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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "System of trust" Conclusion

May 28, 2016

"The system of trust"
Part 5-conclusion

So now that hopefully one has a greater and deeper understanding of the importance and significance of trust, or lack thereof, we look at reintegrating.

As shown in part 4, many examples and suggestions or guidance was given on how to work towards establishing our self-trust, or for when applicable, re-establishing. My guides chose to share this topic or to shed insight into this energy due to the profound influence trust has on all other factors within our life, those of being and living the human physical life and our connection with our spiritual core.

Naturally we assume the reader is already aware of their spirituality even if they have yet to fully connection or in some way have lost part of such connection. This is not intended to try to "convert" a non-believer as that is our free will and our choice.

So while we attempt to avoid being repetitive, some elements from this series will be repeated as those are the most significant or the essential parts that create the whole.

When we refer to "universal law" or the collective, these are the commonalities shared by all spiritual beings and within all humans as well. And although these can and do affect our life path, view and journey, we also carry our individual energy, purpose and path. And we are each as unique as a snowflake or raindrop, therefore there are some factors that can be applied in general and other factors (think of the branches on a tree) that vary and thus the approach in life varies as well.

So universally or collectively we all carry our conscious memories and our sub-conscious or spiritual memories. That which can be remembered and often is recalled and that which exists but lies behind a wall or veil, as recollection or rememberance would either be too chaotic or unable to serve our greater good.

And all that we are and all that we shall be is in some part attributed to the conscious memories. For those that have a strong and identifiable sense of self-trust, this may be an interesting read but is not really necessary for achieving a higher potential. And for those in which this is applicable, it's important to accept that the conscious memories, even if these are not issues or events we think of often, play a role in the disconnection or loss of self-trust. The human mind and emotional energy is a complex and amazing set of coping styles and skills. However it can actually be damaging to our spiritual core and our future potential when we allow memories to overcome our "being". As discussed in part 4, we often build up defensive mechanisms and coping by placing distrust or mistrust within self, rather than on those that are truly accountable. Or accepting that for reasons we do not always receive the answers or fully understand, events and experiences occur which become absorbed as our energy or core rather than being placed in the "box" of that which was. Therefore, universally we must learn to acquire "selective" recall and to have the ability to spiritually override those memories which bring pain, negativity or in any way, shape or form create a less than positive or harmonious energy and/or emotion. And in severe cases for those that have suffered extreme trauma, such as childhood or adult abuse or acts of violence, traditional counseling may be necessary. However for the majority of humans, learning to release these uncomfortable memories and again placing such aside and out of our life, mind and heart can be sufficient to allow us to reconnect to our self-trust. Release is done with grace, which simply means that we no longer search or yearn for the answers or explanations and most important, we stop or do not allow ourselves to take the blame or shame of events. Also we must refuse both spiritually and emotionally to be accountable for the acts of others. This is the first and the most important step. And for those that struggle with disconnecting from the energy of memories; if you are not journaling just look around at your present life and those you associate with. If we look or view the world realistically it's quite obvious that we have no real control over another human, nor do they have control over our free will. If we do as asked, or another agrees to our request, it is done via free will, not through force. Once we recognize this importance of this, we should be able to flip back through the pages of our conscious memory and exclude any temptation to internalize the blame, or shift the burden of another onto self. When we do not accomplish this, because it goes against our universal laws and spiritual energy and core, it then creates the chaos and anxiety that produces that mistrust or distrust of self.

We are what we feel; once again those lacking (for whatever cause or whatever timing) that vital self-trust, validation seems to be out of reach. And whenever we attempt to bury, ignore or deny our own feelings we become in conflict, thus creating or growing the lack of self-trust. Universal and collective laws, which are simply truths that cannot be compromised, assure us that our feelings ARE real, simply by virtue of feeling. So for example watching a movie with a group of friends, and shedding emotional tears, while the remainder of the group remains unaffected has absolutely NO bearing on whether the movie is actually emotional or not. It simply proves that WE have as much right to our feelings and emotions as any other human. There is never a "right or wrong" in emotions or energy, there is what we are and that must always be validated via self. The same is true with feelings of compassion, justified anger and any/all emotions. These are ALL expressions of our spiritual energy and again as we are all unique individuals, we all feel in different forms, for different purposes or influences.

Which brings us to the point of comparisons; as mentioned, both our humanity and spiritual energies have shared commonalities, but also carry many individual traits and influences, responses and factors. All humans walk on 2 legs, and aside from injury or defects, we all look similar in having 2 arms, eyes, ears, etc. But how we hear, whether we can decipher whispers while another needs loud voices to hear, is what makes each of us unique, not better or worse, right or wrong. When we attempt to compare our life, emotions, energy and/or responses or inner spiritual beliefs to others, we will almost always find differences. And many humans do put up a certain persona, that unless we are very close in a bonded relationship we may never know what they truly think or believe of self or the world. Therefore building or rebuilding self-trust requires that we avoid any and all comparisons to other humans. It also means that although we can seek support, emotional, physical or spiritual, we should never see or seek that support as being essential to our survival or our ability to create a future. The only true or healthy comparisons should be made against self; how we feel and our general energy before and then after. Those that find or reclaim their self-trust will see and feel a significant difference in their being, in all facets and all areas of life. Chaos becomes serenity and doubts become acceptance. This also means learning to lean and rely on our own self for evaluating situations, circumstances and most important others and our relationships with those persons.

When such feels "right" it is easy to identify as we feel "right". There is a natural flow, a feeling of safety, peace, unity and alignment. There is never a need to compromise our morals, beliefs or principles. Nor is there a need to consistently or constantly make or imagine excuses, justifications or "reasons" for how we feel. Self-trust is incorporated as our foundation by allowing all that we feel to rise to the surface and to accept these feelings, and continue forward by taking action on such.

If you walk into a room and see a black cat, very clearly and easily, even if no one else present can see this cat, it does not mean the cat is non-existent. It simply means there is some reason even if currently unknown that YOU see this, and no matter how many deny such exists, it means accepting that their reality of not seeing the cat is no less real than your ability to see such cat.

An analogy of how we learn to validate self, and often we can accomplish this by the way we are often easily able to validate for others. In fact it is often true that those with less self-trust seem more inclined to believe of validate that of others, whether it can be proven, seen, heard or felt. So use that same skill or method, but turn it inside and practice self-validation.

And while there are perhaps hundreds or numerous ways to learn self-trust, these are simply an attempt to cover the basics, to set one on their way to the potential of the present, but most especially the future. Which brings our last focal point?

The reflection; those that lack self-trust (remember that is our base or foundation) eventually become unable to feel, believe or embrace hope and faith. The future is always manifested and created via hope and faith, this builds our intentions for what we envision, desire or hope to or aspire to achieve, acquire, become or simply the outcome. When lacking, our spiritual and emotional mirror is unable to reflect anything but what has been, what was and what is. And again universal law teaches us that the future is never a reflection of the past. It can however become a repetitive choice, and therefore if we continue to deny faith and hope, we find ourselves making the same choices over and over. We allow fear to rule, thus taking no risks and in that respect very little is able to be shifted or changed. Even so the future via universe, divine and its own energy still emerges as changed in some way. One of the best ways to understand this is to hold a mirror in front of a lake, pond, or stream. If you make waves or ripples in the water, as you watch the reflection created you will see that such becomes changed in some way. Perhaps the sea or fresh water creatures are disturbed and run out of hiding. Or the silt, sand or mud is disturbed and the once clear water turns brown or muddy. And even after you stop making waves, and hold the mirror, that same bit of water, has indeed changed from what it appeared to be before. This is symbolic of our life spiritually and physically as humans. Regardless of what was or how many times, how often it has been, the future is always different. There are infinite options, opportunities and each day, even each hour brings the chance for changes, big and small.

Once we have taken that first step, no matter how fragile or small, we have begun our journey and trust is built, little by little. As we once again or perhaps for the first time learns to rely on and embrace our ability for self-trust; we then begin to open all the doors that lay ahead those of faith, trust and change.

And even those with a solid foundation of trust work or even unconsciously have intentions for change, for reaching higher, for finding that harmony, balance and the unity and solidarity that is ours equally in all facets of our life and our being.

Those that welcome or embrace their sense of trust live within the positive vibrations of self, Divine and the collective world. It is the place that we all long to be a part of, to belong to and to achieve. It is the rainbow AND the pot of gold. And while we do not suggest it is a simple process, it is a simple idea or energy and it is our universal purpose, above and beyond what else lies ahead for each of us along our journey.

So trust me, by trusting yourself and you may be amazed at what this life has to offer and the colors of life that you were blinded to, now become the beauty and energy of what life is truly supposed to be. ~

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