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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "The Others" Part 7

Sep 15, 2016

"The Others"

Part 7/conclusion

Indigo children, star children, hybrids, crystal, rainbow, and numerous others.

As we come to the conclusion on our mini-series of the "others" we hope that you may have gained some insight into spiritual questions or even mysterious situations you may have experienced. There are many facets and along with that many influences, energies and therefore belief systems. While perhaps some can be proven to a degree there are certainly more that are a combination of many knowledgeable humans and information that has been shared, studied and passed down through many generations.

My guides rarely share negative insights that do not or cannot in any way serve our greater good; therefore this is not meant to be used as speculation for what may potentially exist in this enormous galaxy. A universe so profoundly unexplored by most humans that we cannot even begin to know what the real potential might be. It is also not meant to convince those that believe otherwise that there are other life forms; however my guides support this as presumptive and with confidence. There is never any question that our universe and/or galaxy is full of many inhabited planets of various size, type and with life forms that are as varied as the stars in the sky.

My guides are not attempting to claim inside knowledge over or above others, just attesting to their belief that there are many that walk among us here on earth that do not refer to this earth, this planet as home.

If you have been following this blog then you know that my guides feel strongly that there are almost two very distinct groups among the "others"; those that are from a spiritual realm and those from other actual planets. In the first group we discussed the various purposes, lessons and their reason for becoming a part of our race-the true humans.

When we discuss the "others" that carry DNA that comes from a planet or even a group of planets or any physical and literal world or planet much like earth in its existence there is much that is different. According to the information shared by my guides these intercellular beings have been sent to earth to walk among us for as long as we have existed; whether we recognize this to be thousands or even millions of years. Just as various races and cultures set sail or journeyed across the plains, the mountains and the prairies. They all came from different backgrounds, spoke different languages and practiced often conflicting religions, beliefs, rituals, etc. And when they set about their travel, then did not always expect to even meet "others", yet of course they did and our existing planet is now an amazing world of every imaginable race, creed and color.

When it comes to those that have intentionally been sent to scout or to simply study and/or learn there are many reasons the majority of those are to help both us, the pure human race. And also to help their home planet, but also perhaps to help the collective; using the word the collective to indicate all beings and all life forms.

For those that are interested in gathering more details some of which is beliefs and speculations, some is evidence gathered from firsthand accounts of encounters and interaction there is an abundance of information available on the web. They talk about several star systems (stars as in planets) and even how these life forms live, what their planet is like, physical characteristics as well as their beings and the bond that brings us all together, our spiritual connection.

It is our stand that just as we have used our technology to explore the moon and go as far as our knowledge allows, the same is true of other planets, but perhaps their technical ability is far advanced allowing travel we have yet to discover.
They walk among us and there have been many reports of those that have been willing and even eager to talk about "home" and share the beauty and the challenges we all face. Even sending scouts is not to spy on us or to watch us for any evil or negative intention, but to know us better in the hopes perhaps that if or when they may come forward, fear is not our first reaction.

It is also very likely or quite possible that many that is not 100% human or would not refer to earth as their "home planet" are sent here to work with humans, as they seem to have a higher spiritual energy. Whether this is from nature or their home, either way it can be of great benefit to us and when Divine decides the timing is right, they can help to bring all of us together. It is even supported by some that as we become blended and there is again some belief that many will mate with humans; having hybrid children that grow up and repeat, we become a blend of all things. Just as we have here on earth, except this would be on a grand scale and for a greater purpose.

Those that are willing or leave their "home" for the intention, purpose and agenda to assist both the humans here and their own people, there has to be a genuine state of grace and compassion that is immense. The average human would not easily give up their life, their ways, their friends and family simply to be a part of something for the greater good that may be hundreds of years away.

And no one can really say if and when a total blending can and will occur, or this will always be an ongoing process. It simply seems to resonate and just as we have both the spirit of adventure but often a true need in moving further especially in the beginning; in a great many ways for humans and the others, this is that beginning all over again.

There is much to take in a lot to believe and little to prove one theory over another. Much of this is based on faith or just the feeling. Or again for those of us perhaps lucky enough to be from another "home" or to have met one that claims to be.

One thing however seems certain, among humans, there are "others" and they walk and interact and have become a part of who we are. And it then seems likely that one day, we will become a part of whom or what they are. Eventually; there will be no "others" there will just be life~~

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