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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "Prophecies and revelations; fact, fiction or choice"? Part 1

Oct 31, 2016

"Prophecies and revelations; fact, fiction or choice"?

*Disclaimer* the following series contains references to Christianity and God as a power, creator and source of all creation. It is not necessary to share such beliefs to relate to what is shared or offered for consideration. All biblical references are those most widely adopted, accepted and taught within that system of belief.

Part 1

For those that were able to read the November forecast and that which was predicted and/or channeled via my guides are likely aware of the prophetic energies this month. (November) There has in addition been numerous indications, influences and energies throughout the past 10 months that have supported we are collectively and universally in the midst of great spiritual shifts. Although our universe, our spiritual core both individual and collective never remains stationary or stagnant; these shifts or influences have been more significant, more profound and depict the potential for great changes than what has been witnessed in many years.

While there have always been those that teach, preach, predict and point to ancient and even more modern prophecies, events that appear to be inevitable by the measure of "proof" in many subjective forms. However there has been a great rise in those that lay claim to having inner knowledge or acting as a messenger for that of the highest power. While the majority of such claims arise from the interpretation of the Bible. And specifically "Revelations" in which an apostle John, a prophet chosen by God shares the signs and symbols that begin the end of times. And as a book written thousands of years ago, it is decoded or transformed through interpretations which may or may not be totally accurate. The process or the time of revelations is thought by most Christians or followers of the word to be a long process, the exact timing unknown. What we do seem to know amongst those that carry such beliefs is that the revelations exist over a number of years, possibly even decades.

In the spiritual world, even hundreds of years back, there were many well known astrologers and non-affiliated prophets that predicted not only rather current events but those that would occur long after such "seer" had crossed on.

Although there are many that to this day have a huge following; probably one of if not the most famous and accurate is the predictions of Nostradamus. His writings although much was done in code as various leaders and even certain religious organizations saw these as the work of darkness, often called a "false prophet", witch, devil among a slew of rather derogatory terms. Thankfully our modern society has radically changed societal views and laws and although there are some that may still criticize that which conflicts their own belief system; freedom of speech and religion or spiritual beliefs allows any of us to share our ideas, whether such can be supported or not.

Although my guides do not specifically attempt to unravel the symbolism or interpret that which is found in the Biblical book of revelations; they fully support that we as a whole or collective are currently experiencing numerous situations that were predicted or prophesized thousands of years ago.

From major or significant weather patterns, to the unexplained death without cause of many species of creatures, something feels to be happening and where it all leads, remains a question.

When we look at prophecies and revelations, while there are certainly differences there are by far many more similarities and the theme of such is quite the same. Whether one is awaiting the return of the chosen one, or messiah, or even the anti-Christ or false messiah and/or prophet, there is dramatic dissention globally and appears to be no exact cause.

And while this series is in no way meant to appear or be compared to a "doomsday" preparation; my guides do have an agenda and intention (as always) and this is simply to awaken those still blissfully asleep (metaphorically) and to perhaps enlighten those individuals with whom no clear purpose, path or potentially possible great shift or extreme change is considered.

For those that honor the father, God then great concern and attention has been given to the patterns that repeatedly seem to support that something IS coming, and whether that shall be within our spiritual core or spirit and reach all of the collective, or a physical or external event, that reaches across our universe in the changes brought forth.

So join us as we explore, explain and guide all who feel intrigued or perhaps something more. As one whom works in the spiritual profession and also my personal beliefs follow the mainstream Judeo-Christian teachings from the Bible. And as a spiritual advisor I am easily able to see how all of our belief's, no matter how varied or different can unite for the purpose of understanding and perhaps even preparing for possible world change.

I do know this in every fiber of my energy, core and being, as a person and as one that represents the spiritual view; there is a feeling of expectation and something building in power. And my guides also share that many of our recent experiences universally or collectively; such as terrorist attacks, strange weather patterns and even the major controversy surrounding the US election next week.

Join us as we explore further, accepting our differences while embracing our similarities. And no matter your beliefs, systems, religious doctrines or not, we are all connected and we all will be affected should something major occur. We can magnanimously embrace our differences if only for the sake of our personal best.

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