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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "The Existence of Pure Evil" Part 2

Oct 28, 2016

"The existence of pure evil"
Part 2

Although there are numerous views on what or even who evil actually is; no matter which belief we resonate with all forms are energy as all matter is energy.
Perhaps your religious doctrine teaches that pure evil comes from a fallen angel or a place in the afterlife that is full of darkness, despair and misery. And some believe that evil is to some degree a choice. It may be influenced by both genetics and how a human was raised but ultimately evil cannot truly be evil if no action is taken against others individual or collective.

So a serial killer for example who comes from many generations of family members jailed or incarcerated for violent crimes. And is being raised in a violent, neglectful home, subjected to systemic and all forms of abuse. It is not a shock that such a child-turned adult could grow up without any shred of compassion or the inability to resonate with any emotions. As sad and disturbing as these stories can be, there are others that have suffered equally and in some instances even worse who do not choose a path of evil or the deeds of pure evil. Is there perhaps some spiritual or physiological component in which evil is a trait rather than a choice? Could that potential, energy or insidious capability simply be waiting for the right moment or perhaps it is set to detonate much like a bomb or explosion with the precise timing unknown.

We also may deal with the paranormal and rather than benevolent guardian angels or loved ones passing along messages, we can encounter evil. There is great speculation on what and even how this type of evil is formed; it is taught by my guides and supported by my personal experiences with the paranormal it does exist. There are numerous specialists that have devoted their lives' to the study of demonology, and other dark and/or evil spiritual energies or entities.

Although some may totally dismiss any believe in evil whether humans or spiritual, it is hard to support a belief in good, and the Divine interventions even miracles without recognizing the opposite. There are few if actually any influences or factors, traits and creations in life that do not also have the polar opposite. Light has darkness, sweet has sour, tall has short, compassion has disregard, etc.

So if we assume that evil does exist and is at times variable or flexible in its form, then how do we judge what or who is evil and/or dangerous even if that may be within self.
It always goes back to our intentions and more so our actions. Evil just as purity of goodness is not relevant or even defined unless actions are taken. So while evil could perhaps exist for example in a human, it or they do not truly become evil until the deed or deeds are done which are unequivocally evil.

There are many examples of pure evil and our society had come to overuse this term so that any person who makes a decision or choice not in harmony with our own is designated as "evil". Evil is much stronger than displeasing others or creating scenarios that serve self as opposed to others.

A human that becomes evil or loosens such evil by action literally takes great pleasure in causing pain, in all ways to others. They have no sense of consequences nor do they feel any connection at all to other humans, whether newborn babies or even the elderly. They are capable of the more horrendous of acts and again because evil is generally only known THROUGH action, this allows a person of evil to penetrate the world in a variety of ways.

When humans behave or take actions that are seen or felt to be evil in nature or energy, these are the persons we should avoid. Much like toxic energy, they can create chaos and disturbances but even worse they can draw us into that evil vibration leading us astray.

And although we believe that good overcomes evil and those that carry or stay within the light always dispel the darkness, it still exists. And it takes great power and profound, unshakable faith to be able to face evil in any form and overpower those intentions and/or actions. In the paranormal world, there are many beliefs that some evil energy erupts from a portal in which evil or the energy of such forms or holds together. And others see and feel that evil is often the spiritual energy of a human now passed that acted in evil during their lifetime. It is again taught by my guides and based on my personal experience that all exist and in addition there are other forms of evil that lurk or exist both in the physical and spiritual world or realm.

For those of us that may find we are fearful or our own possible evil, thoughts that flash through our mind do not necessarily indicate true or pure evil. As humans we have many thoughts and if we are angry, upset or frustrated we can often use our imagination to release some of that pent up energy. Again action is what truly connects or contains evil, not a thought or even an occasional intention. As we near Halloween which for many is considered a ghostly, mysterious and is often filled with paranormal and supernatural events. There are available hundreds of supposedly true stories, both live streamed videos, books and even several television series that share personal stories of evil haunting. If evil does exist, it has the ability to cause harm to animals as well as humans. We must however always remember that we do own the physical world and with the right assistance, tools and intentions we can banish those evil acts from our home, office or even being.

Next, the psychological view and why many are beginning to change their expectations for the future. ~

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