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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "The Others" Part 6

Sep 13, 2016

"The Others"
Part 6

Indigo children, star children, hybrids, crystal, rainbow, and numerous others.

They hybrids are the only section or part of the "others" that may not have the best intentions for humans and our world or earth. There is a great deal of speculation whether breeding programs are to create a hybrid that can serve humans as well as the other specific life form or whether for unknown reasons they are dying off. If we look at how many years ago animals were kept confined in cages rather than their natural habitat at zoos and sanctuary’s it gives us a possible outcome. There are some that believe the life form or ET DNA may be the dominant traits or the energy and influence and that some do not carry the same spiritual connection we do. My guides believe that these are the less common hybrids but that they do indeed exist. Their planets and way of life have become threatened and we are seen as a resource rather than a life form. Which sadly is likely how we would treat one or a small group of aliens, rather than befriending and sharing peace we are more apt to capture these for extensive study.

The most common of the hybrids come from approximately 10 various galaxies or planets and there could be many more. They do their best to blend in but their physical needs are much different and therefore they need to be in almost constant contact with their "people" and absorbing the messages sent and preparing for a large visitation. It is possible that those humans that report seeing UFO'S or contact and feel no fear, but instead familiarity, comfort and even a sense of peace are likely hybrids. They are unable to use many of the medications and/or treatments we use for illness but they are capable of healing self. If something is too severe, they can get assistance. The human side of hybrids although it is the smaller part can still get sick or injured to a degree the same as any human.

One of the ways that hybrids are often suspected is their very private way of life and almost mysterious existence. They do often hold jobs because it is their purpose to learn all they can about human beings. However when social invitations crop up or normal questions about a partner or spouse, the hybrids become very anxious and never seem to provide a straightforward answer.

Because these hybrids all come from different planets, the DNA differs a bit and they often have varied physical characteristics. There are some hybrids who have been sent for the sole purpose of watching and they keep a very low profile as even a glimpse into their face is likely to give them away or at least give reason for questions and concerns. These hybrids may use disguises, living on the street, wearing clothes, hats etc. to help hide their true appearances.

Then there exist the highest spiritual hybrids. Their intentions and purpose is to learn our culture, study our emotion and how we work with our earth/planet. They look or are close enough in looks to the average human that they can easily pass. The minor differences that may be visible or noticed can easily be passed off as one who is just a bit "different “or is perhaps less attractive according to our society and their scale. The planets they call home are waiting until we need help and are unable to pull ourselves out from under damage to the environment or misery caused by judgment, bias, etc. So everything about their agenda and intention is to serve humans and to help us by sharing all of their knowledge. In fact this is also an area of great debate; there are many that believe that these hybrids are actually angelic or spiritual and come from the higher real rather than an actual planet that is similar to our earth. They are unique and blended in many ways just as pure humans have various race, ethnic groups, etc. They can all look a bit different in small ways the same as humans do have small physical traits that vary from race and ethnicity.

They hybrids do not feel to my guides that they are not a threat, but they feel more likely that these hybrids come from other planets and many have very evolved spirituality but they are not in or from what we would call "heaven".
It is possible you have seen a hybrid as according to various sources including my guides at least 30% of our existing population throughout the earth is indeed hybrids. And there is nothing to be frightened of, they are not here to harm us or take us away.

Next we take a look at planets that send scouts and their potential agendas ~

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