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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "Our Lessons - Part 3

Nov 18, 2016

"A lesson in lessons"
Part 3

As we looked at the significance and what my guides shared to be the greater purpose in most if not all lessons, we now look at choices.

In part 2 we quoted that "Grace overrides Karma" and just as a reminder, grace in this context is our choices or free will and the acceptance of making such choices. Karma is then the "supposed to be" or perhaps the predetermined "soul contract" that is a spiritual agreement made before returning to a physical or human life. We can use interchangeable terms to refer to Karma, destiny or fate, but again in this series it is relevant and associated with specific and/or particular lessons we agreed to learn.

This is not only upheld by many as a "universal law" meaning it applies to all in every possible scenario, but it also demonstrates that our humanity often has more control in the physical or literal world. And free will and choice is both a blessing and a curse (curse is used metaphorically not literally) as it is the essence of humanity both individual and collectively. So we are all equal in our ability to take a sharp turn, go left rather than right or in some other way choose to alter the path intended. And in most of these situations or circumstances, the energy or the choice, consequence and outcome all rely on our free will. We also then must take into account or become aware that when the predestined or agreed upon lesson is unmet, or instead we use our empowerment (free will) to alter what was expected; we often affect not just self but others. Just as my guides shared with the blog on the collective energy and the "blowback" effect of our connection; changes made in the now, present or moment can affect many humans, their lives' and then their choices and opportunity for lessons and/or destiny.

And a reminder, because Divine is benevolent no matter how one recognizes that greater power; there is no punishment, and we should not be in fear of changing directions. However there are always consequences whether positive or negative to those choices we make as we navigate through our life journey.

Although there is really no exclusions from what free will can and may produce in terms of outcome once manifested and set to action. There are varying degrees of the importance of a lesson, how it may or may not relate to other aspects of our path or additional lessons, and what eventually will be necessary so that those lessons are learned. In part 2 we offered a "list" so to speak, that although it could not possibly cover each and every scenario, it concluded the more significant of lessons and learning.

My guides also point out, that no matter how or why a certain lesson was "assigned" to us for or to be learned during a current or upcoming life, there is the existence of a "lesson in lessons".

There is a degree to which we are expected and even at times perhaps encouraged to alter, change or shift direction and this actually IS the lesson or part of a lesson. So to clarify; we can use the example of a painter-artist that needed perhaps to learn a lesson of sacrifice and conforming to the human side of expectations and life. Let's assume that their spiritual energy agreed to not pursue painting or artistry and instead was to become a doctor, lawyer or politician. However as time passes and this human matures, the idea and perception of attending a university for many years and studying a challenging and difficult career path. This weighs heavily on the spiritual, emotional and even physical well-being of such. And an important side note here; *** although our spiritual cache and core contains all memories, both spiritual, human and ancestral, our conscious mind, spiritual or cognitive has absolutely NO recognition of any contracts, agreements or past/prior lives***. What we do experience is a very strong and often powerful sense of that "supposed to be" or in some cases, the feeling of a choice or path emphasizing what is NOT supposed to be. So as our fictional painter/artist fully intends to follow what seems and has been the proposed plan and expectation; perhaps encouraged and supported by family and others, there grows a deep sense of unease, chaos and even anxiety. Although some may oppress such feelings, there are those that find it impossible to deny the growing sense of urgency and the yearning within self to forego the "plans" and take to painting or artistry work. It is very possible that as our "artist" halts the more traditional studies. And ventures forward no matter the sacrifices, risks or challenges towards what is a burning desire or need that all along THIS was in reality the actual lesson! So because we do not carry those lessons or knowledge in our conscious being, we are often left to rely on our feelings, or what just simply resonates, makes sense or simply "feels right". And our artist may not be famous, wealthy nor rise to fame; but he is filled with peace, harmony and joy. All the discord, the distress and dread seems to melt away and no matter the materialistic measure of "success", he is successful in the ability to follow, conquer and unite with his true and higher path and purpose.

So as you can see, while perhaps it appeared the lesson was in pursuing a career that lacked a spiritual and/or emotional bond, the lesson was about "sacrifice" and by our artist pursuing the riskier of the two, and likely facing disappointment and doubts by family or friends, even within his own self there would be some fear of failure. The actual or true lesson was learned and it was free will and choice that made such possible.

And we could use that very same analogy and fictional artist and suppose that he did indeed follow a traditional path, becoming a successful and wealthy attorney. We then must ask or decipher, was in that scenario, the true lesson of sacrifice and/or risk still accomplished, learned and/or retained? And the answer becomes dependent on whether or not he found a state of grace (full and total acceptance) or whether his life became a caricature of what it could and should have been. If the lesson was learning sacrifice, it seems reasonable to assume that any/all spiritual lessons always contain that spiritual component of fulfillment and potential. So in all likelihood he did NOT commence the purpose and lesson. And the main ingredient or reason why that holds true is based on the quality of that life, the purpose that was either embraced or ignored and the harmony, balance and joy versus survival and living within the energy and embodiment of being unfulfilled, which then creates distance from our spiritual self and therefore from others.

So our lessons are almost constant and as mentioned although some are easily repeated even in the current life, others are of such magnitude that it may be impossible until one returns again one day.

And there are although not common, rare instances where the contract or the assigned lesson or task, needs to be shifted or changed for reasons that have nothing to do with our being attentive to our feelings and resonating with choices. But major universal and/or collective events can cause such a ripple in the spiritual embodiment that Divine alters or shifts either the lesson itself or in what way it is given the potential to be learned. And we also of course can go through a variety of "trials and errors" when it is almost as if we continue to run from our lesson or the purpose of such, and our spiritual leader, creator, God or simply Divine is determined to see that we accomplish what IS deemed necessary.

Next we look at relationships and how free will from self or another can create or obstruct our path, sometimes even causing extreme or significant distress, upset. And on the opposite, that free will or the intention, manifestation and action of such can be a joyous, amazing and almost miraculous experience.

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