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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "Universal and Divine energies and interventions"

Oct 17, 2016

"Universal and Divine energies and interventions"
~The leaders of the free world; when the powerful give power~
Part 1

As many are well aware the United States will be electing the 45th president on November 8th of this year. In this country the election process is a bit complicated and what we call the "popular vote" does not always designate the next leader. While other countries use a similar formula that constitutes and "elected" leader, others are born into their positions. There is great variation in the way a leader, whether president, King, Queen or Czar take the metaphoric and sometimes literal "throne".

We are currently in the midst of powerful forces and significant-even profound energies that can potentially change the world order. I assume there many that feel disconnected from the election outcome for the US; those living in or citizens of other countries. While at first glance this seems quite understandable and even somewhat expected, there is a greater force and much more at stake than casting a vote and electing a leader for one out of many countries. My guides feel deeply that there exists a greater force that wills in truth effect each and every human upon the earth. No matter where you call home, your political views or even complacency, the US election is or has become a spiritual revolution and a potential evolution the likes this world has never before witnessed.

But before we zone in the specifics of just the election process, we take a look at the power of the Universal and Divine energies, the ability to intervene and no matter the counts or who sits upon what throne, over and above all mortals is some source, creator or Divine that ultimately holds the rights to ALL power.

Join us for this week's blog series on understanding the power of the Divine and Universal and the invisible hand that seems to hold steady above all other powers, choices, paths and possibilities. There is the right and the choice for those that hold the universe and the spiritual energies of all individually, the collective and how that hand reigns over all things.

If we have a basic acceptance of spirituality and the belief that we are more than flesh and bone, we then accept that there is a creator of this. Or the mountains, oceans, forest and deserts. Even what many recently endured in several countries with hurricane Matthew and the tragic path of destruction left in its wake. There is that which is greater, and in that greatness as with any existence of such an anomaly comes great power. And power is not always simply the change or eradication of situations, obstacles or barriers. Within that same power comes the miracles, the goodwill intervention and the exercise of power for the greater good of one or the collective.

To a certain degree that which we refer to and/or define as Karma, destiny, fate or "meant to be" is held within those same hands, metaphorically speaking. For those that do not hold as truth the belief in one singular force whether as God or Goddess, the hand then becomes a broader definition, but no less powerful, no less capable of all things. Therefore whether one believes in the surge or shifts of synchronicity and universe, or the power of manifesting to the highest power towards outcome or what has been envisioned, there is or remains that elemental energy.

This energy regardless of how it becomes defined or individually realized in its functioning and perhaps even the "how"; to believe in something that is beyond the sky or earth, the stars or grass and to open eyes, heart and soul to all potential IS the power.

Power of energy of spirit of connection and a force that no matter how such is explained, defined or by what name or function referred to or as, again ultimately there is power.

There is within all spiritual beings (who happen to be human as well) the power of intention, manifestation and choice of action or non-action. We as unique individuals have our own cache of power which my guides shared in the blog of "The power of spirit and empowerment". My guides have shared numerous theological theories that have been proven to their understanding and satisfaction and thus shared for all to either embrace or deny.

So for the sake of the insight being offered and to reach a potential understanding that takes us outside of our own power, self, identity and free will choices; listen.

For whether that hand holds back as we learn those necessary lessons, or steps in and protects our vehicle so we walk free from a deadly collision. Whether we are let loose to seek our destiny or are maneuvered towards a greater path or purpose, there is a powerful presence, whether seen or unseen that exists among all that is.

And this power, from whatever source it may be recognized or even praised can literally move mountains, dry up riverbeds or fill the oceans with every imaginable creature.

And as those from all around spar, fight, debate, kill, plunder and are born to seek the power whether in malevolency or benevolent, it is given and taken by another power.

Next; when higher power steps in or steps back, learning to live within the power of an almighty.

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