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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "The energy of the collective"

Jul 20, 2016

"The energy of the collective"
Part 1/ Starz BlogTalk Radio; Monday- 7/18

As per usual our live broadcast yesterday evening consisted of hosts Natalie, AKA StarzCast - (Owner, founder, CEO of Starz and affiliates) and myself, Maya, AKA StarzMayaMoon. The broadcast airs live on Monday nights at 8 pm EST, and all shows are recorded. Just visit Starz homepage and click on the BlogTalk link to listen to any/all prior recordings in a variety of formats. Watch for postings on the live schedule as the summer hours often vary due to holidays and vacations.

Our topic took a glimpse into the "collective" energy from definition to potential. As always, Natalie has an enigmatic way of reaching the masses by sharing her personal stories, questioning that which can be subjective or at times unclear and offering her own brand of insight and guidance.

While there was ample ground to cover with this specific topic both myself and Natalie tended to veer towards the positive light, support and influence that the collective energy can offer to each and every one of us and the many ways in which we give that back. Together we defined the "collective" for this subject or under this influence as the unseen and often subconscious cord that all living beings have to another. And it is not only for humans as Natalie was quick to offer, but our animals, whether cats, dogs or even birds can contribute. It comes down to the energy that becomes a support system, a safety net and at times the validation that we are never truly alone.

Although the majority of humans are likely not often faced with situations and/or circumstances where we are forced to choose between what may serve our personal path or growth versus that which serves the collective (the greater good of all beings) from time to time we do face this rather moral dilemma.

As Natalie pointed out, being the type of person that is filled with compassion, trusting towards others and always able to see their inner light. Even the best of the best can be challenged. Perhaps it is as suggested as an analogy voting a candidate in who has an agenda that can and would make a tremendous difference in the life we live. OR perhaps the other choice is to forego what may be our "personal best" because the greater good is much like a circle and therefore at some point includes each human and/or spiritual being.

So when we try to separate the collective from the self, it may appear possible to do so in fragments or moments and within those times or influences choices and decisions are made. But as with so much of all that is spiritual and comes from the pure, Divine source, it is each and every one of us that IS the collective, and therefore it becomes impossible to separate those invisible cords or lines for more than an intention. Consider it much like a rubber band that never wears thin; no matter how stretched out it may become, once released it returns to its original shape and form.

As we closed the show, it was Natalie that phrased or summarized the topic so well by reminding us that eventually (again the circle) we all are returned from where we began and no matter the temptation or the lure of the moment, the highest is always that which serves the collective/universal.

So if like Natalie we can wear love and compassion as if our shadow, then in truth there is never a reason or need to choose outside of what serves the collective energy or universal best. As we are each a part of that energy and whether our influence, intention or our part of this expansive connection interplays for the moment or the morrow, it eventually can and only will be served to its highest with aligning our self, life, energy and all that is and can be to that greater picture. ~

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