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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "The fixer-upper" Part 6

Oct 16, 2016

"The fixer-upper"
The complex and dysfunctional energy when we continually seek a partner and perhaps a friend that needs to be fixed.

Part 6/conclusion

When we finally unite with our spiritual and emotional needs, wants and that which we require, we then and only then find our true balance and alignment. For those that have lived in search of that which needs or is perceived to need "fixing", we unintentionally detach from our own higher/greater self and instead create or form unhealthy attachments to other humans. Although "fixing" or the energy of such is not exclusive to other beings, in its raw form and in any or all destructive habits it always takes shape or form around another human or relationship.

It does appear that for many, this is intertwined with romantic interests or the pursuit of love, companionship and love. It does not however limit to only that which stands as a potential partner, lover or life partner but can appear in friendships and often family systems and the intricate dynamics.

If you have kept up with this mini-series and blog, one should be quite familiar with the possible drive or what causes a human to be driven towards that allure. The beckoning energy that seems to offer a solution to all or many of our spiritual holes and whatever is lacking from within. We demonstrate and validate the existence of this need or in a sense that which has become broken or compromised in our own self each time we pursue the intention to rebuild, adjust, shift or even change.

Each of these factors, influences and energies are in reality our own spirit or soul's cry for help, yet such becomes drowned out by the howl and moans (metaphorically) of others.
In the last two blog entries we provided examples of this energy and demonstrated a variety of intentions and actions to reverse the process by absorbing our own deep reflection instead.

While many of us easily or fluidly move into a new system from within; a conscious and controlled shift of that which was emitted externally and now becomes internally. Yet for some these deeply ingrained patterns and/or habits have become so much a part of our self-image and identity it is often challenging to find our true or higher self among the wreckage.

If you refer back to earlier blogs this month and even the end of September there exist a definitive pattern subsidized via my guides sharing and imparting their insights and spiritual significance. Among those that play an important role in this energy of moving INTO self for repair and retreat are; our spiritual power and empowerment. The steps of spirituality, which indicates that the difference from there (seeking to fix others versus self reflection) is merely a set of small steps. All is fueled by our intention and abiding in the state of grace, embracing all hope and faith that change can and will be done.

Therefore we begin this task by one small step, the metaphoric or the spiritual step is the intention to change, alter and redirect our energy inward. It also implies there must be risk and most especially sacrifice. Our sacrifice is not in the sense of giving away all of our earthly possessions, or exiting all relationships to become cloistered in retreat. But rather sacrificing our fear or the potential revelations that surely await us all when we unite with the trine or trinity. It is our humanity and nature to prefer solving the problems of others or in some cases leading our life in such belief therefore avoiding what lies broken within.

Fear is powerful and those that fear those memories or past grievances both suffered and those instigated will flood our mind, heart and soul rendering us unclean. Or placing our carefully structured persona off, much like a mask revealing what lies underneath. Although the fears are absolutely real, we are made in the image of our creator or the Divine, therefore we carry always more in love, compassion and beauty than any other possible energy or state of being. Mistakes are and always shall be a part of our life path and journey and though some cannot be erased all can be forgiven.

Finding your way back so the precious life we have been given and the infinite possibilities of this life are filled with gratitude and trust, reaching and achieving our potential and personal best. It is only when we face whatever appears or is conceived to be our truest enemy that we can prepare for battle whether literal or simply acceptance, forgiveness and grace. For many of us humans, in our lifetime we have often imagined the consequences or the outcome of specific actions to be harsh and unrelenting. However once faced and accepted, the threat no longer exists and instead great freedom is found and then embraced.

So just as any habit, pattern or state of being is created, so it is disassembled, shifted and destroyed. A note here that we must remember energy itself cannot be created nor destroyed, however our intentions upon such energy and more specific our actions (or lack of) are maneuverable and spiritually we are continually provided the ways and means in which to rise to the higher level or vibration.

In conclusion; the "fixer-upper" is or becomes a never ending process or journey that is a self created and seeking prophecy. Because it is unattainable, it becomes a pattern and a chase, one that can never fulfill neither self nor those we choose to aid, help or repair. Until we under Divine intervention, self reflection or years of pedaling in the same stationary position choose to change or alter that energy within; we are seekers, but never successors.
It is within where the repairs, recovery and the rediscovery of self of life, Divine and all that is blessed, true and waiting for our notice.

It is step by step, intention, courage and walking not towards that which seems bent or broken, but into the light within, where all that we dream of, envision or yearn to be waits.

And all can come to life and be realized, once we finally know where and with whom to look and seek~~

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