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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "The greater good, the influence and power of the collective" Part 2

Nov 9, 2016

"The greater good, the influence and power of the collective"
Part 2

As we mentioned and attempted to explain in part 1, each of us individually are the greater good, with the whole or the sum of the collective being considered or often referred to as that "greater good". It can be a bit confusing as we refer to the collective which again is defined in this context as that of all the spiritual energy from humans on earth. It is meant for those currently living and although there does exist a "collective “energy that encompasses all "earthlings" or all that has life, animals, plants, coral, quartz, gems, etc., in this series we are looking only at the spiritual grid or the connection among, within or between humans.

So while the collective is then referred to as the "greater good" of humanity; it can become confusing to also assess that each and/or every individual, regardless of their human traits or humanity also is termed the greater good. So to better understand the meaning and therefore the potential and influences of the "greater good of the collective"; we further define the "greater good" in this specific context.

The greater good is the attribute, the energy and the spirituality of intentions that exist deep within each spirit/soul in purity and true grace. It is within this collective, to one another and Divine to serve each of us to our highest. So therefore one cannot truly exist without the other. It is each and all that becomes or is that "greater good". We might use the analogy of any type of gadget that uses batteries. When relying on battery power, regardless of the number of batteries used, it takes only ONE battery to lose its source of energy (power) and no matter how new, fresh or charged the other batteries may be this gadget either will not work, or will malfunction in some way. In this analogy the idea is that all is required to achieve full power or use of whatever powered item we are attempting to use. The working batteries may not need replacing and so we may simply replace the one that has lost power, often through trial and error and our item once again works properly.

To understand the energy and significance of the collective, if we lose even one (like a battery) the affects can be profound and have the potential to create chaos, indifference and a loss of our strong cords of connection. Because the cord (invisible, spiritual) attaches to all humans and their spiritual energy; then those cords all come from whatever we may recognize as that greater or higher power, whether just Divine, God, source, etc... They maintain some form of the attachment. And although this connection is also one of our subconscious and purest spiritual energy, we are not generally aware of its connection or at times when the cord becomes thin or worn (like the low battery) and begins to affect our individual path and life, but also that of others.

As with many things in life, when all is in harmony and alignment we may feel empowered or our energy/being is within that state of constant grace or harmony. But we do not always attach this to that collective energy for the greater good. However when the attachment or connection grows weak, either from a breakdown within our personal self or another within the collective; this is much more easily recognized as something being spiritually amiss, or a feeling that is difficult to articulate but can be strong and often chaotic and distressing to many.

Just as the analogy with the battery; only one of many caused a break down or malfunction and this is true with our collective energies. It may be our own temporary disconnection and can be caused by a myriad of factors in our life. The death of a loved one, relationship issues, job or career loss, financial issues, etc. Anything whether external or internal that causes a "malfunction" within our lives' or a shift or change that we are not quite able to embrace or accept is enough to create distress and then it becomes reflected within our collective connections via our own spiritual energy or core.

We can also feel the effects, whether during or at times after when something occurs that disrupts the flow of energies and alters our collective in a significant or profound way. And staying relevant; the best example of a "collective" disruption or pressure on our "cords" within the collective would be the election for a US President which finally ended last evening. Using this as a prime example, the outcome as it stands has created both those that rejoice, but more significantly are those that feel shattered and/or broken. And this would be just as true had the winner been the loser, or the results were reversed. When an event or circumstance occurs in which the majority have some stake in the outcome and/or the potential of outcome; the collective and the pursuit of the "greater good" is deeply affected.

When our collective spiritual energy receives what becomes perceived as a blow or a major setback, challenge or even disappointment, this ripples throughout all of the "cords" and the entire chain so to speak. And many times what is perceived may not even be the actual or real "truth" however as humans we react to that which we perceive to be either a positive, negative or neutral. In this case, it is seen to be positive and negative depending on the individual's perception and expectations for outcome.

And within all of this framework that defines the collective and therefore the greater good as well there are many spiritual and emotional responses or reactions which even if we are not fully aware of from where they come, they affect our image. We also much carry always within the faith and hope that ALL things can be overcome, and these challenges no matter what they may be are easier when we are well within the collective and it's "blanket" of protection so to speak.

Next more on the effects of the collective and how we detach and/or reattach.

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