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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "The system of trust" Part 3

May 26, 2016

"The system of trust"
Part 3

So now we compare or investigate the differences in energy, path, and potential and virtually all areas and aspects of our life when self-trust is our base or spiritual foundation. Although our spirituality and spiritual identity is composed and built upon many influences and factors, trust as noted in part 1 and 2 is vital for a harmonious and balanced life.

Whether our self-trust or spiritual basis of trust appears or feels to just be a natural part of our existence, or we have struggled and learned to embrace trust in self; the outcome and/or results or overlap is virtually identical.

While as humans we may not necessarily verbalize or "term" this energy/influence or state of being as trust; beneath all the hype or alternate terms or results it is trust that conquers and makes the difference.

Those humans that have created or rebuilt their foundation of trust are in general empowered and extremely self-aware. When glancing at such a person's life; we find their obstacles do not prevent them from pursuing their true or desired course. The ability to rebound and recover is filled with positivity, which includes strong faith and hope towards tomorrow or the future. They are not defined by events or experiences and do not form unhealthy attachments to other humans. Almost all relationships are highly functional and there is a clear boundary or separation from what is "their Karma" or their choice versus that of another. When we explore that "state of grace" or the "universal understanding"; we always find those with pure self-trust are able to overcome hurdles, setbacks and circumstances by consistently returning to a state of grace or the acceptance of what cannot be changed. Fear is present in all humans, however those with self-trust are not defined by fear, and decisions, choices and coping skills are not destroyed or compromised due to fears, literal or simply emotional.

What is interesting to note is that the stronger or more developed our sense of self-trust and identity, the more risks are generally taken. The reason for this stems from their innate ability to rely on self; to know that risks lead to rewards and often benefits, and when such is not manifested as expected they trust in self to find their way again. In contrast those that lack trust avoid obvious risks due to fear, yet ultimately find themselves in chaotic and "risky" situations and relationships over and over again.

In either case, patterns and habits become established and as with all the things the more one practices either literally or spiritually the easier such comes in our nature and our level of energy (spiritually) is risen or raised. So distrust or mistrust creates patterns of dysfunction which lead to downward spirals. However strong trust in self, leads to increased abilities to compensate for life struggles and challenges and enables our ability to overcome, or carve a new path or purpose.

And those that rely on self-first still may seek and desire personal relationships, life partners and love, but the goal is to unite rather than to become absorbed or attached and defined by such. And whether such a person is gregarious and seen as a "social butterfly" or has more tendencies towards solitude and limits social interaction; these are simply varied traits as opposed to learned responses due to lack of that necessary foundation.

So if we use the same examples from part 2, we see or find the following scenarios; Ann enters a social setting and notices that one or more guests seem to be looking in her direction quite openly. That self-trust immediately is invoked and Ann is most likely to assume, oh, I must have met these people somewhere. Or depending on their individual traits, they are apt to approach such persons, introducing themselves and asking if they have met previously. Ann (who has a strong self-trust foundation in place) assumes there is a rational explanation, accepts or remains in a state of grace, so their actions do not define or penetrate the spiritual and emotional self. And in some cases for those with confidence, they may be quicker to assume their style is pleasing, and/or those persons are interested in knowing Ann. And in the scenario where a memo is received asking Ann to see the boss before leaving; there is no panic, no rush of anxiety or trepidation. Instead there is healthy curiosity and again depending on their individual traits, they may even assume that they are going to be recognized or commended on a recent project.

Our spiritual identity as it relates to trust is not simply a literal or superficial way of being or seeing self, life and other humans. And as my guides firmly teach, believe and support that all humans have equal opportunity to manifest their path, purpose and life; there is rarely misconceptions or perceptions that are applied to challenges, loss or difficult situations. So while all humans equal in what they can pursue or create for their future, there is equal potential in how we all analyze or interpret external forces.

So if a partner abruptly ends a long term relationship, although trust does not make us feel less pain or grief, it has a profound impact on our spiritual and emotional interpretation thus defining our ability to move forward or become stuck. For those with their trust identity as a foundation, they grieve, cry, and feel all the same mixed emotions as those that lack trust. The difference is that such a break up is not absorbed as validation that something is wrong, different or unappealing about our self, human and spiritual, internal and external. So the pain or the result is that such is processed through our system of trust and we are able to detach our value from another's opinion, view and actions.

For those with a strong foundation; all adversity is accepted, reality based and there is a strong cord or attachment to faith and hope towards the future. So the inclination is always to rebuild, reassemble or recreate. Those lacking that vital center, core or trust identity become frozen in these moments and retreat further into our darker side of self, by blaming, shaming, feeling burdens of guilt and that such was "deserved" even when there is absolutely nothing in reality to suggest this to be valid or true.

And again, this is not to imply or infer that self-trust or that solid foundation makes us *special* in the sense that life avoids delivering blows, or situations in all or every aspect that are both challenging and beyond our control. It is not the difference between the event and circumstance but in how we define such and the ability to rebound or recover.

When we lack basic trust, we then are led by fear and trepidation. This causes constant friction in our daily lives again that includes any and all aspects and places the future into the past. Where those with the opposite foundation, one of trust continue to climb up the hills or mountains and easily and unconsciously separate what is from what can be. The future is the gift that keeps on giving and hope is eternal, faith is constant.

When we look specifically at relationships, there is a vast difference between those with or without that self-trust. As Universal law, Creator and Divine see us all as equals; we then accept that trust does not eliminate mistakes, lessons or challenges. These are a combination of all of the choices made, our fate, destiny, purpose and path. So when a relationship fails, or for example we are betrayed or harmed by another whether physical, emotional, spiritual or in all ways. As humans we have a tendency to compile all or every negative event, emotion and experience and conclude that other humans and even life itself cannot be trusted. In reality trust comes from within, we all make mistakes in judgments, or in believing a person to be "trustworthy" or to have our best interests at heart. When it becomes obvious in whatever manner that such is not or no longer the influence/energy or intention. The huge difference or gap is those with a trust foundation are able to accept (state of grace) that this is the result of dysfunction or accountability of that person and the trust in self is called upon to help establish better boundaries for the future. A lesson may be learned, but our sense of self is not violated. Again that is not meant to suggest there is no pain, no anger, no feelings of betrayal, there certainly are. It does however assign the accountability to whom or where it belongs. So those persons are able to be open to future relationships. It is not given any "power" to define or shift the self-image.

And while such person may be connected to a certain amount of risk that is always a factor in any relationship; it is a realistic risk and future endeavors are not matched against the past. For those lacking a sense of self-trust, because they are unable to rely on self, or find a state of grace, they become anxious, suspicious and tend to pile all and any prior or past betrayals, real or imagined into their metaphorical "basket" piling it up so high that it becomes too heavy to carry. This energy is fear or core fear and prevents future relationships, or prevents potential relationships from either developing or becoming functional and healthy.

So as we look and attempt to analyze and understand the major differences in trust versus mistrust, the gap is huge. The difference is not just about feeling or a sense of security, but affects all aspects of not only our current life, energy and coping. But even more importantly, it prevents us from living in unity (the trinity of self) and maintaining balance, harmony and even pleasure.

Just as an onion has many layers, and we must peel off the outer layers to find the core of the onion used for cooking or consumption, the same is true of our spiritual self.

And upon the many and varied layers, and the myriad of influences, memories, factors and energies, trust truly is the basic foundation and the base or the core center from which all other enlightenments are founded, created or embraced.

Next; finding our way back, the ways to establish or re-establish our true sense of self-trust and identity.

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