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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "Universal and Divine energies and interventions" Part 4

Oct 21, 2016

"Universal and Divine energies and interventions"
~The leaders of the free world; when the powerful give power~
Part 4

We take a closer look at the changes and shifts that are possible and often believed to be enacted by intervention of the highest source or power. A reminder that there are many beliefs and the information shared is channeled from my guides also reflecting what I have come to accept as true and accurate. My guides have consistently taught and I am a firm believer that our creator or whatever is that highest source/power does not use punishment as defined in the human definition. We may "punish" a child or even our pets by withholding a coveted toy or treat. We also of course have in most countries some form of a justice system which punishes those who break the law or some protocol or order of rules, etc.

Spiritually however there exists no intention to "punish" a human by causing distress or the use of any higher power to destroy, influence or create a negative situation in response to a mistake. Even for those that may intentionally cause harm to others, judgment is saved for when we meet our creator or in the afterlife, whatever one believes that to be. There is a form of "Karma" and in this context we would define that as a spiritual balancing that may be levied upon a human to assist and/or influence such to reach a higher vibration or energy. If for example a person that owns a business and cheats their employee's ends up taking a nasty fall and is injured, this is perhaps Karma, the balance or setting the energy for the intention of learning a valuable lesson. It is not to be taken as a negative reaction or response by a creator, source or higher power to "punish" an individual even when one might feel it is deserved.

Humans who hold positions of authority from police officers to those in the political arena often are accused and rightly so of an "abuse of power". Using their connections or their standing in the government to break that society, country or state's laws both moral and literal.
Our creator is of love and light and all actions of power, any type of action of intervention is done for our greater good. Therefore if we carry hatred in our heart and we build intentions or manifest those to cause harm, intervention may occur in some form to prohibit this from being carried out.

We also look at the constant shifts within the collective or universal, individual and its natural flow of change, growth and change. It some instances changes that occur again as in an individual's life or path may be simply synchronistic or the natural evolution of cause and effect. And then at other times, it is possible that there is a Divine intervention or that higher power exerts their right or the "hand" and creates change or a situation that initiates such change. And while some instances can be more easily identified as cause and effect; the reward or consequences of our free will and choice or decisions and actions; others are more difficult to assign with proof. So we do not always know or can be certain from which energy or influence a specific outcome arises. The only major exception is that generally that which affects the collective, so all of humanity or all in a country, an area or even a group with conjoined ideas and beliefs. These especially when they seem to strike when least expected tend to be from that metaphoric, "ruling hand" or the power that can and does override all other energies, outcomes, paths and even purpose.

There is not always a scale or a graph that can be used accurately to measure or to apply in a way that makes an answer beyond any measure of doubt or question. And to a great degree, it is not nearly as important from where such shifts or changes arise, but that we are able to accept these with grace and move towards the necessary or initiated changes and/or acceptance.

If we use the same analogy with hurricane Matthew; we can be fairly accurate in determining the source of the destruction, but also those spared. In part we know that weather patterns are affected by humanity; pollution, changes in forestry, walls, dams, etc., all have the potential to create weather changes. However there is also always the strong factor of just the more natural shifts and events that occur as a result of our planet's chemistry and even perhaps our solar system. In the aftermath, hearing many stories of those (such as our own beloved Natalie) who were spared and had little interior damage or those whom their homes were safe and intact. Although it could be attributed to that same natural flow, there is too much that would be coincidental to NOT accept and attach these small miracles as Divine intervention. And yes there were those that suffered great loss and even paid with their life. But as this is only a part of journey, as humans we cannot truly ascertain whether death and the rising of our spiritual energy and soul is not the greater good or higher path. And for each that sacrificed with their life, there are many more that were moved out of the path, or the many towns, neighborhoods and even states that were spared. This IS Divine intervention and the purposeful shift of that "hand of power" no matter by what name one may call such.

Lastly, there is not a true wrath in the spiritual beliefs or in spirituality. For those that recognize a religion and live according to for example the Bible; there are certainly numerous references to the "wrath of God". Defined as the intentional intervention to rid or destroy those that defies the land, other humans and God himself. It is not for us to say whether this is true or false, as we do support Divine intervention and the existence of God. And any almighty or in any way we assign such power, there must be at times a strong enough change to procure the necessary outcome. It is also our stance and believes that we all have within our being or spiritual energy and core to choose a life that is one within the "light". That embraces faith, hope and love and lives with compassion and kindness. For those that live only to serve the self at any cost to another human, consequences eventually are inevitable, no matter where, how or when.

So we accept that there is a greater power and in that acceptance we do not become complacent but instead continue onward. This is not an excuse or to be used as what we do matters not, for it matters greatly. And when the collective is shifted, we all are given a divine opportunity towards change or again that higher path.
So that "hand of power" is not to be seen as a threat or that which takes away any need for the pursuit of our individual journey. It can and should however, be respected and felt within our own being, giving us that greater faith and stronger hope.

Next, putting it all together; the culmination of power and free will ~

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