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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "Our Lessons - Part 4

Nov 19, 2016

"A lesson in lessons"
Part 4

When it comes to our lessons and relationships; this feels to be the most prominent aspect in humans or in their life and path that contrasts or causes conflict. While our free will and the gift or right to choose/decide to follow the predestined path (the lesson/lessons) versus altering or shift in direction, thus changing at times our purpose from the "supposed" to be. These can potentially be minor or major, encompass almost any aspect of life. However relationships, romance and love always create the most profound, accounting for the majority of acting on free will versus the spiritual contracts or predestined outcome.

Before we can fully explain or share insight and guidance specific to relationships, we need to create a base or foundation for what contributes or influences these particular energies.

And as always, the information is channeled via my guides and represents their and is neither exclusive nor inclusive in the spiritual or supernatural realm of beliefs.

We as humans have "familiars"; these are groups of about 5 or more spiritual energies that share most and sometimes all of our reincarnated and physical lives'. We often reconnect at variable times within each life, and the relationship is often varied. So in one life our mother may return as a sister or a friend may reincarnate as our child. A soul mate is a connection that has a stronger tie or cord between the two. And almost all physical lives' shared are of a romantic or intimate nature; regardless of our sexual identity, preference or lifestyle there is a consistent and powerful tie that carries a more profound spiritual and emotional reaction. Although in both scenarios we almost always have some sense of recognition, a feeling of having "known" that person before. A quick reminder that our spiritual cache carries ALL of these detailed memories and experiences. However these are almost never shared with our conscious memory, therefore it is a feeling, albeit strong and powerful. These attachments are manifested as emotions, yearnings as undeniable attachments and/or as opposed to actual recollections, memories or literal explanations or even an understanding.

There are also times that one of or our current life soul-mate is not suited for becoming a life partner (read prior blogs on understanding the differences) therefore just finding or meeting a soul mate never guarantees a long term or harmonious relationship. The term soul mate is applicable in this series to those that we have spent previous or many lives' in some type of romantic relationship.

And this is as mentioned one of the biggest influences or factors for humans ignoring or "overriding" the supposed outcome by exerting free will. There are many examples of how/why this occurs and while there is no way to cover or list every possible scenario we can look at the more common reasons or influences.

For many humans, in order to learn certain lessons, much of which may be based on the previous life, or even a prior life that could be decades past (in human time) it involves a soul mate. So one example would be that soul mates, that were united early in prior lives' and had little in the aspect of challenges, risks or sacrifices, the contract or agreed upon lesson was gratitude. If we assume such is the current life lesson; we generally will meet our soul mate (there can be multiple soul mates depending on a myriad of conditions) but rather than uniting and "living happily ever after" we are faced with almost impossible obstacles. While in no way is this a form of judgment, one very common occurrence is our soul mate enters after they have married another human. Or perhaps we are married and in some instances both humans are married or committed in long term relationships. This creates barriers that are insurmountable. There may be children, or illness with the spouse. Perhaps there is financial dependence or other mitigating circumstances that are nearly impossible to overcome or surpass. Perhaps a successful male faces financial ruin in the event of a divorce. We also have to accept that because there were lessons agreed to and expected to be upheld, the "other" partner(s) may have or contain a significant and powerful spiritual and emotional Karmic obligations. So although we meet and are aware or feel the soul mate connection, it is not always intended that we unite or be together due to those prior agreements, contracts or energy.

In this example, and there are numerous other situations as well; but if we choose free will over Karma, and set aside any and all other lessons, obligations and Karmic influences, this can result in a chaotic and even toxic relationship. So our soul mate, even though we shift paths and directions to be together, can result in a chaotic and relationship that rather than harmonious as it may have been in the past, is filled with challenge can even be toxic.

It may also result in what appears to be the right choice by ignoring the "supposed to be" and we could live in joy and harmony for years before the lesson once again rears its head. And that never bodes well, as when we move away from the lesson originally, it becomes much more difficult when Divine or creator places us in a position where is must be faced. In these situations we will often find those that are soul mates, committed and together until suddenly events trigger a total breakdown and a split occurs. There is nothing more difficult or spiritually challenging than losing our intended over that which we do not understand or makes no sense. These occur with much more often than one would assume. And not only does this interfere with the original lesson and all that goes with learning such lesson, but it has a deep and long term affect on the other or alternate partner.

There are also lessons that require we live one or more lives' without the support and connection we shared with one of our soul mates. The list can be endless and again is dependent upon the current and prior life or lives' and even has an association with our soul mate(s) and their possible lessons, agreements or contracts.

When we use free will to override any lesson, it must be repeated in one form or another or this life or another. There really is no "skipping" over lessons, or our long term goals to be as close to that Divine energy as possible. And while some lessons are fairly minor or less significant; those involving others, relationships and most especially our soul mate and/or life partner. The consequences, energy, influence and affects felt by both or more can be devastating.

Next; when the lesson is opposite. When the union or unity of a soul mate IS the intended lesson, but one of the pair pulls away or uses free will to abolish and deconstruct the connection in the current life.

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