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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "The Others" Part 5

Sep 12, 2016

"The Others"
Part 5

Indigo children, star children, hybrids, crystal, rainbow, and numerous others.

The Rainbow children are often considered to be very different from most others. Although there were some born or ascended prior the majority of Rainbow's came in or after 2000. It is believed by many well known authorities on this subject that the Rainbow children are almost fully spiritual; meaning they would almost be equal to those in the spirit world. They have a great purpose and it is used within their respective families now and will put used universally or collectively as they mature.

They are the easiest of all the various "others" they always either enter into or are able to bring balance and function to their families, friends and are often mediators when there is a scuffle. Of all the types, the Rainbow children do not do drugs nor drink as their message is in teaching us control of our emotions. Also to help us understand that we can feel without becoming lost in that feeling and we are not defined by that which feel or our reaction.

So they have a powerful message and it is not intended to keep us from feeling but to help us express our feelings in a more controlled way and again to understand the base or foundation of emotions or feelings.

They are usually illuminated or carry a glow and are always found attractive. They may not all have the "current" or popular look and are actually varied in physical characteristics. It is that light around Rainbow's that seems to pull people in and of both genders, all genders feel the allure not sexual but more in just a feeling of being in the midst or near something very special.

They are also the psychic and gifted but not like the Crystal or those that have subconscious knowledge of our world as a whole and how it is to become as with Star children. Rainbow children carry this more in the sense of a gift that any other human has are very humble regarding such gifts.

They are very loving, easy going and generally have no learning issues or problems fitting it. Although they are a bit different their inner image is that they fit in and are needed and loved, therefore they never struggle in a negative way with self-image.

When it comes to their identity and going through puberty they have few if any issues and seem to transform smoothly and naturally.

Although there are numerous beliefs on their background or where the Rainbow children originated; my guides believe they are from Spirit sent by Divine, God or creator.

They are born or were born and maturing to counter act the sub-culture of entitlement and those humans without any motivation or drive. They do not appear to be linked with any particular planet or solar system but in a sense represent all life forms and the entire universe whether we are aware of such or not.

They will not be as strongly leaders as those that mentor our next leaders and strongly seen in the judicial system. Because they have gifts to read humans, are totally just and fair, they are gifted to choose the right punishment for the crime. They also work well as motivational speakers and with generations X and Y when dealing with addictions or such coping skills. It feels that the Rainbow children are growing in numbers so their gentle, loving influence and their ability to teach us emotions and how to use not be used by such.

Rainbow children as their name implies love bright, bold colors and enjoy using contrasting shades, however for some reason they always have the ability of making a room, house or painted picture turn out amazing.

Because they are about 16 now, they are seen as the generation that is gaining in popularity, individuals, and some considered "hippies" but without the drugs and free love. They are kind to all they meet and treat all animals and living beings with honor and respect.

It is always a unique pleasure to meet a Rainbow child but will become more so when they have grown into adulthood, and they can begin to really put their mission to work.

For many they believe that the Rainbow children are the "saviors" or the angels in human bodies sent to save humanity and our planet. We believe that is likely true.

Next, the others from planets, the hybrids ~

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