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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "Our Lessons - Part 5 Conclusion

Nov 21, 2016

"A lesson in lessons"
Part 5/Conclusion

If you have ever been united with a romantic partner in whom the connection from the beginning was so strong, so undeniable; chances are you were with a soul mate. And just a word of warning here, the last or conclusion of this series deals with raw, sensitive and painful experiences. If you are still in the beginning stages of dealing with the grief and disbelief of a recently ended relationship, you may feel this triggers emotions and anxiety.

As human beings, the combination of our spiritual lessons along with just navigating through the various aspects of life. We all at one time or another have experienced some form of rejection and for the majority; this has been more than just one occurrence. Being rejected or facing the trials and tribulations of what is considered "everyday" life generally causes no major setbacks or produces a spiritual crisis. When we begin to delve into our lessons, or more specifically the soul contracts that were entered into and intended and expected by both partners in that next life; we are dealing with much more profound energies and therefore the potential for substantial impact and influences.

As we have mentioned in all the scenarios involving our spiritual lessons; the reasons, circumstances or situations in which we choose to exert our free will are numerous. It would virtually be impossible to list each and every possible reason; however there is a few that do seem to be universal in nature. (A choice frequently made by humans of all gender, culture, race, etc.)

When we look at those that return as soul mates with the spiritual agreement and intention to be or remain as life partners; it seems against the very nature of the definition that one partner would exit and/or abandon the "supposed" to be.

But it does happen, and aside from losing a loved one to physical death is the most painful, disturbing and tragic experiences we can endure.
My experience in working in spirituality and with hundreds or more clients over the past 35 years, I can attest that this is not common but neither is it so rare as to be without a need to explore.

As mentioned although my guides uphold the belief we all have more than one potential soul mate and have in all likelihood, spent more than one life with more than one. We also feel that because a soul mate is a connection and offers potential and opportunity, for many of us we have one life partner in which the connection or bond is just a bit stronger (some may call this a twin flame) and that spiritual energy is usually present in almost all of our physical lives' in some capacity.

So if we put this all into an analogy or easy to follow example; let’s assume that the current life has been deemed or carries a contract that within a specific time frame, we will reunite with our soul mate and life partner. And we do. Perhaps a work luncheon, a dating site or maybe the mechanic that fixes our brakes or the doctor that stitches the gash in our arm. When predestined, Divine is very much ruling or overseeing the intended and orchestrates generally the time or timing of meeting. Timing is absolutely critical to the relationship and the outcome as both people’s have or may need to complete other lessons, or even mature or finish spiritual business that is a part of their Karma.

So we assume they meet and are usually the case the chemistry and connection is strong and immediate. Although our human personality traits vary, some of us being more introverted while others are gregarious and outgoing; both seem to acknowledge a major life shift or change. And while some may meet and literally marry or move in together within weeks, others are more cautious or slower to make such huge shifts. In either case the bond, the feeling of such familiarity and the unexplained connection is equally strong. Both seem aware quite early on that this meeting, whether an actual date or random run in has a deep meaning and the energy between both are like an electrical impulse.

As the couple continues along the preplanned journey or path, nothing but positive outcomes and similar intentions and/or agendas are shared. Again life partners do not always require a documented "marriage" or even children, it is not about the external or superficial choices but that which occurs within their spiritual beings and the ability to confer with one another, sanctifying through love, devotion, exclusion and dedication they were or are undoubtedly "meant to be".

And then something goes horribly wrong. There is a major and significant difference between couples (even soul-mates and life partners) that grow apart, are affected by various external life challenges, money, career, children and sometimes just distance that is brought on by changes in our core values and roles.

The above is still painful, but there is almost always a cause or some way of noting at least part of the cause or factors and influences. Those are relationship challenges and can occur in life partners or soul mates as well as those couples that share a bond, but perhaps one not quite as deep or profound. There is some fragment of warning, some type of behaviors or even sharing of feelings that lead to awareness and help us begin to accept the possibility of an ending. There are some situations in which the original consummation or unity of the relationship was based on traits or bonds that were more superficial than sustaining. Regardless of how this began or end came to be, the damages are sustainable for the most part.

But when a true soul mate and life partner, and most especially when both were expecting this connection and/or meeting, so there is a "contract" with intentions and an agenda on both sides and together as well. In the case of "grace overrides Karma" one of the partners chooses to exert free will despite all the risks, warnings and reasons o to do so, and they almost coldly and without much warning simple vacate the relationship, connection and bond.

Although the person "breaking" the soul contract or turning from the spiritually intended plan may use excuses or try to validate their reasons; they are weak and would easily be problems or issues that could be worked on or dealt with.

The way to recognize the shift of a soul mate versus just being or becoming incompatible is these end as quickly as begun. And there is no logic, no reasonable explanations and often little if any compassion or sympathy for the one being left behind. There are many influences or energies that can cause one of the most major shifts in our path and purpose that humans can display and/or act upon. This is the most devastating and the least understandable to the other person. These are often those that go months and even years in mourning and struggling to understand what went wrong. The ex-partner may have moved on, married or committed to another. They will generally avoid any and all communications and seem incapable of even trying to offer an explanation or share their feelings. Just as the partner left behind is unable without a great deal of time to move past this shattering blow and likely never fully understands the reason or the "why". The one that makes that sharp left rather than heading straight (metaphorically) is unable to provide genuine insight as they are not even clear on what exactly occurred or even why.

On some occasions, unbeknown to either, this actually IS the lesson. It may go back to what my guides shared about gratitude and appreciating relationships, or persons. It may be about the need to suffer so that we are fully capable of relating to those suffering without judgment. But in the majority of these harsh realities it is just a human being human, pushing back their emotions and spiritual light and awareness in favor of seeking that which may or may not be waiting ahead.

Those left to pick up the pieces of their life although usually supported by friends or family are also given spiritual support if such is sought. Also, there are many lessons that potentially exist to be learned and can often transform our energy to the highest or greatest good and the strongest vibration. Our life is or can be spent for quite some time in attempting to disconnect, release, rebound and recover. And as individuals, the time we need cannot be calculated other than we know via universal law that eventually we all are able to release the past and move onto the future.

But initially it is an inner conflict in which we are for the most part innocent victims. It is not about what we said or did, or didn't do, our jobs (or lack of) or any other mundane or ordinary life process. And because as spiritual beings we still feel the original bond and connection, it takes empowerment, faith, hope and control to move past the "supposed" to be and into that state of grace.

A lesson in lessons is a complex system. One lesson can end up being a very different lesson and with free will, there just are never any guarantees on outcome.

The positive focus we have on lessons is that we move up a level as we learn and become closer to the ideal form, embracing and emitting love in all ways for always. ~

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