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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - September Guidance

Sep 1, 2016

September charges in from August like the wind across the prairie. Although an expected form of Mother Nature; these sudden sandstorms engage enough energy and power to overturn automobiles dislodge shelters or outbuildings, bringing chaos and at times destruction. In the spiritual sense, our energy shifts into that which is bold and full of clarity. The power or empowerment we are offered is unmatched as we choose to either reap the bounty we have struggled to achieve manifesting the promise of tomorrow. Like those that peruse the damages, we can walk in grace and gratitude for what has been spared, or see only the damages caused which symbolizes the past. With powerful forces steady and strong this September we all choose which path to follow.

1) Universal lesson and message; September is another powerful month and in fact my guides share that thus far this year, (2016) it quite possibly has the highest energy vibrations or influences. As September is often considered to be a month or harvest for those that till and work the land, there is certainly strong and significant symbolisms and opportunities in abundance. So we are asked to walk within the past, allowing prior lessons and cultivating (metaphoric for the crops and/or yield of the harvest) those to unite with our spiritual self or core. Yet our warning or the potential blocks or obstacles are in never allowing such to define or over power our greater self. So if we use the desert winds or the sandstorms, although there exists a great power within these spasms of Mother Nature. We are asked and even expected to hold tight and remain strong able to wait out the ravages and staying spiritually connected to all that we can and should be thankful for. The other significant lesson and current energy that is quite encouraging and spiritually inspiring is our ability to recognize and rejoice in the bounty that has been given. While each of us as individuals may have some variance in what or how we give thanks or take full advantage of what is created for the now and future, the "collective" is delivered prosperity and abundance. We do reap what we sow, but rather than using this energetic month to contemplate or revisit the past, we unite so that it neither holds us back nor is ignored. September is a month of action, of change, shifts and altering all that which no longer serves while pursuing with great intent, all that can and will serve our life, path and purpose. And the last few months we have all (universally) worked hard, accepted and navigated challenges and alterations, and prepared our spiritual and emotional selves' for the risk and sacrifices that are now before us. September is the symbol for all that we give and the greater the faith and/or hope, the more positive outcomes become revealed and our true/highest self and core lead the way to the spiritual "market".

2) Love, relationships and romance; In September the "love at first sight" becomes almost commonplace. For those humans that have been faithful to the protocol of the past months, we have paid our "dues" and as we portray the highest of energy and intention, we then attract the same into our life. Platonic relationships, friends, family and co-workers should become much clearer in the agenda of each and again as long as we maintain our power, we are given endless opportunities. We can unite or bond with those we seem drawn to (platonic connections) and are also able to ignore and dismiss those that harmony is simply not able to be achieved. The difference is the energy and the effect we either embrace or deny. The lesson is to discount those not important to our life so we are easily able to be cordial but unaffected and never defined by toxic or questionable energies. For those in long term, dating or committed romantic relationships, the yearnings still exist, but again that "power" (think of the sandstorm) is ours to wield as we see fit and it is again vital that we take strong action and move forward, risks or not to seek that which we DO envision. And this has been an ongoing theme for most of this year, the push or universal influence to exit all relationships that are toxic, dysfunctional and unhealthy. The longer we avoid extricating ourselves due to fear of being alone, or the risks and sacrifices the more we potentially miss out on romantic opportunities and the chance to meet that soul-mate which DOES offer the chance for a life partnership filled with peace, harmony, equality and of course love. For those of us single, the energy to bond or connect with a romantic partner is quite strong and we need to avoid the urge to retreat into the past, attempting to reinstate past relationships for the sake of only not being alone. September is a time of hope, but for that which is real and deserved, for those that have worked hard, just as the farmer works the land and are prepared to spend some time alone if this can lead us to finding the one. September will also be a month of sudden marriages, eloping, unexpected engagements and cohabitating. Love knows no clock, so for most of us these very fast paced romantic endeavors will lead to a life time of happiness and love. The best way to evaluate and/or judge a potential partner or even an existing significant other is the strength of energy and devotion to the relationship in of itself. We should all be empowered with the knowledge that love awaits, and in September it feels to be almost everywhere.

3) Economy, jobs, careers and business; the economy seems to have taken a bit of a turn towards increasing, and again that strong energy takes hold and shifts our world. Although there are some price increases or costs seem to slowly be rising, jobs are numerous and many of us will have offers and opportunities that were simply not available in prior months. Individuals, the collective and corporations, businesses big and small all seem to be on the upswing and our profit margins should begin to exceed that of prior months. Even though we witness a slight change in costs operational and materials, the profits well exceed the pay out and once again we are asked to "stand in power" and clearly we need to count our many blessings. Those involved in private business, independent, whether just starting or years in existence. The key lies in our universal lesson and in being the one or ones of power, taking control, and learning to accept that risks are more often than not worth the outcome. The most significant as always lies within intention, creation and manifesting and we must adhere to our instincts, intuition and no matter what or how something looks on "paper" if we believe and deny our fear in making choices or choosing our energy we should see a very successful September!

4) Politics, government, leaders, national security and the media; as my guides have shared for several months now with the US being in the midst of a presidential election year, it has been front page news since about the beginning of 2016. Again because the energy is so powerful, it both is transmitted and received. There has been a collective call that seems answered to deal with that which affects the nation rather than trivial matters and competition for "air time". September will bring a new challenge as although the energy is strong and not easily ignored, it does begin to come from a higher place, and offers us all a chance to review pertinent issues. For other countries led by those officials or leaders that do not have the highest of intentions of the collective as their true intentions and agenda, as we have seen they are slowly being overcame by those very same persons who likely supported their original take over. But as we are asked not to be caught in the past but to take it with us as we use all that is within our power to shift and change, we are still seeing many changes that will be of major significance and importance to others. Again faith dictates that we hold our end and stance (against the proverbial windstorm) as those without compassion and the truest intentions cannot continue to lead. So by the end of September we are likely to view changes in countries other than the US and Canada. Our leadership globally is heading for a much more place of spiritual unity and this is the long term goal for all. It also becomes of great importance both in each county and as a united front as we continue to face terrorist threats which have the potential to tap into the energy and strike out. We do of course pray that is not to be realized, but it is possible nonetheless. As we have seen in the media, there have been many changes, even well know and long term journalists and reporters stepping down as others adhere to a much higher code of ethics. All is a part of the spiritual influence and plan to take us to that higher state of being.

5) Weather forecasts and outlooks; September feels to put the majority of the earth and all global regions back on the more "normal" or predictive path. And for many of us we finally have a break from the unprecedented shifts of heat in winter and cold in summer. Although there is as the foundation or main focus a return to the expected, the strong vibration energies bring several quite massive fronts, storms and major events. Because we are in a cycle of return, meteorologists have a much higher success rate of prediction and it appears that the majority of these major weather events will be calculated and therefore most of us will be warned. Again because the strength of energy is at one of its strongest points, there will or can be the potential for weather events from hurricanes to earthquakes and almost everything in between. It is not so much the event itself but again as my guides believe the weather to reflect our spiritual lesson, influence and such, it becomes once again about the "after". For those that can and do acknowledge what could have been taken, lost or destroyed rather than what was. This is intentional from Universe or Divine and again helps us to unite to all spiritual energies both self and the collective. My guides feel there will be at least 3 very significant events and one will occur in the US, some type of hurricane or tornado that lands in a very populated area. Much like the record setting floods and Sandy the hurricane that hit New York, there feels to be at least one similar event. (not New York this time) although there is going to be damage, it will not be that which cannot be endured, rebuilt and in all aspects from campaigns to individual intentions guides us to that higher power that resides inside our own spiritual being. So the weather for September aside from the calm moments will be anything but boring.

September is a bit like the "dark horse" it rides in at night, not darkness in any type of evil way, but symbolizing power, potential and what each of us can and should be reaching for.

Our lesson is to harness that power that exists within us all, and to engage it and unite it with others in our life and to reach creative and envisioned happiness. We learn to take the risks, because the rewards are well worth doing so. We bring in the "harvest" and share what we don't need for our own self. There are many chances for encounters and we all are asked to be open and to keep fear from coming before our visions. Those that we meet have the potential to be permanent in our lives and if not a life partner a friend or a connection that DOES lead us to that long awaited partner. And for those trapped and unable to move ahead or forward perhaps that "windstorm" is enough to finally push us to our true destination, both spiritually and literally.

September truly is a month of embracing and recognizing all the abundance before us and at the same time, facing and releasing that which is simply redundant and cannot or will not serve our highest. It is the spiritual harvest and there are offerings beyond what we could possibly imagine. ~

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**All written material by StarzMayaMoon may not be reproduced without permission from Planet Starz, Inc. This includes all the previous posts.**

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