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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "The fixer-upper" Part 2

Oct 5, 2016

"The fixer-upper"
The complex and dysfunctional energy when we continually seek a partner and perhaps a friend that needs to be fixed.
Part 2

There are some views in which they define those that consistently seek out those in need of "fixing" as an archetype of the hero, healer or even at times the martyr. And regardless of what we or others may label, define or stereotype a person, the results or outcome of this energy and/or drive is very self destructive.

As we know from universal law and for many our experiences in life interacting with others whether platonic, romantic or even family members we are powerless over others. Although there are situations in which changes we make for OUR greater good can impact another and create additional change in their energy, actions or life it becomes cause and effect. And even cause and effect is only successful when we act on pure and true intentions as opposed to threats or trying to manipulate or control another.

For those humans that develop a strong drive to consciously attempt to fix those that have very obvious, blatant or admitted issues, this goes far beyond any real negotiation within a relationship. My guides believe that quite often this energy and these deeply embedded traits or trait are formed at a very early age and can even be passed down via our spiritual DNA patterns. So if we have a parent, grandparent or other family member even those we may not be united with or have a close bond towards, can and often do pass this onto other family members. Just as genetic traits such as eye color, height, and even certain diseases are passed on, spiritually we find quite often that the "fixer-upper" is found somewhere in our family tree or ancestor.

We can also look at our Karmic influences including past or previous lives' and for some humans this also becomes a huge factor. As an example perhaps a prior or previous life we lived as a human with no compassion, no sympathy, understanding or acceptance and tolerance. Upon return to the physical life/world or being it is possible that the energy becomes shifted or veers way off into the opposite direction. Those that continually seek other humans that have little or no coping skills, continually make bad choices or take serious risks should be seen as that to avoid rather than gravitating towards.

In understanding this energy and drive, we must first be able to recognize and acknowledge our past and identify the pattern(s) of relationships that inevitably result in attempts or intentions to fix, heal or help another. And not in the sense of being or lending a temporary hand to a friend in need. If you best friend lost their job suddenly, giving a financial loan or allowing a family member to stay with you temporarily is compassion not obsession. For those that are dysfunctional in their attraction and need to fix or attempt to fix the problems of those they intervene with are almost always those of poor choices and lack of coping. So for example if we meet a possible romantic interest and discover on the first or second date or interaction they are living in their car, have not worked in 5 years because they don't like to take orders; or any other fairly significant problem or issue that is our first clue.

My guides even suggest that very often the "fixer" becomes enamored and literally seeks to engage those with major problems even to the point of initiating and continuing the relationship. So where an empowered and healthy, spiritually connected person would immediately move away from or avoid further encounters and/or interactions, the fixer does the opposite. There are times also in which the fixer makes huge and major assumptions about their own influence and power that can overcome or reduce the problems both internal and external simply by that desire.

So while it may not be a conscious thought or action and intentional process; the core belief of the "fixer" is to match their influence and power to that of creator, Divine, God or source. There are also many that feel love which is simply an emotion is sufficient to fix or heal another if enough love, care and support is shown. Take an addict, only that addict can choose to become sober and remain sober. Although family, friends, loved ones and a partner can help during the sobriety process, we cannot simply love someone well. No more than we can use love, support, understanding or care to heal a broken arm or a disease.

So many times a fixer builds up extreme expectations within their energy and projects this onto their latest "project" which is another person or the person they have chosen for the moment. They visualize the potential for that person even when that person is unable or unwilling to do such for themselves. As the fantasy continues, the fixer begins to build upon all of what can or could be rather than accepting or dealing with what reality is. And in many cases they become connected into that person's life, living together, supporting their costs of living and even marriage. All the while believing that with enough love and by some way of transferring the intentions or power, strength and assists of the fixer it can be absorbed by those in need. And it rarely ever ends up with that happy and balanced ending. Almost always we are left in a mess of chaos, dysfunction, pain and distress trying in vain to sort out and fix a mess that does not belong to us and therefore cannot be fixed by us.

We must remember in all of our relationships new and old, love and/or desire, intention or want cannot and will not change others.

Next breaking the cycle ~

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