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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "The Challenges of being single; Spiritual Guidance & Insight - Part 1

Nov 29, 2016

"Family dynamics, understanding and dealing with toxic or questionable energies". Starz BlogTalk Radio, Part 1.

Starz BlogTalk runs live every Monday night at 8-9pm EST and all shows are recording for your listening convenience. If you missed this in-depth show about personal challenges and a look at how we DO have the power to change our own energy; making better choices by letting go and moving on. Be sure to visit Starz homepage and click on the BlogTalk link where you will be taken to all recorded shows that offer listening in a variety of methods.

As part of our topic we agreed to share any personal stories in which we may have been subjected to toxic or questionable energy. As always the show hosts are Natalie, AKA as StarzCast (Owner, founder, CEO of Starz and all affiliates) and myself, Maya, AKA StarzMayaMoon. While I did share a personal story from some 34 years ago that highlighted how thoughtlessness or lack of respect can cause wounds that linger for years. An experience I have overcome, but will never forget. And then we have Miss Natalie... for those that are familiar with Natalie through interactions or perhaps just listening to her life renewing voice and stories that may begin with sadness but always end with an uplifting energy and the feeling there is nothing this world can throw at us that we cannot overcome.

We started the show by talking about being able to see beyond a price tag and to be able to appreciate that for most of us this time of year; it is the "giving" that brings joy. And so as we open a gift or receive a surprise, we bring happiness to the giver by taking pleasure in what was chosen especially for us. With a limping economy, not all of us can afford to reciprocate in terms of money or the cost of a gift or gifts. But as Natalie pointed out if we journey back to the true and real meaning, those that receive from us take just as much pleasure as it truly IS the thought that counts and makes this time of year even extra special.

We also were able to briefly mention that for many these can be a challenging and difficult time of year. In fact the USHR statics report that December is the highest month for suicides, a very sad fact when it should be a month of joy and gratitude. While for some the challenge is being alone, for others it is the dread and trepidation of being trapped (not literally of course) with family members when there simply are not many if any good or strongly positive cherished moments and/or memories. There are many of us that falter under the pressure and attend functions that only trigger negative memories and place us at spiritual risk, but more on that next week.

The highlight of the show came when our loving, generous and big-hearted Natalie shared with the audience how Christmas ended for her as an only child. Being the tender age of about 9, not one word was spoken, no warnings or preparation by her parents. She simply woke up one morning expecting the usual small pile of gifts to find nothing; it was bare. The same as it had been yesterday. Although it's hard to recall our emotional responses, with two career driven parents, there was no lack of finances and not discernible reason for suddenly ending Christmas. So this delicate, loving, fragile child, slipped quietly back into her bedroom, reading and keeping busy, going about the day as if it were any ordinary day, with not a word spoken.

Not only is this pathetic and heartbreaking, it brings such amazing awe and inspiration to see the road traveled and who Natalie chose to become when I cannot think of another human capable of such rapturous change.

Natalie simply poured all of her love, light, generosity and goodness out into the world, splashing colors across the darkness and brightening the day of all who cross her path. What could have ended in a bitter, angry and selfish woman, instead produced an angelic presence of deep understanding and the true caring we see too little of these days. I am sure the angels were watching out for that child that turned from an empty tree to go to an empty room. And I cannot say with my experience in the spiritual and psychological profession that I have an answer as to how or why, Natalie changed this so drastically. But one thing I am completely certain of and know beyond a shadow of doubt is true; the world would be a more desolate, dark place without Natalie and the pure joy she illuminates from just being Natalie.

Be sure to join us next Monday, 12/5 for part 2 and may we all take a bit of that light and use it to shine upon another.

***From Natalie **

I just want to thank my MayaMoon....yes my MayaMoon for the above. :) Yes it was difficult for me as a child but I did get help from that which you cannot see. Maya feels it was Archangels and I know without a doubt it had to be something from above. All my life I observed and watched and continued to be the woman I am today.

Please believe and do everything "under grace" as it really is the only way. I practice it every single day. I am blessed with my Starz, my dear friends and my family, my webmaster Tony, of which I would do anything for them.

I will continue to light the way you can count on that. ~

Love to all,

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