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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "The Existence of Pure Evil"

Oct 26, 2016

"The existence of pure evil"
Part 1

With Halloween less than a week away, it seems an appropriate time to delve into the existence of evil, how it may be defined and even the truth of its existence.

Our modern society and in an age of technological advancements, scientific values and theories, evil has become more of a slander than a literal concept. From various walks of life we may hear the word "evil" used loosely and even at times humorously, bereft of the literal meaning or original definition. Although there are instances in which the term "evil" is used appropriately even then it seems to fall short of the full intensity of what evil actually means.

As always my guides' channel the information and topics I share via the blog, although I did manifest that our subject would be in some way applicable to Halloween. Which Halloween itself has various meanings in different cultures and countries and is celebrated or acknowledged in a variety of ways. And there are those that do believe that the origin if not currently of Halloween is related to the paranormal, supernatural and therefore there exists a cord that connects to either evil or the possibility of such existence.

And my guides' believe quite strongly that pure evil, defined as not just a term or cliché that denotes that which is estranged from the positive or all that which is seen as "good". They also share that there are many forms of true evil and its manifestations exist within the spiritual and human energy; while also being present in the spiritual realm as well as the physical or actual life. Just as there is much positive in our life, in all aspects there is always an insidious path of evil. They continue by stating that evil in its raw or true form can shift from the spiritual to literal and from dormant to active, allowing us as humans some if not the majority of control over our own self. So while we perhaps cannot stamp out or eliminate evil from the collective or universe, we are equipped with the choice and the power (both self empowerment and the Divine) to move away from, avoid or disconnect from all or most forms of evil. With the fundamental universal law that applies to all which exists, we cannot create or destroy energy-this does include evil or its potential, we can however shift, alter and even control to a large extent how we allow this to affect our lives’ or path.

So first we look at how the English language actually defines the word "evil"; the following excerpt is taken from the online Merriam-Webster dictionary.

Full Definition of evil
eviler or evillerevilest or evillest
a : morally reprehensible : sinful, wicked <an evil impulse>
b : arising from actual or imputed bad character or conduct <a person of evil reputation>
a archaic : inferior
b : causing discomfort or repulsion : offensive <an evil odor>
c : disagreeable <woke late and in an evil temper>
a : causing harm : pernicious <the evil institution of slavery>
b : marked by misfortune : unlucky

Although my guides' disagree to a point with evil being attached to that or those which are unlucky or experiencing misfortune, they agree and support evil is that which causes harm and does so intentionally. In part we accept that even the definition of evil denotes a much more modern view, less spiritual and/or religious and is a bit tainted as it shows us how evil can be used as a slang term.

The full meaning of evil as defined by my guides and many others that recognize the existence of evil and both the energy, intention and literal truest form.

Evil is that which is or can be of great power. The energy of that which is evil whether within a human or on a more spiritual plane is able to manipulate, antagonize, create great fear. Evil comes from energy but can just as easily emulate a human, or a spiritual being appearing to some as alluring and curious. True evil can and often will disguise its agenda or intention along with the powers or the potential powers to gain access to that which it seeks. And just as many traditions on Halloween include wearing costumes and masks, portraying a persona that may be totally opposite of who is beneath or within such disguise.

Evil is also a threatening and extremely brilliant predator, seeking the weak, the oppressed and those with no strong sense of faith, hope or the safety and comfort of higher power.

My guides believe that evil or the root of the energy of evil is of a spiritual source. It becomes the opposite of that which is the light, so perhaps the darkness, but true evil always carries great intention a planned agenda and can and will wait to strike until the moment is without fail.

Evil has in a sense the same or equal potential of power to become, personify or manifest as the monster we hear or see on a dark night. Perhaps it is within those that are deemed "possessed" and speak in languages, lashing out at self and others. It can be a quieter energy, a human that finds ways to destroy or work diligently towards the destruction of another's identity or self-esteem. Emotional or psychological erosion that encourages murder, rape or all other abominations by human hands. Evil has existed since the beginning of time and again as energy it has not predictable end.

There is however a power that is stronger and can easily override or control any power evil may contain or hold. Just because it exists does not necessarily mean that evil must be tolerated or that we are condemned to be a part of that which is or can be evil.

Join us as we look at the influences and factors of pure evil, and how we fight or avoid being captured or forced to fall prey to its harmful vibrations. ~

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