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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "Spirituality and life; learning step by step - Part 1

Sep 26, 2016

"Spirituality and life; learning step by step"
Part 1

For those that read the blog I channel on Starz from my guides' you are perhaps familiar with this past month's various topics. From our spiritual identity to learning to access our power each of those mini-series can be compiled into nothing more than the steps we take. If we are able to see our accomplishments, our potential and future as only a few steps from here to there it becomes more attainable. And if we then see any mistakes, poor choices or even traumatic events or circumstances as only a few steps to be taken forward to change or shift everything we perhaps see and feel our potential.

This last week of September we journey into bringing into focus the reality and the ability to view our entire life as only a few steps back or forward. All of us no matter how fortunate we have been or perhaps are and certainly no matter how challenged; every human can take those metaphoric steps. One by one by one. Those single steps soon form a path and we are transformed from what was into what is or what is to be.

There truly is not anything in life that we do physical, emotional and therefore always spiritually that is not a series of those small steps. A mountain climber succeeds by one step a thousand times but focusing on the next step rather than the entire journey. And legs or the literal ability to walk is not necessary as these are our spiritual steps formed via intentions. We put all we have known and aspire towards together and while we may map out a destination or envision an outcome the journey itself still are step by step.

So from the strongest of athletic training to addiction, grief recovery and many things in between; the true accomplishment is not the end but the ability to recognize life and spirituality is step by step. And that is how we will look into the topic by going step by step with the hopes that when we know hope or life or whatever we need is just a few steps forward we can all start our journey.

In psychology they have a module for the steps or stages of grief when an intimate person in our life passes away. Regardless if from a known disease or expected due to age or health or those that are taken suddenly by accident or illness. We know that although each of the "steps" may vary in their order for us as individuals, universally these must be reached in order to truly move on. They soon took this same module and found it could almost always be applied to addiction and recovery, those suffering from a traumatic event or series of events, and for all humans faced with the flow of life. And this module of steps is applicable to our spiritual being and growth as well. While the definition of the "steps" or stages may vary a bit it's the idea that exists within our spiritual energy and holds for us the promise of a new day. As my guides have been sharing all month, there are certain influences, energies and intentions that are necessary for any and all humans to truly thrive from within. And as we attempted to show, no matter the challenge or the reward all that we are comes from our spiritual core.

And getting to that core or center is also nothing more or nothing less than steps. Once we can fathom the idea and put into a way that makes sense in our lives' and our creation, path and purpose we begin to move forward. Whatever obstacles or blocks have kept us back or held us down are unable to maintain their position (hold) when we are in motion. Imagine an imaginary rope wrapped around an object; while some may claim the rope can just as easily tighten as let go, spiritually this is not true. We also embrace that the laws of physics and science are not always applicable to those of spirituality and/or metaphysics or universal law. And universal law teaches us that if we take that step forward, all that has held on and is in any way toxic or non-serving of our highest good is released. That is the power of the human soul/spirit energy. (See last week's blog on power)

So while the steps in emotional recovery are sustainable and my guides do support that module the steps for the higher motion and energy is a bit different. If we can take all we are and mix that with whatever we wish to be, become or create we have already taken step one. And that means we are closer to that ideal, that vision or purpose and future. Following the above example each step forward then leaves what WAS further behind and we begin the spiritual journey that includes but may not be limited to the steps we have been learning.






Connection of the Trinity, which becomes in a sense our spiritual outcome that follows us and us the fuel we rely on to move towards each consecutive step. For many of us we often have intention but are not manifesting. Or perhaps we even struggle with how to embrace or form that highest intention that becomes the step. And then as individuals we may have accomplished these steps in part but not completed. There is not a demand of order but rather conformity of our spirituality that deems the journey to begin. Once the spiritual journey is underway the rest of life is managed and we are not likely to stop or be held back again. At least not in a sense or energy that is confining, restricting or that rope that binds us down.

We begin with our intention, and that becomes for many that important first step that breaks free of all boundaries and recognizes that life and our journey is merely learning step by step.

Up next, intention and manifestation, taking the steps.

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