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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "The system of trust" Part 4

May 27, 2016

"The system of trust"
Part 4

When we either lack the significant identity or system of self-trust, whether it has never been fully acquired or attained. Or due to circumstances or events which have resulted in a loss of such, the disconnection or damage to such trust, in either case it's necessary to re-establish the system and build or rebuild the foundation.

As discussed in part 3 of this series, our self-trust is an integral and essential piece of our spiritual identity from which many other spiritual branches are formed. Perhaps the most significant of those being the ability to embrace both hope and faith. Think of trust as the trunk and roots of a large Oak tree; without the strength of the trunk and existence of roots, branches, leaves and acorns cannot develop and grow. So without trust our spiritual growth because stunted or trapped.

Whether we are learning to trust in self for the first time or rebuilding what once existed the steps or the process are virtually identical. And because this is a transition or shift of energy within our spiritual being or core, it can take time for this foundation to become strong enough to withstand the pressures of our daily human life.

As is true with most things in life, there is no magic wand to wave, no magic pill; it takes strong intentions and the ability to acknowledge a higher, better way of life. And it often means moving out of developed patterns that have become our comfort zone and developing the ability to see risks as worthy and offering much potential.

My guides recommend that all humans journal especially during challenging transitions, and journaling or keeping a "diary" of your thoughts, feelings and intentions towards change really do help us to cross over into that higher state of being. While the following steps are not in any specific order they are all important to the overall process and outcome. For each of us some steps may be more difficult while other steps seem to come easier or more natural. Be sure to focus on those areas that are most challenging rather than continuing to "practice" or fixate on what has been learned or re-learned.

Connecting to our spiritual self and uniting with the Divine. Whether you are religious or simply spiritual it's important to recognize some form of a creator or source as this solidifies the idea or concept that human life is anything but random. Along with this is to begin to believe that we each have some purpose in our lifetime. Our purpose may be seen as our destiny, our talents or gifts, so long as we begin or remind ourselves to recognize that there is a reason we exist. We are filled with emotions and potential and we begin to resonate with this once we start to adapt to the idea of purpose and a higher energy- source, creator, God or even the universe. If you are unsure how to shift your energy, your emotions and even cognitive or logical thinking to this platform here are some suggestions. Again keeping a journal or writing, jotting down our thoughts truly does help to "record" our journey and later allows us to see the progress we have made. If you are not journaling, then try to keep a constant dialogue telepathically. Just as you might encourage a friend, or teach a child, even a pet, treat your spiritual self in much the same way. Although it's not imperative that we locate the moment that self-trust may have been corrupted, it is important to reflect back on our lives' and take notice of any and all ways in which we survived events, or navigated through those rough patches. No matter how mistrusting or lacking in self-trust we are presently, every human has encountered and overcame or survived some or more events, tragedies or challenges. No matter if this was finding a job after being laid off, or making a new friend after a bitter feud or betrayal, every aspect of that accomplishment even those which are minor become proof that we can trust self and that self-trust exists within our spiritual being even if we have lost sight of this for a time.

The ability to separate events from self-definition. This too invites us to reflect upon our past or perhaps even our present life. It can also be useful and helpful to study or evaluate other humans, whether these are people we know personally or perhaps they are those that have achieved a status of "fame" via their gifts, talents or survival. The intention is extremely important that we metaphorically sort through our life, and use two boxes. One box contains all events and experiences; the other box contains our identity, self-definition and our spiritual core or being. Always remind yourself that bad things can happen to good people; so for example a stellar employee can or could be fired because the boss's daughter is taking the position. Rather than being a reflection of self or of that person's ability or potential, it belongs in the box of events, not who we are. This can become perhaps the lengthiest and most challenging part of the process. Without trust, we tend to absorb and interpret the external as internal and allow ourselves to become defined by what rather than what if. And the longer and more committed we may be too old and dysfunctional patterns of our identity (our self-trust) the longer it may take to rebuild or establish that solid foundation.

Put the mirror away. All too often humans begin to rely on the reflection from the past to predict or assume the future. Not only is the completely inaccurate; this also becomes a huge block in learning to embrace self-trust and reliability on self. Although looking back can often assist us in growing into the future, it should be used in comparisons or in finding positive validations of success and/or survival, never as an ongoing reflection of what is to be.

Accepting risks and lowering fears; all of life is a risk of one type of another. However when we begin to see that risk carries not only a chance of failure but of success and reward, we begin to accept risks. When our motto is one that risks never pay off, or risks never result in a desired outcome, we are manifesting and setting ourselves up for failure. Even for example the odds of winning the lottery, although the chances for winning are extremely slim, it's impossible to win if we do not purchase a ticket. So begin to "purchase the ticket" for living your life and with the overall view and outlook that success or accomplishment carries equal or greater odds than failure. So it's not about attempting to deny risk, but rather accepting that life itself is a risk, and we can carry on in spite of such. This becomes united with faith and hope; faith and hope are the ideas or the realization that benefits, rewards or the higher or desired outcome IS always possible. However we must continue to remind ourselves that just like the lottery or any game, we have to play, with every fiber of our being in order to garner that chance at "winning".

Accept mistakes and learn to release and let go. No human being no matter how enlightened, how spiritual or how trusting of self-one is or has become can keep us from our lessons and all lessons carry some mistakes. The way we view mistakes, both those of the past and the potential of the future are what define us and how we recapture our self-trust. Again using our metaphoric "boxes", always work to place the mistake or the error as the event or the lesson rather than a measurement of our value as a human being or spiritual being. Once we have a strong set of boxes or the ability to separate the external from the internal our self-trust automatically begins to build up from within. Again it's impossible to embrace faith/hope with trust, but also once we achieve or relate to faith and hope towards the future we have begun to build self-trust. These energies, influences and factors all work in harmony and we cannot embrace one without the other.

Becoming empowered; empowerment is the ability or choice to rely on self-first and foremost. In essence empowerment is the embodiment of trust, the assurance that lies or exists within our spiritual energy that whispers or encourages us that we can and will handle whatever situation may arise. It becomes the influence and the coping mechanism that pushes us towards survival and even helps us to thrive during the most challenging of times. Therefore we "trust" with faith and hope that somehow we can and will survive with spirit intact. The analogy would be a tornado, no matter how much damage has occurred, if we survived, even if injured, we survived and that is the validation of self-trust and identity.

Just as those that lack trust seem to gravitate towards that which has not manifested or come to be; those with trust always carry a torch or candle, the light that shines with the encouragement we can overcome adversity. It is the simple self and world view that all things are temporary and relates back to the ability to view the future as alleviating or compensating for whatever the past or even present offers.

Following our instinct, intuition, dreams and our heart. Again no matter what lies within the past the future never lacks potential. When we look within for our validation whether that is a job change or choice, education, relationship or just our own style of clothing; we become our own "best friend". As humans we naturally seek the approval and support of others. However the rewards to be sought and even the possible consequences or lessons learned, always come from within self. Learning to walk in sync with our highest self gratifies us beyond any expectation and will always lead us down the "right" path. So when faced with disapproval, uncertainty or judgment, we must remain empowered with "trust" and be comfortable with our own definition of self, life, path and purpose.

Next, putting these into practice and breaking the barriers and boundaries that holds us back. ~

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