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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "The energy of the collective" - Part 2

Jul 21, 2016

"The energy of the collective - Universal energy"
Part 2

As we discussed for Monday's BlogTalk topic; the collective and universal are often interchangeable terms that refer spiritually as dual or the same concept or terms. As we take a closer look just to keep things clear in terms or meanings, we emphasize the definition. When referring to the collective or universal we implicate or correlate the energy that exists within all living creatures or beings and the cord or connection that also exists.

Depending on our own personal beliefs, metaphysical and spiritual understanding and personal acceptance or denial of that which not be scientifically proven lays the real relevance of such energy. So for some people the collective energy may be a strong, powerful and profound force that can and does assist in our lives' and for others it may not be even taken note of. And when dealing with the collective or universal energies it may not necessarily be correlated or aligned via awareness towards outcome. Which simply means that it is possible to have or be influenced by the collective energy without necessarily intending or reaching out towards it source.

The collective/universal energies are much like a huge power grid; and every earthling, all that can be considered "living" has some impact or powers into the "grid". Therefore by that same law, then it can, will or potentially is reciprocal. All living things by their very existence are a part of that grid and therefore that energy can be shifted, altered or used for the greater good. If we recall one of the most basic laws; energy cannot be created nor destroyed, only shifted in form, function or vibration.

And just as there are many levels both within humanity and spirituality; this too applies with the collective and universal vibrations. Again imagine a huge grid filled with flickering lights, some teeny, some large yet each of these lights represents the living being, that energy of life. And as various energies tap in and out of the system, shifting and changing directions and course, that enormous grid continues to change or be changed and has the flexibility and potential to affect us all. So as we look at the various levels, we can see or reason that the "light" or the energy/vibration of a caterpillar does not have the same ability to influence or change as that of another human and their spiritual being. And as always there can be exceptions. For example a human being that is extremely ill may not have at the moment the same powerful or significant vibrations we would expect to see. And we then have various gemstones, live quartz crystals, water and other such components that offer more energy than what one may actually be aware. So there is variance and we can never make quick or short assumptions based on what may make sense in the physical or biological world.

And although many of us are able to navigate and seek our greatest good and potential without the need of the "grid" or that of the collective/universal; it truly is or can be an untapped reservoir of energy and influence.

For those that not only accept but actually manifest, create or use intentions to "power up" we can not only receive powerful support and assistance from the collective but we can give that as well. So it becomes a balanced and harmonious exchange of energy, vibrations, factors and influences.

So when we begin to look at and spiritually investigate the nature and perhaps even the existence of the collective/universal energies or mass of energy we look at two somewhat separate components or factors.
One is that we are all inter-connected and joined by that invisible cord. So no matter our literal or human life, we are never truly alone or without spiritual support and the deep connection that is unable to be cut or severed. (Aside from the Divine or what we recognize to be such)

The second part is to recognize the profound potential that is truly only a wish or an intention away. A source of energy that can be tapped into as or when needed, as well as given back without any real sacrifice or cost. So in comparison, if we were for example to donate 10 hours a week to a volunteer service; although the cause may be needy and worthy and we likely would achieve intrinsic satisfaction, there is a sacrifice or payment. Again not to imply that such is not a worthy cause, just as an example that in giving something IS taken and that is often felt in one form or another. Perhaps our own time is limited, or we experience physical pain from exertion, there are numerous possibilities where this is a literal give and take. In contrast however, adding our energy and doing so consciously to the "grid" exacts neither sacrifice nor cost. It would be the same as a prayer, meditation, a thought, idea or just intention. There is really no loss of our own spiritual being or power as in fact when we give we receive and when we receive us automatically give.

So the collective is the combined energy, vibration and influence of all living things, most especially humans and how these or this amazing resource plays a significant role in our life and is able to be even more prominent if we use our tools and resources correctly.

Join my guides as they share with us the ways and wonders of the collective, the greater good and how we can rise to the empowerment of the highest wall. ~

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