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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "The fixer-upper" Part 4

Oct 13, 2016

"The fixer-upper"
The complex and dysfunctional energy when we continually seek a partner and perhaps a friend that needs to be fixed.
Part 4

As we return to the current blog series on those that find themselves compelled to seek and attach to other humans in great need of fixing, healing or repair, we take a moment of silence. This blog was left unwritten for several days due to the tragic destruction caused by Hurricane Matthew, not only causing the evacuation of our beloved owner and CEO of Starz and affiliates; Natalie (AKA StarzCast) but also for all who have suffered. We do not forget the tragedy both in the US coastal regions and other nations.

As we return to look at how this energy can be channeled and directed towards a positive or great cause, we are reminded that any/all energy is equal. In other words always energy is shifted or changed and never can be created nor destroyed. Whether we are referring to the power that many are still without due to the storm's aftermath or our spiritual, emotional and DNA energy, it can be altered and rerouted. So for those that recognize their own self as one who has followed the chaotic path of a "fixer-upper" the energy remains potent and in existence, it is how we choose to distribute and control or exert control over that energy that creates great change.

As mentioned there are many reasons and influences that can and do or have contributed to building or engaging the energy of those that seek to fix, change or alter a human as one would an inanimate object. As with all things in our humanity however, the greatest source always arises or is found within our spiritual being or core self. And via other blogs and writings, my guides uphold and have shared their belief that our spiritual core holds all that has ever been often called our spiritual "cache". For most of us these memories, events and even certain energies or vibrations are not attainable as in conscious recall. Only under the blessing or interference of the Divine, whether as creator or those sent by creation can give us insight or the gift of sight into these secrets.

So this indicates the majority of humans that live in almost total and constant obsession over others and literally search out their burdens to carry as their own, may never truly know why. We only can acknowledge what has become or what is rather than why or what came perhaps before. It becomes again that energy is not created or destroyed only shifted or altered, changed in form and therefore in function as well.

It is quite possible and many humans with spiritual assistance, traditional therapies or working diligently within their own being can change. These changes do not rid our being of the source of this energy or the drive of these influences (energy cannot be created or destroyed) but we are taught by self or other means to channel and/or funnel such energy and coping into a positive path and towards the greater good.

An example of one using this "fixing" energy or great source of need to display is one who works with others that need more than the traditional help or assistance. Perhaps a non-profit organization for those stricken with disease. Teachers, mentors or social coaches that help the physically and mentally challenged ways of being able to be returned to society thus reaching their highest potential. There are literally hundreds of choices and/or opportunities to exert and to share or release this strong energy for the greater good of self and others. Animal shelter volunteers, those that work in soup kitchens or aid the homeless with food, shelter or clothing. The list of possible outlets is literally endless and there is room or a fitting choice for every walk of life or member of society. From the top surgeons that donate their skills and time to those in desperate need; to the average or even below median income person(s) that volunteer as a big brother or big sister.

Just as the energy or the source of the "fixer-upper" shows absolutely no bias or selective choosing in whom, it also allows that to be channeled within whatever form or station of society and path we walk or journey.
There are some that must use caution and be clear that the intention is not just serving of self but of those being given or offered such assistance or aid. When one becomes a parent, it can often trigger the energy to protect but also to attempt to shield and fix the child (even adult children) from any and all possible harm. We often use the slang in our society of a "helicopter mom"; although this can be male, female and any person who is the main guardian or caretaker of a child or youngster. It is part of our own lessons, journey, path and self identity to experience life and challenges, rewards and of course making mistakes. Anyone who has ridden a bicycle for example has fallen at one time or another.
For the care taker that disallows bike riding or attempts to create an environment that completely and totally eliminates any and all risks, we are in truth only forestalling the inevitable. Those that are oppressed are more likely to rebel, and that energy is much riskier and leads to a more dangerous or challenging life and lifestyle than allowing for the normal patterns of growing up. The exploration, independence and ability to become self-reliant. In fact because we know the family is a system and within our "cache" we carry the spiritual DNA of all past generations; those raised in a very secular, secluded environment tend to absorb that obsessive energy and are more likely to become future "fixer-uppers".

So as each of us reflect on our life and lifestyle, most humans will be able to relate to at least one encounter, experience or relationship in which we/they tried to exert their influence and control in fixing another or a situation. And although we can fix a sink, a washing machine and even our automobiles, we cannot fix human beings. We cannot "love them well" nor can compassion, support and even setting the best example shift their energy. If during such attempts there is change, it is coincidental and there may be a very small bit of influential energy shared. However those that we may refer to as being "broken" in some significant way, become healthy or "fixed" due to their own shifts and/or the intervention of Divine powers.

It can be much more difficult to put into action these reverse or altered actions, intentions and energies than what it may sound or read as. Our patterns and especially those that have lived many years within certain form or influence of energy face a process of change. It could be said that just as those that are in need of fixing takes time and patience; those in need of or choosing to adapt to a higher energy need time and patience as well.

For many of us as humans we may become stalled in denial that our attempts and the overall energy of the fixer comes from a place of love for others, the collective and perhaps that person in our grip. Although we may take on that belief and assume that intention; there is always something lacking. And/or in need of repair, remixing, shifts or total changes within our own self. If not, that need would not be a dominant or prevalent energy throughout our life.

Next, looking within, and finding the fix WE need. ~

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