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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "The success of a New Year's evolution, rather than resolutions" Part 4 Conclusion

Dec 24, 2016

"The success of a New Year's evolution, rather than resolutions"
Part 4/conclusion

For those that have been following this blog series, hopefully at this time the differences between evolutions versus resolution has been made clear. And for many it resonates spiritually and offers a positive alternative to intentions for change in the New Year.

While most of what comprises those differences has been outlined, defined and explained, there are only a few final steps along with our energy to make this profound transition. We also can look to and rely on universal law which teaches us that all things spiritual or developed/created in spirit can and should be applied to any and all situations. Simply put, this means that whether your ambition, goal or intention is focusing on physical health, improving existing relationships, or finding the path to career/job changes. It also applies universally whether that intention or our path and steps towards an evolution are something rather minor, or much more significant. We also should be well equipped to embrace the differences in energy and again universally the actual or literal intention or desire is not nearly as important as the influences and factors which proceed and then follow such shifts.

Once we have invited or embraced the energy or idea of a more positive way to create or enhance, we have in fact crossed into the total spiritual light and/or energy.

Once we absorb grace, hope and faith over expectation, guilt and shame, we can begin to set into motion the specifics for our individual path, life and even purpose.

We know that an evolution(s) is meant to be embraced as a transition and therefore a process including taking steps, or moving towards the individual goals or changes. Once we totally release the "resolution" we are not longer chained or cornered into one fixed position, resulting in only one acceptable outcome. It is the disappointment and failure that are usually the result of setting high expectations, without flexibility and certainly without grace, balance or unity.

So the steps we take always begin by communing with our spiritual center or core, so we remain tightly connected to the energy that keeps a positive flame burning. The next steps are those manifestations and actions that all intentions require to become the reality rather than the vision or that easy trap of "someday" or "tomorrow".

The beauty of being in grace and unified with spirit is that we are able to maintain a healthy, positive and functional energy and attitude even before the first step is taken.

So the steps then can become anything relevant that we do or no longer practice that help to slowly prepare us for that ultimate place of change. As we take small but determined steps, we are already successful in whatever endeavor our evolution is intended and manifested to be. Without rigid rules, time frames or expectations, even the smallest step encourages and "feeds" our spiritual core, which in turn supports furthering our cause. So looking at our analogy of diet or a healthier lifestyle; even the smallest action, one less roll, a tad less butter, etc., become very positive in all ways possible.

The steps become important and are essential and vital for achievement or attainment as eventually each of these steps are conjoined and in looking back, we have actually walked a mile (metaphorically) but in a process of steps. It is literally impossible to fail, when we set out intentions to evolve towards our greater good, a higher purpose and perhaps even just learning to cope on a higher level. There is also much less fear of uncertainty or doubts, as again, we are walking and evolving within the constant state of grace, and we hope rather than simply expect.

For many of us 2017 will be a year of great changes and many evolutions throughout the months. Although traditions call upon our cultural habits to set resolutions for the first day of January, by now we know that is not truly necessary.

As humans and spiritual beings, we are blessed with gifts, access to the collective and Divine and spiritual support whenever we evolve or intend to follow an evolution process to reach our highest good. And rare indeed is those that truly fail, as all that is intended for our path, purpose and higher good is difficult to be dismissed by the external. And at times we may be walking in grace towards the evolution to find that just the change in being or energy was all that was actually necessary. Once that has shifted and we are unified, in balance, harmony and peace, much of the rest will come naturally. Or become a result of the change in energy, and the patterns we may have developed no matter how dysfunctional that have been.

Today, tomorrow, New Year's Day, along with June or October are all opportunities. Each day dawns with the potential and opportunity to alter our state of being, which in turn alters our life and even our “life source”?

So I wish all a happy Hanukah, Merry Christmas and whatever holiday you may be celebrating. And when we ring in the New Year in just about a week, may all find their evolution and let that be the first part of changes stepping forward.
"The success of a New Year's evolution, rather than resolutions"

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