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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "Self Comforting" Part 4

Aug 6, 2016

Part 4/conclusion

When we talk about or look into "self-comforting", soothing or any way in which we bring balance, harmony and peace we are always dealing with our spiritual energy. While quite often the actual act or actions may be physical or come from our emotional or cognitive energy, all things stem from spirituality. And as individuals, we all have various methods both internal and external to assist us. Even within our own self our choices or ways in which we comfort or soothe can vary depending on the need. And also as mentioned for many of us as humans we are not even always aware that a particular or specific behavior or even intention, thought or idea is in reality our self-comforting and/or soothing. As we said the easiest way to view this is as a form of balance.

When our life is going as expected or planned, our need for soothing or comfort remains and is still necessary but to a much lower level or extent. The true ability of our natural gift or our pattern or potential for creating or restoring balance through comfort by self is tested when our life becomes chaotic or we become faced with major obstacles.

If you can imagine a double sided scale such as the scales of justice, the lower or heavier the weight of one side, the more that is needed to achieve or produce balance. That is basically what occurs in our life and our spiritual energy or being when external circumstances develop that create situations in which we have to exert quite a bit of energy or self-comforting to be able to remain intact and hold onto our hope, faith and self-image.

And for many of us keep that balance can be a difficult and at times almost impossible task, one that requires almost constant attention, intention and action to keep those "scales balanced". It also is important that we do not allow more to be released from our being or energy than what is added or given back. Just as we used the saving's account analogy, once all has been depleted it becomes much more difficult to reinstate or fill back up. It is by far easier to keep the balance, however because we are not all even aware of this process and then because it can be quite challenging to find ways that are strong enough or offer enough incentive to combat the obstacles, it can at times be a daunting task. The more we know and understand about our natural ability or gift of energy and how even just certain thoughts, daydreams or visions can bring about balance or perhaps hope the closer we are to being able to balance by self-comforting not just for that moment, but as a protocol for our lifetime.

It should be fairly easy to recognize a major setback or situation in which our lives' go from being fairly smooth and flowing, to that which causes major energy shifts and changes along our path. Some examples would be an unexpected job loss or lay off, break-up with a long term partner, unexpected death and of course many other possible scenarios.

So when something this serious and life altering arises, it is easy to see that it may take more than the thought of stopping for an ice cream or treating one's self to a massage, outing or other more superficial or casual comforts.
In times like this it is almost as if we need to call in all of our forms of support and spiritual energies, guides, angels and anything and everything that can help us get past and rebound from our setbacks. And many of these take a LOT of work or almost constant or vigilant attention in comforting and soothing. The above mentioned are major crisis's and are not something we can recover from in a day or two.

So how do we use our comfort or soothing in times such as these and what if any methods may be more rewarding than others?

Although we each have to find what works best for us, there are a few things that Universally work for most if not all of us during times of true crisis. The most important is to be able to hold on to our faith and/or hope. There are many ways to do this via soothing, whether we look back to a time when we survived a difficult period, rely on our spiritual beliefs, religion or simply remind ourselves that the world-therefore our life is always shifting. So nothing is truly permanent.

We can work on holding onto to hope by using imagery, envisioning changes for the better. We can also look at what we do have and find one small shred of gratitude, one thing in life to be thankful for. If we focus our intentions on this, we can possibly hold onto or continue to keep faith and hope alive, and ultimately this is what will see us through to the end or the worst of times.

Also support from family, friends or perhaps our partner depending on the exact nature of the situation. Just because we are "self-comforting" does not indicate we are without help, assistance or the ability to reach for others. In fact that is actually an idea or intention that begins within, we are self-indulging in comfort by creating the intention and then following through with the ability to see and accept that support from others can be a crucial part of getting through the darker times.

Finding the balance; it probably is the most difficult or challenging to find our balance (remember the scales or weights) when things feel so tipped NOT or against our favor. And although as mentioned it's no easy task it IS possible and the potential exists equally for all of us, no matter how devastating our situation may be or seem in that moment. It is times such as these that even some awareness of our spiritual energy and being able to believe in that which we perhaps cannot see, or prove becomes essential to our connection to hope, faith which is the cycle or the chain that leads us to better days and the promise of change.

There is no simple answer for how to self-comfort or soothe. It is built in mechanism that when we are aware we can use much more to our advantage or tap into, and even when we are not fully aware, we still use this gift or gifts of energy.

All of our comforting and/or soothing begins in our spiritual energy or core and is then passed down as it goes from thoughts and inspirations to actions and manifestations.

It is amazing that we are able to balance our life and energy, no matter how difficult or challenging our situation may have been.

Be sure to join us Monday night, 8/8 on Starz BlogTalk Radio for part 2 of our topic on "Self Comfort". ~

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