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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "Spirituality and life; learning step by step - Part 4 Conclusion

Oct 2, 2016

"Spirituality and life; learning step by step"
Part 4/conclusion

We now take a look at the remaining steps that become influential in propelling each of us from the past or whatever may even be an obstacle in the present. As mentioned in part 1, not every individual will phase or cycle through each step or stage consecutively or even singularly. In fact spiritually many of us move forward and break the chains that bind by combining the various steps for greater success and power.

If we look however at what those potential steps or stages are defined as or by, they become our empowerment, faith, hope and the culmination of our self-identity. Although there is no doubt and no avoiding the "step" process, each of us determine and often without a conscious effort or at times even awareness.

When we look at faith and hope, all humans must be able to form a connection to the potential that the future holds, this is hope. And within that potential each human must be able to connect with or feel even the slightest light that tomorrow is not just a new day but can be a DIFFERENT day- this is faith. For all those that have connected spiritually and emotionally to the energy and belief of hope and faith, all is possible no matter where we have been or what has been.

As my guides channeled in the blog series on empowerment and our empowerment or spirit/soul power is the infinite well of energy that can continually inject our lives' with strength and grace. Once we attain and learn to maintain our empowerment we follow the natural spiritual progression or step to our self-identity, the final step or stage in reaching our highest self.

Our identity is so often formed upon events, circumstances, other humans and their view or opinion and a false belief in having little or no worth. Once we fully empower and can embrace our identity and that no matter who we are and regardless of our external or material success, we have value and worth and Divine and universe see our spiritual core or self equally among all. Therefore whether we seek a career, to complete an education or just to become a compassionate and caring person, our own true identity must be formed and built on or within the light or the positive energies that surround us all.

Although these steps or if you prefer stages are metaphoric as opposed to literal, they impact our lives' at every twist and turn just as significantly as any geographic movement. So as you can imagine moving from a hustling and fast paced city such as New York or perhaps Chicago and relocating to the south onto farmland or a rural life; the steps or that movement is quite significant to all we are and every endeavor.

And it’s not so much about the definition or passage of these steps or in what order we may proceed, but the amazing transformation that takes place when we are in motion. The movement from one states of being or energy into other changes not only our external life and all relationships within; but shifts our internal sources and creates a foundation from which all things become possible. Although we may not necessarily acquire faith and hope after empowerment but perhaps our beliefs of faith and hope are the influences that empower us as humans. So there are to some degree variance with each individual on how we navigate our life- our steps.

It is however universal law and is upheld no matter the human and regardless of their current and/or past situation that each of these steps do become a part of our being with the outcome first and foremost being our true identity.

My guides do believe that there are alternate choices as mentioned, that being said before any steps or stages can be ignited or begun we do or need to have the intention. We discussed intention and manifesting intention in part 1, and it literally is the thought, idea or vision that it can be possible for change. Our intentions may not even always be deliberate or provoked consciously but may appear or exist in the form of an idea, dream, vision or expectation. The desires of what could be or that which we wish or long to occur or become all become intentions and begin the step process.

The main importance or the greatest significance is recognizing that our life and even our spiritual being is or becomes simple steps. And just as once we stand on the mountain the forest or valley suddenly comes into clear view; and the rivers, streams and other natural creations that were not visible from below become unveiled in their entire splendor. And so it is true with our being, our core and our life and each path, purpose and lesson we undertake or challenge we face. The difference lies in understanding and the total realization that there is as much if not more energy spent in a step back as in a step forward. And rewards and all future creations and possibilities cannot ever exist behind, but only ahead and at times in the present or the now.

We as humans often become disabled spiritually and even emotionally because the step forward seems incredibly difficult or even impossible. Our fears and the lack of faith, hope, identity and empowerment all feed upon the false system we have created that surrounds only the past. It blocks our view and often prevents us from being able to relate to the equality of a step or of motion both in shifts and changes and within. We can fall backwards with the notion that the past offers some cushion of comfort, safety or reliability. However in truth the past is and always will be a chain or that which holds us down, keeping us trapped and subjected to all of our negative experiences to be lived over and over. While we may not live those literally we do within our energy and being due to the lack of that one step forward- imagine one step.

We also as humans tend to try to attain or grasp, reaching for the entire future in one small swipe or in one step. Also we tend to fear that uncertainty in the future is harmful or dangerous, a threat to our patterns and consistencies rather than to anticipate. There are many of us that continue on the familiar path due to fear, yet the familiar, the past the repetitive is not truly movement, motion or steps. It is the hamster wheel, that may delude or appear to be moving, but nothing ever really becomes changed. And change within creates changes throughout our life. Changes within our life externally create and bring changes within our life. The step ahead, no matter how small is the step that begins the immense and intensive change or shifts that have or has the power to bring us to all that we desire, deserve and intend to create as our life.

So our life in all directions and in all ways is just a series of steps. And all we need to move ahead, to change or alter or to reap all that life offers, becomes ONE step, just one. Imagine when we stop to think of this that ONE step takes us from chaos to calm, unhappy to happy and past to future.

If we can embrace that all is only step by step, we focus on the first step and the rest will come naturally.

Life and all we do is just a step. ~

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