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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "The Spiritual Empath" Part 1

Jan 19, 2017

"The Spiritual empath"
Part 1

In this mini-series we take a look at the meaning, definition and all factors that surround being a true "empath". As always my guides begin by sharing their specific definition for a particular context, so that alternate meanings do not cause confusion or questions. A true "empath" is a person that has a very strong spiritual affinity to the feelings, moods and energy of other human beings. And even at times an empath can pick up the energy or the general feeling that is emitted by a collective group. So a collective group rather than being the universal collective would be a more specific group. So for example it may be the work environment, the co-workers or team members we have frequent contact and interaction with. It can also be a business, maybe a hair or nail salon, a feed store or even a coffee house. In larger group settings although an empath certain taps into the energy, because there are so many in sheer number and with varying energies, moods, etc., it cannot be lumped together. The empath is still able to tap into such, but it becomes a very chaotic and conflicted scenario of all types of feelings, positive and negative.

There are many humans that are true empath's, but may not be familiar with the term and/or its meaning and also may not fully even understand what they seem to absorb or feel from others.

So in defining an empath, first it does not require one to be in any type of spiritual profession. Although to some degree most in such profession or working as an intuitive have empathic abilities to some degree, not all psychics or experts are strong empaths. And on the other hand, there are many humans working in all variety of careers and from all walks of life that are naturally gifted with the abilities of an empath. An empath has an unconscious connection that is in an almost constant state of being turned "on" (as in active versus non-active) and doesn't require any special steps or practice. It is an automatic spiritually developed sense or sensation where the feelings, mood, and at times even thoughts are picked up by the empath without the sender even being aware of that transmission. In a sense it is like a radio that plays on one station constantly and although it can be "fixed" to lower the volume, it is never totally turned off or stopped.

Although in many situations the ability or the gift or blessing of being a natural empath can be of great assistance, support or help when interacting or dealing with family and friends. In other situations it can almost feel overwhelming, intrusive and create a great deal of sensitivity to many. Imagine walking through a mall, and being assailed with various emotions, energies and feelings. From picking up those that are suffering, in distress and/or grief, to those joyous, happy and balanced. Even when the energy or the spiritual and emotional feeling is positive, it can still be difficult to deal with when we are unable or unaware of how to stop or quiet the "noise".

For those that are true empath's, it goes beyond being sympathetic to someone due to their current circumstances.
There is a huge difference between being sympathetic- able to relate to the current situation and the emotions and feelings associated with a particular individual. For most that are sympathetic, this is more of a cognitive and controlled gift, or the ability to relate to another to offer support, understanding and assistance if necessary.
An empath usually has no choice, and the help, support and feelings are often felt so strongly that it is almost as though the experience was actually occurring to the empath. So the difference in reality is huge. Being sympathetic is an honorable and positive trait, but again its easily controlled and well within our grasp of understanding and to feel for another human, without having or experiencing deep and extreme results.

For many, being an empath doesn't always feel to be a true gift. In fact there are many humans especially those that do not fully understand what this means or how to deal effectively with the influence and effects can be almost debilitating and can actually become so strong and dominant it can cause chaos or issues in our own life.

Join us as we take a deeper look at the "empath" and all that is entailed in carrying this spiritual connection.

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