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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "The power of spirituality, the empowered soul" Part 2

Sep 21, 2016

The power of spirituality, the empowered soul"
Part 2

In various topics and specifically in dealing with the power that exists within our spirit or soul my guides have often referred to a pyramid. The soul/spirit is the top or the highest point and from there it trickles down to our emotional, cognitive and physical energy, not necessarily in that exact order.

Another way we can try to understand and raise awareness within of this power or the levels within is to use the image of a lighthouse. Our spirit/soul carries the light and as we consistently remind that this energy is not just of self, but the collective, creator, source, Divine or God; a universal connection of constant resources. While there are many if not most of us as humans that do recognize some form of the soul/spirit that dwell in humans if not all living beings or life forms. We still do not always have the tools or for whatever reason are active in our intentions and manifestations of this "super power".

The truth is however that it is our spirit/soul that can overcome, recover, rebound and heal from any pain, trauma or event that occurs in any other part of our being. That is not however to imply that overcoming or even utilizing all of our spiritual power makes all challenges easy or trivial.

My guides do not minimize nor attempt to disable the feelings or emotions that arise and are real and should be validated when struggle or conflict arises. What we can state with truth is that those that attempt to navigate life and neglect or ignore their spiritual power cannot be empowered beings. And those that are not empowered are weaker than those that have found that code.

For each of us the way may vary; how I personally choose to pull out my spirit's power and energy and then the way in which I rely on such may be totally different from others. There is no right/wrong way of accessing or pulling from that source, there is only the potential for not taking control of and working with the soul's energy that is our strongest ally, friend and all powerful.

Again imagine the lighthouse; a light house is a very tall tower that has a huge beacon of light and is contracted along the shoreline. This beacon was used exclusively for many situations for all the ships at sea before technology brought us faster and better forms of communication. The light could safely bring a ship into harbor during darkness or a storm. It could also be used almost in a Morse code effect to warn sailors and captains of upcoming weather, fog or perhaps hurricanes, winds and waves. And for many small villages and communities the lighthouse was also a way to communicate with loved one's out at sea. In the days when all relied on the lighthouse, both on land and ocean, it was not uncommon for personal messages to be sent by using the beacon or light in a sign of distress or even an all is well. In those times there was someone that constantly stayed in the lighthouse often living within and carrying on their duties 24/7. This was a post that was given to the most reliable and considered a great honor as well as a responsibility. If the watch tower missed an important signal, there were literally lives’ at stake.

So in understanding the power that dwells within our spirit/soul and what that power is truly capable of, think of your spirit/soul as the beacon of light shining from the tower or lighthouse. We as humans are expected and each of us are given the full responsibility of our own "light" and if we are neglectful or unaware, we can miss those very important signals. And in most cases with humans it is not deliberate neglect but instead being unaware of the strength of that power and without the proper guidance in how to tap into all it can provide.

Helping us becomes empowered and/or reaching into the depth of power our spirit/soul contains is something that can be done by visiting an expert on Starz for example. There are also resources online and my guides will share some suggestions and provide information as we move further into this topic.

For now we need to really absorb the profound and immense power that is contained within our spirit/soul and how that can be pulled or tapped into so many different ways.

The power house (imagine the beacon of light at the lighthouse) that is our soul/spirit is the force of unstoppable energy that can propel us forward no matter the situation. It is an energy or force so strong that it cannot be equated with any other. It also is infinite in the ability to provide energy to our entire being. Whether that is needed in the form of healing, guidance, faith or hope all things can and are provided without end.

So empowerment simply becomes those that have incorporated the power and energy into their full being, the present and all that is created towards or for the future.

Next, ways in which we can access our power house.

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