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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "Self Comforting" Part 3

Aug 5, 2016

"Self comforting"
Part 3

We often use self-comforting or soothing in a very natural and spiritually influenced way. Later we will look closer at times when our life becomes totally chaotic and we are in more of a desperate need for some type of comfort or soothing, even perhaps a form of inner healing. For now we look at ways healthy individuals use their spiritual and natural abilities to soothe or comfort in the sense of relaxation, calming and just generally helping or assisting our overall energy so we can be the best we can be. It allows us to take life more in stride and to remain calm again in more normal or everyday situations so that we are able to reach our potential, whatever that happens to be for each of us specifically.

And there are actually many of us that self-comfort or soothe without even being conscious or aware of the intention or the action. And while sometimes it can be a more pronounced or significant form or pattern, other times it has become so much a part of who we are and what we are that we may barely even notice if at all that we are indeed soothing or comforting.

Aside from conscious meditation that involves a fairly strong protocol or ritual, all spiritual being and humans use a form of meditation in their daily life. For many of us this can be the form of thoughts, mental manipulation or even almost inner conversations we have throughout the day or evening to remain calm and/or keep our life on an even keel. And again we are referring to those times when life is fairly balanced and there are no major issues, challenges or problems facing us.

So as we process the day for example; one way we may comfort is to think, something like, on my way home I am going to stop for my favorite take out meal. Or perhaps it is imagining and reminding self-tonight is my favorite show, I can't wait to get comfortable and curl up to watch it. Or we may think of a family member or friend we have missed speaking with, and think once I have changed or done chores, I am going to give such and such a call, it will be so good to catch up. The list goes on and on.

And not only does the thought, idea or intention serve as comforting or soothing, but the actual or literal action does even more. So in a sense we have set the mood, and helped to bring peace and solace or joy and balance by offering up a reward or being aware of a thought that when fulfilled, rewards ourselves with compassion, soothing, comforting and calming.

It is the natural order of both spiritual energy and beings and humans and the physical life that balance must be sought and attained, at all times. And again as with other influences or parts of our entire being we can be so used to this flow that we have to really step back to realize the chain of command or how we process these abilities without much forethought or even planning. So as we used the above examples, watching our favorite show may be seen as a form of entertainment, which it is also, however even entertainment is a form of soothing and comforting and more so, our use of preparation and/or the previews in our mind become our spiritually active way of soothing.

Even on days when perhaps life goes even better than expected or what could be possibly planned. We are still offering some form of comfort or soothing even if that ends up as reminders of how great that day was. And it's not always because without soothing or comforting we would be shattered like glass. We are not all that fragile; however it is or becomes such a natural part of who we are and what we are that all humans or almost all use self-comforting in a daily manner.

We also carry what my guides have referred to before as our spiritual "savings account". When we enjoy or take part in a really good memory or enjoy an outstanding day, we not only use that for the moment or day. So that is not only part of our soothing for the day or even the next few days, but it becomes a part of spiritual energy and memory and can be pulled out over and over and used and reused without losing much if any of its potency. So a good memory, perhaps a raise or promotion at work, becoming engaged, buying and having the loan accepted on our new home, ALL of these can be items we tuck securely in our savings to be used later on.

And for some of these which are quite significant, we likely DO use for times when life is challenging or seems to be more obstacles than rewards. Again think of this as with all things, it is about balance. And much of what we do spiritually is done subconsciously or even unconsciously as simply a part of how we are programmed.

As we talked about on the air and my guides in the first couple of parts of this blog topic; we are a society of gratification. For those that use the internet or watch any television, even reading the news, the commercials and ads all have the same agenda. We have been raised and more so in the past 10 years with the "entitlement" theory that each of us deserves to receive anything and everything we desire.

However spiritually and as spiritual beings, it is seen as we all have the potential to acquire that which we deserve and desire, but each of these must be intentions which then are manifested into action. And within that gratification or even hedonistic message is the agenda of luring us or leading us to use self-comforting or self-soothing in a continuous and perhaps overly focused way.

We are soothed as infants even as we grown inside a womb, and once born the psychological view is one of if not the most important lesson becomes that of learning to rely on self.

Parents or caregivers accomplish this in a variety of ways and how quickly one adapts can also depend on their individual traits, spiritual and emotional DNA and a myriad of other external and internal influences. However by the time most of us have reached adulthood, or perhaps a bit before or after, at some point we automatically begin that connection and this ability within self can have actually amazing and positive influences on our life in general.

For those that are within the flow of comfort and soothing self, they are able as described above to use thoughts, ideas and imagination to calm or remain calm. And these are times when life is fairly stable so it is used simply to maintain or keep the balance rather than to restore it.

It can vary from food, a special treat to just resting or splurging and making a long awaited purchase. And although much of our comforting and soothing eventually becomes an action, it all begins with the thought or the intention of what we have chosen or selected as that which can and will make us feel rewarded or balanced for that which we have given. So as we mentioned the spiritual "savings account" it becomes a way to make sure no matter how many withdrawals are made, there is always extra or something left in to be used if and when needed.

Spiritual comfort is as unique as the human or person requesting and/or making use of it. For those of you that perhaps have never considered how you soothe or comfort, try keeping a journal (journals are great for many things) on how many times a day and specifically what you may think, consider, imagine or plan that brings a feeling of contentment, peace, calm and happiness. The whole idea of self-comfort and soothing is so that we can eventually rely only on self, and we may not even need to take the action of that which is outside our own energy. So we may not stop for our favorite meal or such is down very sparingly. The idea is to be able to comfort but to do so without needing that which can be harmful, addictive, habit forming or that which must be relied on outside again of self and our own thoughts. For many of us just being able to enjoy the thought that okay maybe next week I will enjoy that pizza, or splurge on that purse, etc., just the thought is enough to give or offer balance and happiness.

Next, when things get serious, how we deal with crisis and chaos and what if self-comforting fails to work? ~

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