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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "The fixer-upper"

Oct 3, 2016

"The fixer-upper"

The complex and dysfunctional energy when we continually seek a partner and perhaps a friend that needs to be fixed.

Part 1

This week my guides share their insight and offer guidance for those humans that are perpetually driven towards those that are broken, shattered or in some way in need of repair. Whether spiritually, emotionally or often a combination of the two, this pattern creates drama and chaos in our own life and being. It can become so overpowering that the "repair person" will literally reject a healthy and functional potential partner in favor of those with obvious and often serious issues.

In many ways these relationships involve both those that seek to fix or repair another human, and those with issues quite often gravitate towards the "fixer" personality and/or energy.

Although there are a multitude of influences, energies, intentions and expectations that can vary with each individual; there are also traits that are universal or exist in each "fixer".

At times we may become aware of a pattern or take note that most if not all of those we seek out or form intimate relationships with seem to have great struggles in coping. However awareness does not appear to always be a solution nor does it always encourage changes or shifts from these patterns or repetitive interactions. And for many although our romantic search or partner is primary, quite often we find that many if not most of the people we become attached to fall into that same needy and low functioning energy. Even the specific or individual family members we elect to form closer bonds with or keep in constant contact begin to rely upon us (the fixer) for even simple and common problems or conflicts.

The "fixer" or those that seek whether intentionally or unintentionally towards other humans with poor coping skills or facing serious issues it begins with the energy that is unconsciously emitted. As we learn with universal law and the laws of attraction we often attract that which we in some way need or that in which fulfills some need within our own spiritual and emotional core and being. Therefore many without any real awareness become radar that attracts over and over those humans that have been unable to navigate life with any success- even in the personal sense of identity, empowerment, faith and hope.

We can or may also call the "fixer" an enabler; as aside from miracles and/or Divine intervention, in general humans cannot truly fix another being. It would be akin to a clerk attempting to diagnose and treat a serious illness. We as humans are not equipped to resolve or solve the ongoing problems or obstacles of others and no matter how honorable our intentions may be our intentions cannot be chosen for another.

The result or outcome of those that seek to repair, fix or restore humans rather than say furniture or inanimate objects is we spiritually and emotionally take on that toxic energy. And no matter how hard we may try or how sincere and genuine are desire to help is, it always results in chaos and conflict that simply becomes a part of our life without actually assisting , alleviating or reducing another's life.

So join us this week as we learn more about the spiritual and emotional "repair" energy, how it becomes formed and ways we can recognize and release this destructive habit. ~

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