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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "The success of a New Year's evolution, rather than resolutions" Part 2

Dec 22, 2016

"The success of a New Year's evolution, rather than resolutions"
Part 2

As we begin to consider and understand the dynamics, influences, factors and energies in resolutions versus evolution; we can begin to acknowledge that major differences exist.
If we only glance at both words out of their intended spiritual and/or emotional context, they can appear to be one and the same, but in reality are almost opposite of one another.
From the online version of the Merriam-Webster dictionary we find the following definitions;

Definition of resolution
: the act or process of resolving: as
a : the act of analyzing a complex notion into simpler ones
b : the act of answering : solving
c : the act of determining
: the subsidence of a pathological state (as inflammation)
a : something that is resolved <made a resolution to mend my ways>
b : firmness of resolve
: a formal expression of opinion, will, or intent voted by an official body or assembled group

Definition of evolution
: one of a set of prescribed movements
a : a process of change in a certain direction : unfolding
b : the action or an instance of forming and giving something off : emission
c (1) : a process of continuous change from a lower, simpler, or worse to a higher, more complex, or better state : growth (2) : a process of gradual and relatively peaceful social, political, and economic advance
d : something evolved
: the process of working out or developing
: a process in which the whole universe is a progression of interrelated phenomena

**Note- in both words, some of the full definitions were omitted as these pertained to scientific data or measurements and had no relevance to our topic**

So just by reading the literal definitions we are able to compare and relate those differences in how such a difference can be either supportive of an intention or an expectation without support or understanding.

My guides have also shared in numerous topics and overall that as humans when we place expectations upon ourselves, other humans or even circumstances or situations, we often suffer disappointment. Hoping for an outcome, change or shift allows us to consciously create intentions which often can be manifested by actions, however it is an energy or state of being of grace rather than obsession. A state of grace (defined also in other blogs) is the acceptance of what is, while creating the intention or manifestation that indulges hope and faith but in the sense of a more universal change, rather than boxed or specific.

When we look closer at "evolution" both as defined by the dictionary and more so from a spiritual view; we begin to embrace that evolution is more of a process than an instant alteration. For example in part one we used an example of dieting or eating healthier as one of the most popular of those New Year resolutions. Although the intention is honorable and there are humans that can greatly improve their self-image and the quality of life by making changes in eating or exercise we need to accept reality or possibility rather than demands. For a person that has spent probably years with unhealthy eating habits, whether there are genetic predispositions (generations of family that struggled with food, addiction to food and weight=health) or we use food as a reward or comfort resource, most are not going to be successful at changing. Any habit or pattern takes months or even years to develop into a habit, and just based on an expectation and a date change from 12/31 to 1/1 is not supportive enough to produce successful or long term results. An evolution can provide the same or a very similar outcome, however the intention, manifestation and ability to maintain grace is what allows for success versus failure. Also as humans when we attempt any form of change, whether internal or external and we have some form of "relapse" or seem to crave or become fixated on the challenges within change, we simply cannot be healthy and therefore change fluctuates and becomes a chaotic state of being.

To intend or set up healthy intentions that work or influence as an evolution, we are in grace and allowing for a process or steps towards our goal. There is no hard and fast expectations so rather than seeing our intended shifts as pass or fail; and evolution recognizes a process.
When for example we create an intention to diet or even gain weight, either for becoming healthier physically and to support a higher self worth or self image. In comparison, a resolution is suggested of the physical change and places pressure on humans that such changes are only choice, which falsely supports a theory that changes or shifts are easy and include only that specified resolution. If we instead look at the evolution towards a higher state, or for example to change or alter eating habits for better health and self image, we are able to embrace all factors, influences and energies.

So when we look at setting evolutions or creating via our intention for reaching a higher state, whether physical, external (job, career) emotional which associates with relationships and interactions, we are able to rely on all of our spiritual power. And not only are we in a constant state of grace as we use our spiritual gifts, defining gifts as our spiritual abundance but we can call on Divine, or any belief system that supports spirituality. And in this energy rather than setting expectations that declare our changes or shifts to be one way or the other; we become flexible and able to move in step or as a process rather than a profound or significant attempt at a change.

For those that begin to create these intentions, regardless of the individual, even beginning with the acceptance of all change comes through transitions, (process or steps) rather than from some established date or time in of itself our chances are success are significantly higher.

So using the example of eating healthier; a resolution would require that we wake up on that specific day and attempt to eat not only less (or possibly more depending on our health needs) but also that we eliminate patterns, habits and even actual food items that have been factors or present in our life for any number of years. It stands to reason that if these changes and not just our example but virtually any/all change were that easy, we would have created or set our own date and would not need a "New Year" for changes or shifts.

When we instead invite within our energy and manifestations the process of an evolution, we are equipped with greater power AND we are realistic discarding those toxic expectations. So instead of for example taking away or adding a large expectation of change in eating, food or habits, we first bond within. This becomes first and foremost a spiritual journey that filters into our physical realm and is hoped to serve our greater good. So we may perhaps begin to choose just a bit less (or a bit more) of the amounts, or maybe begin by making just one substitution. So maybe that is using a low calorie butter substitute instead of butter or for those that drink carbonated beverages daily, making some minor changes to start. So we might drink four sodas or beverages with sugar and begin by substituting one for something with no sugar or a sugar substitute.

Our energy spiritually and emotionally must be relaxed and hopeful rather than chaotic and expectant. As we begin to move through an evolution, success becomes attainable because we pace both our external change and our inner definition.
All things we do in life as humans, begin with a spiritual energy, influence, intention or some factor. And when we remain reminded or aware, we are truly able to create changes, even if those are slower or done step by step.

Next, how the evolution helps our purpose and path and allows for success rather than failure or disappointment.

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