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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "The success of a New Year's evolution, rather than resolutions" Part 3

Dec 23, 2016

"The success of a New Year's evolution, rather than resolutions"
Part 3

So as humans, the majority of us are often seeking changes or yearning and/or aspiring towards some form of improvement. Whether that change or shift is a promotion in our career, or perhaps even a change in companies or even our chosen field. Or aside from external intentions or envisioned change it may also be something internally, not just always about our physical self, but many other aspects. We may wish to be more outspoken, or on the other side of the scale work to achieve being more compassionate, patient and understanding. As mentioned the influences, behaviors-internal or external are as varied as we are as individuals.

And certainly there are habits, traits, behaviors and/or coping skills that create negative disruption and energy in our life and the ability to achieve our potential. Also there are those that may be viewed as "minor" changes, that have little effect but that doesn't necessarily indicate such is any less important in our being, energy, core, path or life.

It is of course reasonable to ascertain that the more significant the issue of either embracing or "adding" to our life or lifestyle or releasing, stopping or letting go of those more major issues do require more attention. The greater an issue affects our life or impacts the present, future, self-image or identity and relationships, the more crucial the need for changes.

As we learn to shift our intentions, energy and cognitive process from that of forming or creating a "resolution" into that of an "evolution", we start with our spiritual center.

As my guides shared in parts 1 and 2, setting up a resolution towards change in any aspect or manner, is placing the pressure and expectation that in itself creates chaos and anxiety.

If by now you have a good understanding of the difference, then it is time to work towards making that transition and what steps are taken to transfer into "evolution". We have covered a great deal about how evolution in its intention, manifestation and process is energy and a constant source of serving our greater good. So again not only are we then moving towards changes, shifts or growth within self and our life, path, etc., the very definition and therefore process or steps elevate our potential.

In learning to transfer our intentions or manifesting and/or creating into evolution, the first step is as with so many spiritual endeavors, letting go of ALL expectations. When humans set about expecting a specific outcome. And in most cases there is nothing to support that outcome or expectation other than an intention of such change or alteration.

In an evolution, we first take the steps of embracing the intention of what/how/who or in other words the nature of any changes or shifts. This is true whether internal, external or letting go or releasing. Rather than setting up expectation we first create an intention that begins in our spiritual core or center that accepts there is a chance for that intention to not fully manifest. Or we also are able to be flexible in that such an intention that moves into a manifestation and action may alter, so a shift can shift, and hope is towards our greater good in general.

Once we allow ourselves to be flexible, it is not intended to imply that we do not use all possible resources towards that goal or evolution; but that we walk in grace and carry hope and faith rather than a tightly woven expectation.
Therefore when we embrace hope as opposed to expectation, we are in a state of grace as we unite or harmonize with our spiritual self and begin to move towards manifesting.

If we use the analogy we have been using of diet or healthier eating habits, we look at the profound difference in resolution (expectation) versus evolution (hope). If we set a resolution we are expecting a significant change to occur and on a schedule, with no room for expansion, growth or steps. Only ONE specific outcome is accepted and expected and for humans that generally leads to failure. When we fail, we not only the abandon that potential of change, we also damage our self image, identity and empowerment. It causes anxiety, distress and feelings of not being adequate or in "control" of these changes because we were not successful under the pretense and rules of the "resolution".

In developing an evolution; the intention is to work towards a healthier lifestyle, focused on eating habits. We do not expect a miraculous change because a new day has dawned, but embrace a process as we build or unify our spiritual agenda into our external life. We do not see the steps as failures and hope remains constant along with the faith that what we may not fully accomplish in one day or even 5, we can and will eventually be transformed. So rather than clearing out our refrigerator or trying or attempting drastic measures, we expect a process to be just that, a slow but steady and consistent process that is both realistic and ultimately serves our greater good.

And during our steps, process or moving into manifesting, rather than feelings of doubt, shame or distress; we embrace hope, potential and the empowerment of spirit. So in both instances it is not just about outcomes, but more important the energy, influences and emotional status or our being that either is pulled into a negative or toxic place, or uplifted by grace and possibility.

Next, manifesting and actions, how we invite change by either new directions or releasing what is not serving. All that is our greater good.

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