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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "When no answer is the answer and silence is the loudest" Part 1

Jun 13, 2016

"When no answer is the answer and silence is the loudest"
Part 1

In a perfect world we would of course have everything explained in detail. All of our questions would be fully answered and silence would be only for inner reflection.

But alas this is not such a perfect world and often we are left sorting through what was never said, or never done to find the hidden answer. After just writing about death and the potential journey of the spirit; it is often difficult to accept death or loss when no real answers are provided. And from my guides as they channel spirit that is the one major factor that sets apart the human from the spiritual being; the acceptance, state of grace and total understanding when nothing seems clear.

Even the most well-intentioned of humans do from time to time attempt to manipulate their world by how they choose to process a lack of information. And for many while that "silence" is actually shouting the answer or outcome, we tend to shift the meaning and until or unless we have verbal or direct interaction we ignore what we usually shouldn't. For some of us that may be a job that was applied for and almost 2 months have passed with no word. Chances are incredibly high they have already hired their chosen candidate, yet for some hearing nothing is interpreted as still being a chance. There are some situations and more pointedly some humans and their coping styles that tend to make silence or just "ignoring" their intended answer or intention and agenda.

Again we all have the choice (and the right of course) to deny that silence is speaking or directing, but we will almost always end up in a sea of conflict and chaos in doing so. Perhaps you went on a first date and things appeared to go very well. You are expecting a call back an invitation for a second date yet 2 maybe 3 weeks go by and you hear nothing. Short of that person having had a major catastrophe you most likely will not be hearing. Whatever the interaction was on your end was perhaps not requited, or a million other reasons that things never get off the ground.

While some of us are very passive and find confrontations uncomfortable others are assertive, even aggressive and that also can lead to a great many missed signals and denial.

Just because someone occasionally responds to your repeated and almost obsessive attempts at communication does not mean they share your vision for the future. If left alone, they very likely would let it go, and that is the perfect example of silence being THEIR way of speaking and ignoring the answer you have been given. But we have to be willing to see and then accept that things just don't always go the way we planned, and answers just are not always mapped out like a well-planned route.

This week we will be exploring the language of silence and why sometimes we have to listen to what is not said, done or asked.

Join us at 8 PM tonight, EST for Starz BlogTalk Radio as Natalie AKA Starzcast (Owner, founder, CEO of Starz and affiliates) and myself, Maya AKA StarzMayaMoon delve into the topic of no answer is often THE answer.

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