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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "Reincarnation, past lives', familiars and pre-destined" Part 8

Aug 20, 2016

"Reincarnation, past lives', familiars and pre-destined"
Part 8/conclusion

As we reviewed in part 7, the various components of reincarnation and the existence of familiars and soul-mates are a complex web of interrelated spiritual expressions.

Since we cannot know the exact nature of each past life or what it may encompass during periods in between, we can only base our beliefs on the various spiritual teachings. From pure metaphysics to strict and "rule" guided religions, we each have to find that balance and middle ground that resonates within our own self and is perhaps supported by spiritual experiences and human encounters. Perhaps you have had lucid dreaming or worked with a professional to uncover actual past lives'. Or for some of us we seemed to automatically follow the ideology of ascension which seems to easily validate the need for lessons, learning or creating a higher spiritual presence, core or energy.

Past lives' and/or reincarnation may not and we believe they are not our only choices or paths to find harmony and inner sanctuary and peace, a place of total and unquestioned self-acceptance along with validation and worth or value. However reincarnation or living as humans, or more correctly stated being human beings is at times the only source or the only possible route to a myriad of exposure in life.

We can only understand hunger if we have no food, we can only give forgiveness if we have been forgiven and in each of these scenarios we find the beginning is always within our spiritual "cache" and there are many challenges that cannot be substituted in any other form than living a life.

We also discussed the variance in the number of lives' lived (past tense) and those yet to be. And as my guides shared that this number often can vary with individuals; there are too many influences, obstacles, switchbacks on our path to be able to list all of the possibilities. One thing that IS extremely clear is that reincarnation and all that is attached to this in no way is any type of competition, race, nor a personal evaluation of worth, intelligence spiritual abilities or entitlements.

We know if we share these ideas and/or philosophies that changes, disruptions or altering our expectations, contract or path is not always just about self. As humans while for the most part the "collective" energies share, support and are essential to our spiritual growth and existence. There are times when free will, choice, fears and other energies or functions can, do and will interfere with what began as the "supposed to be". (A reminder the supposed to be is the Karma, destiny or pre-adapted plan or contract)

So while perhaps there are those of us that recall a prior life as royalty where another is reminded of struggling days as a pioneer, with barely enough of the sustainable necessities, these are in a sense just grains of sand on the beach. As mentioned although our spiritual memory (our cache) holds all, we generally do not have access to the majority of those memories whether a prior life or the current.

It is also often detrimental to our lesson, path, and purpose and in remaining true to a soul-contract or spiritual plan should we have full and total recall in regards to a past life or lives'. For example if in a prior life our soul-mate abandoned us, perhaps even via an early death of the physical life; if we were able to vividly recall those details imagine the negative impact that could be created. It is quite possible that such memories would corrupt our ability to live and embrace the now, and to function based on the interactions, circumstances and relationship that are current. Because we are humans, it is often our human side, that which carries emotions, free will and deals with circumstances that we rely on for each lifetime. It would be a near impossible feat to expect to remember chaotic, painful and/or traumatic events from the past and relevant to a person and expect us as human beings to remain unaffected.

So even in those humans that are able to tap into past lives' or find helpful tools and resources to access recollection, our spiritual center/core maintains control and there are likely some details and even some lives' that we are unable to recall.

And while there is a very definitive ladder in terms of our spiritual revolution and evolution; in the end this results in an equal or balanced energy and way of living or being for all. Each of us faces those lessons which can be difficult to master and then adding to that the loss of control over other human beings. So even when we may come across or perhaps we are called an "old soul" it only indicates many times of reincarnation. It is not meant as an evaluation of higher powers or a faster learning curve when the whole process is put together as whole.

So while one person may learn compassion easily, they may struggle with detaching from the material or superficial world. And it may be reversed for another human.
If we look at our path in a metaphoric sense, we are all traveling towards the same destination. And while it can seen at times as though one or more of us is taking much longer or needing to repeat a life or lives' a great deal more or longer than another, this is misleading and untrue.

Imagine a long path, that winds through the mountains, the deserts, up and down, some parts easy to traverse where others the climbing or walking becomes slow and difficult. And among that long journey and path we are all spread amongst the walk.

So reincarnation is our spiritual protocol and the form and function for finding our highest self and becoming the potential the co-exists in us all. And no matter where or at what level or point you may be for this moment, we all meet at the end of the journey and in that reunification; we are equal in every sense.

For spiritual this is about balance, alignment, compassion, faith, and hopes and above all else, loves. The journey to find unconditional love for self and for all others.

So whether your second life or your fourth, what went before and what comes after can never are as important as what IS. And it will always revert back to our current life in how we navigate, understand and attempt to reach the goals created. ~

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