via that chatroom hosted by StarzPriestessKandi and open for mini-readings or one questions answered.

As always Natalie is so open and willing to share her personal journey to offer insight and guidance to others. As Natalie pointed out sharing an ongoing situation in which one should pursue to the finish. In such a case "no answer" is not the answer but perseverance and patience in following through is.

And often that is true in life whether job opportunities, relationships or even competitive sports. There are those moments or circumstances when we have the choice to pursue an answer, and sometimes we may get full closure or disclosure. Of course depending on the unique situation we must all be prepared to hear something that is not what we hoped but perhaps what we needed to move on. And for many or most humans having an explanation or the "why" helps to sort our own feelings, grow and sometimes just learn to chalk things up to life doesn't always make sense.

But still there are those situations where a lack of answer or being ignored no matter how persistent we may be or how confusing it can feel, sometimes we just have to accept what is.

Each of us has to decide what answers are worth pursuing and to attempt to live our life in always giving honesty and truth to others. While this cannot guarantee us always receiving such in return at least we can feel we gave honor to ourselves and to others. As humans many of us avoid hurting another and are often loathe admitting something that doesn't feel right or is not meeting our needs. However imagine if we all could communicate clearly and truthfully being direct but not brutal how much clearer life would be for all.

I do agree with Natalie that if we feel it's important enough we should pursue whatever seems to be hanging to closure. It is our right to ask why we were not chosen for a promotion, or why someone we dated for 2 months suddenly stopped calling.

But on occasion, no matter how important that answers may seem to be, we simply are going to be spinning our wheels and still pondering that "why". Those are the times we must look to our spiritual side and energy and in our state of grace, simply accept that sometimes, no answer is going to be the only answer. ~

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#When no answer is the answer, do we seek or accept,,#the#guidance#of#guides,starzmayamoon,,#starzcast,#mediums,#when#no#answer#is#the#answer#and#silence#is#the#loudest#spirit