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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "The Power of our Perceptions"

Jan 24, 2017

"The power of our perceptions"
Starz BlogTalk Radio, Monday 1/23- 8pm EST

As always our hosts are Natalie AKA StarzCast (Owner/founder/CEO of Starz and affiliates) and myself, Maya AKA StarzMayaMoon. Natalie and I have been co-hosting the show together for a year or more, and are always in synch while also bringing fresh insights to whatever the topic or subject matter.

And last night's show was no different as we both shared various personal stories and offered examples of how we often tend to perceive or judge others. Although it may not be a part of our human nature we think about, or have perhaps taken the time to analyze, it has a significant spiritual impact on how we view the world, others and our self.

When we talk about perceptions in this format, we refer to our almost instantanteous inner gauge or monitor which draws a conclusion or "profiles" another individual based on what is presented at that moment. Whether we refer to this as a perception, profiling of making assumptions it really all comes down to judging others, based on almost no real information regarding their life, challenges, etc., and only what we may see or hear for perhaps even just a moment. We may pass a homeless man on the street and it can be easy to assume they are lazy and perhaps an addict. But the truth is we have no knowledge at all about their life and how or why they landed in the current situation.

Also we discussed that we all emit our own brand of energy, our signature in a sense. All humans being spiritual beings release or transmit energy, even if they are not communicating in any other way. And just as we may find ourselves making assumptions or relying on the perception of what "seems to be" when it comes to other humans, we in turn are being assessed, perceived and finally judged. For many of us that are unaware of how quickly we reach a conclusion, we may find that others are more apt to reach conclusions or assumptions about our life, self or who we may be just as quickly. And as the old saying goes; "don't judge a book by its cover" this could not be more accurate when it comes to what or how we choose to perceive the world and all the numerous humans and people we come into contact with under a variety of situations.

As always Natalie is our "spiritual light" and has shared with us on numerous occasions her insight and guidance and more important, her example of living life through love. She not only is always ready to lend a helping hand whether in the grocery store or helping her neighborhood receive the proper assistance after the hurricane in November. Natalie truly is an inspiration and a spiritual "icon" for those that wish to walk in grace.

To paraphrase Natalie and how she concluded the show, also offering insight and her special brand of wisdom with a synopsis of how we all can be less judgmental and instead compassionate and caring.

Always know you are the best, treat yourself as the being just as good as others and others as being just as good as you. Open your hearts and rather than see with your eyes; a missing tooth, tattered clothes, fumbling at the checkout because they are likely new- use your heart. Make a daily choice and live by that choice to never assume you know someone based on a moment in time, a glimpse or what they present in any encounter no matter how brief. Be forgiving, compassionate and reach out with a compliment, a kind word, an offer to help or assist. Or perhaps let the obviously new person know, that everyone who has worked a job has been new at some point. That is the epitome of truly walking in grace and all that we lovingly give will always be returned to us in some form. It becomes a much better life and is filled with pleasant and positive experiences when we choose to NOT form assumptions or definitions but instead, extend a friendly smile or some other token of appreciation.

When we alter or shift our intentions and make it a point to view the world, the collective and all others through love and compassion, our energy or that "signature" sends a message that truly can change lives. And the life that can be changed the most is our own.

From me, (Maya) I could not agree more with all of Natalie's insights and examples. And I added to this that we never know when we may be that person that stands out or could easily be judged or perceived in a way that is nothing even close to our true nature. Maybe we threw on old clothes and rushed out of the house without fixing or hair or paying attention because we had a sick friend that needed something ASAP. Or maybe we ran into a store, umbrella ruined and dripping wet from the rain.

Perceptions should be saved for use with our intuition or when reading the energy, not the "cover" that another human presents. And when it's all said and done, we all are equal in the eyes of God, Creator or source.

If you missed our show, go to Starz homepage and click on the link; it offers a variety of formats to listen to all previous shows, not just yesterday's. Be sure to join us every Monday night at 8pm EST, we look forward to seeing you!

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