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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - Soul Mates and Love in 2017 Part 2

Dec 6, 2016

"Soul mates and love in 2017"
Part 2

For many of us, having a realistic yet spiritual view of what is and isn't a "soul-mate" is the first step in working towards our life partner. As my guides elaborated in part 1, it is not as easy as one may think. There are many humans that tend to get too caught up in the potential (what a soul mate may offer) and reality or the day to day experiences. We also add to the mix the term "twin flame"; which my guides recognize to be a term interchangeable with a soul mate, no more, no less. However many others including those in the spiritual profession define a twin flame as the person or the spiritual being in another person that we are connected to and is singular meaning there is only ONE twin flame for each of us and until or unless we find that person in the current lifetime we will struggle in relationships and with love. Each of us should follow our hearts and what resonates and makes the most sense, however it is my stand that our creator, Divine or God does not limit us to only this ONE person that has the power to bring happiness. If we look at Universal law, we are taught that happiness or dysfunction and unhappiness always arise from the relationship not the person, so although a life partner can of course add to our joy, no other being can simply make us "happy".

My guides chose this topic because we have been on a very significant path in the last year or so of illumination. We have by many internal and external events been brought to a higher awareness of self and the collective. This automatically or by default corresponds, influences and shifts all of our relationships. It has the greatest impact however on romantic love, pursuing love in its true and/or original form and being able to adjust to a higher level of synchronicity with a partner or potential partner. Because all things must balance or align, it then also introduces us or brings greater awareness to toxic, dysfunctional and difficult relationships.

We have been within a vortex in a way and that has taken a great deal of our energy to interpret, accept and understand. And as the New Year approaches it does so with personal, romantic and life partner relationships taking a front row seat amidst the other shifts we are undergoing. Be sure to watch for my January and 2017 yearly forecast which should be posted December 31st.

So as we move into new energies, we are going to be gearing towards not just personal enlightenment and walking in grace with self, Divine and collective but with all of our relationships. As we have moved out or away from our higher purpose and all that comes with pursuing a spiritual life, we also have allowed our relationships or even the pursuit of these relationships to become more of a hunt or trying too hard to make two halves fit, rather than going with the flow. As we explained in part 1, it is not just a matter of whom, but also when and it all begins with intention.

The universe and creator are working to teach us that our life partner relationships, or again that person’s we pursue as such must have balance and unity to have success that is aligned with our higher purpose. Our society has broken away from that "true love" and being able to flow within our lives' which puts us at great risk for failed relationships, threatening situations and creates chaos and anxiety. Just look at the rate of divorce especially in the US and Canada and of course other countries are seeing or have seen a rise as well. We are being shifted back to our natural patterns, instincts and that true connection that can exist rather than being with another so as to not be alone. We also have seen in the last decade a huge slip from working with love, compassion and compromise when we DO find our intended or a potential life partner into giving up or letting go at the first sign of any challenges. And love, no matter how true, or how strong still needs to be tended and treated with the utmost respect and honor.

Like a garden, once planted it may grow on its own and can battle weeds and climate, but eventually it will be overtaken if left for too long.

In 2017 we will be in the throes of major shifts that although it may separate those not in fated or destined relationships, will or can ultimately lead us to that which has been promised; someone to love and cherish and to return that to us. It is not superficial nor weak but strong and able to withstand great external pressure as long as we are following our heart, rather than a hedonistic need.

As we become more spiritually aware and awakened, we will find that many that felt or perhaps seemed to be "the one" in fact were much like the "wolf in sheep’s clothing"; disguised by our own fears of being alone and needs that can and should be met with or by our own connection to Divine.

It looks to be a year where love can and will blossom for many, but under a much different "face" or in a way we are not quite accustomed to. These shifts and changes are necessary so that we have a much greater recognition of love, rather than using the term to describe anything from chemistry to a one night stand.

Next, how to live and learn with these changes and what it may mean for us personally. ~

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