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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "Standing at the crossroads; Starz BlogTalk Radio topic"

Nov 8, 2016

"Standing at the crossroads; Starz BlogTalk Radio topic"
Monday, 11/7 8pm EST

All shows are recorded and can be accessed via Starz home page; just click on the BlogTalk link to listen in a variety of formats to any prior show.

Last night was no surprise or exception as information, personal experiences and helpful guidance seemed to flow quite naturally. As always we have as hosts, Natalie- AKA StarzCast (Owner, founder, CEO of Starz and affiliates); myself-Maya AKA StarzMayaMoon.

As we started our show Natalie shared what originally seemed to be her only significant crossroad. However as we began to dissect the existence and recognition of crossroads, Natalie began to realize that in truth she had stood at many, and each turn helped to shape her life, purpose and even identity. Natalie is known and loved for being a compassionate, sharing and generous person, whether friend or stranger. And it was much easier to resonate with the influence and meaning of crossroads and their impact as we walked for a bit in her shoes, attentive and nodding in agreement as she shared her personal triumphs and challenges. I too shared a personal story of what I consider to be one of the most life changing decisions I have made while standing at the "crossroads".

Because Natalie and I have been doing Starz BlogTalk together for about 4 years, we connect exceedingly well and inspire one another while also teaching whenever we share a personal experience or offer insight into a specific event. And last night supported the theory that for many of us humans we may not even realize or recognize when a crossroad does appear, or that we have made a conscious or even perhaps unconscious choice to turn on way or the other.

As we talked further about the short and long term effects of this process, naturally Natalie began to realize that she had in fact faced numerous crossroads rather than the very few she originally noted.

Natalie has led an adventurous, spiritual and powerful life working always in the metaphysical profession but in addition Natalie has gone from Cosmetologist, to the manager of a very exclusive tennis club. (As in elite group, not what is used to hit the balls) Natalie also ran a large and successful tanning salon and a few other retail businesses. Although the above are not necessarily listed in the order they were worked or own, beyond all of that Natalie never doubted her calling was spiritual and one day she would own an amazing piece of the internet action, where both clients and experts were treated with love, honor and respect. Starz has certainly gone above and beyond to prove that. And also why it is simply imperative we follow our heart and whatever calls out to us, whether that is a right or left turn.

We both heartily and readily agreed that no path is without challenge or difficulty, and our true purpose always requires some risk and sacrifice. However the ultimate rewards, intrinsic, spiritual and even with prosperity are well worth the efforts we put forth and the gamble we take.

We also agreed as we shared our experiences that there simply are no guarantees. There are mistakes, no human can or even should for that matter try to avoid ever making a mistake, we are all going to fail and even mistakes or failing is part of our intended journey.

When we stand at a crossroads we may get a glimpse of what lies ahead in either direction, but there are still a great many unknowns. We cannot let fear block us, but instead accept that fear, doubts and uncertainty is part of our journey and we push on in spite of such. Our choices significantly affect our own lives' but also many times can have far reaching affects on those in our life, and even those we have yet to cross paths with.

That decision or choice of turning left or right can often hold the creation or the potential of a future that is filled with all we desire and all we can or will create.

Just as traffic would become backed up and the drivers would begin to become very annoyed with someone who in contemplation, continued to stand at the crossroad, agonizing over their choice and preventing others from moving on. When we seem or feel paralyzed and unable to choose we are blocking and oppressing our spiritual and emotional expression and the universal promise that the future is always ours to create.

So if you need an icon or an amazing example; just listen and consider the many crossroads our beloved Miss Natalie has stood before, and how although not every choice was the best or perfect, she has risen to become the beautiful, spiritual, inspiring and successful person, individually and in business she is because of all those turns she made on her journey.

Be sure to tune in next Monday, 11/14 for another scintillating topic and conversation. ~

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