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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "The system of trust" Part 2

May 25, 2016

"The system of trust"
Part 2

If we refer back to part 1, the Merriam-Webster definition of both the use of trust as a noun and a verb has a strong commonality; certainty and/or suggesting factual rather than assumptive. And while as humans we have all likely had relationships that trust was viewed or proven to be a certainty, a given or a proven intention and action, such is not always the case.

Trust is not a constant but a variable whether a noun or verb. So whether we are issuing trust, or trusting, there is always some degree of risk both at the time and in the ability for such trust to remain or last. An example of that variable would be let's say that "Ann" is our best friend and has been for many years. The relationship with Ann and the personal and private information we have shared has always been honored by Ann and never shared with others. But later in life we unfortunately have a major disagreement with Ann and the friendship is no longer sustainable. We part ways and after the split or disconnect we learn through other sources that Ann has divulged several of the details of information we entrusted to Ann.

So the ability to trust, to earn, keep or maintain trust is relevant and relied upon by the person/human to which we trust. This becomes most important or significant when dealing with self-trust and whether we can fully commit to trust within, or our self-trust becomes dependent upon external influences and circumstances.

When we look closer at our ability and/or choice to fully trust self, it becomes a total spiritual energy and intention or action. Although we often become confused and can mistake a lack of trust in self as lack of faith or trust in the world, others or life in general. We always can and should fully and completely trust in our own self and core being. So in part 2 we take a deeper look at the ability and choices in trusting or not trusting self and how these can and do affect/effect our lives' and shape our image of all things including our potential for the future.

When we consider or factor into this equation our psychological energy or self, we know that a platform of "trust versus mistrust" was formed during those first few months of life. However my guides teach and support in all or any situations, energies and based on their "pyramid"; our spiritual self or identity always holds the highest point of reference. This being said, those that learned trust can become mistrustful or distrustful of self and those patterned with mistrust can overcome with trust. Please note we are currently referring to our own self, rather than trust/mistrust as it deals with relationships, encounters, circumstances or the world view.

We can spiritually overcome, overrule and overwrite any and all patterns whether learned or acquired by connecting to our spiritual self and having a heightened sense of awareness to the spiritual energies that exist within.
So to define self-trust or the opposite which is mistrust or distrust; is the ability and the process of validating our spiritual empowerment and adding trust in what is our highest level. Our spirituality is also our purest form of energy (for most of us, assuming we are of the light) and being pure therefore indicates that our greater or greatest and highest good is always the priority.

For those who consciously fully trust in self, although as humans mistakes are still a part of journey and teaching lessons, we are able to rebound and recover from all forms or types of challenges because we are in "trust". For those that doubt, question or have not fully committed to full spiritual trust in self, although there are still mistakes and lessons, their life becomes much more difficult and chaotic as a result of the lack of trust.

Trust (spiritual self-trust) is absolutely vital to our spiritual growth and without trust we cannot achieve our state of grace, harmony, peace or balance. When we are outside that circle of trust, we then are often placed in constant or reoccurring confusion or conflict when attempting to deal with trust in regards to others. It is impossible to truly trust another human being, or to even have faith in self or future if we first do not have that foundation of trust well established and as our baseline for all other emotions and spiritual connections.

If you are uncertain as to where you place or whether you have validated your self-trust, you can use the following examples to decipher your process of trust and whether it truly exists within.

For those that lack that identity or connection (the full trust of spiritual self) they are often "victims" and betrayal in one form or another seems to be an ongoing issue in almost all types of relationships as well as careers, the future and life in general. Without trust we unintentionally manifest distrust or that which cannot or should not be trusted into our energy or life. And this can easily become a vicious cycle or pattern, where we are betrayed or we project betrayal or the feeling of such whether it actually exists or not. We also tend to view all new scenarios and humans with suspicion and caution. While it can be wise to be cautious in life and relationships to a degree, when suspicion becomes the dominant energy or emotion, we are then in dysfunction and spiritual balance or alignment becomes impossible. If we refer to our "pyramid" without spiritual balance or harmony, it is not possible to achieve that emotionally, cognitively or literally. Those who lack trust tend to be emotionally fragile and quite often misinterpret communication, body language and the meaning behind interactions with all persons and situations. They/we tend to have a low threshold for anxiety, so we are easily thrown into chaos, indecision, doubt and panic over fairly common situations. For example; in arriving at a party or social event, those that lack spiritual trust may eye the room cautiously, stiff body language and emitting an energy that can be seen as distant, aloof or even cold. If another person present glances in their direction, there is an almost automatic assumption that the intention was via a negative gesture. An inner conversation takes place (with thoughts not actual speaking) and such a person may begin to feel anxiety and that something must be amiss, their clothing is not suitable, their hair is out of place or other negative connation’s are usually perceived. In reality, that person glancing is simply curious or may even find the person attractive or perhaps they look familiar, but without that base of self-trust, perceptions are askew.

Or the same person receives a memo at work that asks to come to their manager’s office before leaving for the day. Regardless of the reality and/or facts; the person being well aware of their proficiency and high work standards, dedication and prior compliments, even awards at outstanding service. Those that lack that essential self-trust will almost always envision or grow anxious that something is "wrong". As if a story teller, the person will begin to imagine and fabricate an entire scenario, all of which is or leads to a negative outcome, rather than assuming something positive is to be shared, or it's simply a routine assignment request or change.

As you can see by these examples the process of and lack of self-trust is a debilitating and very limiting energy that creates and causes negative and toxic energy to surround such individual and "blanket" their lives' in every way. Even when such a person is placed into an obviously positive situation, they are simply unable to gracefully accept the positive and as will revert spiritually and emotionally to a state of being "on guard" in preparation for a negative to follow. So if they are being awarded a plaque for outstanding service, or something similar, even as people are applauding and managers or company executives are full of compliments; such person may be smiling but deep down, within the spiritual self-something sinister is taking control.

So for those that have either lost or have yet to embrace their trust of self, spiritually and the identity that such provides; the world even in its best scenarios can feel predatory and dangerous. And this is of course, no way to live our life as it interferes with every aspect or facet of our being.
We cannot truly embrace or have faith as such requires trust first and foremost. How can we believe in something more, better or different when we have lost or never acquired our ability to trust in our true and core self.

Our spiritual self-trust or the process of trust is that which empowers us that give us the courage and strength to believe in our own abilities. Even if those abilities are simply survival, on all levels. And it also influences our faith and hope, that which allows us to endure life's hurdles because we "trust" in self and in the faith and hope that the future can be different.

Next, comparing trust to mistrust and the major differences this process can provide and give our entire being, life and of course all relationships. ~

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