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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "Our Lessons - Part 2

Nov 17, 2016

"A lesson in lessons"
Part 2

While it would be of our greatest good and certainly the easiest path to achieving the highest energy or vibration that exists spiritually; such is not always the case.

Just as with many other of life's lessons, we simply don't all seem to get it right the first time. As children often are guilty of, until there is some significant consequence, they may continue jumping off or out of a tree until finally they break an arm. Even minor injuries often don't help or assist their learning process, nor do repeated parental warnings of the "dangers" that exist.

In many respects our spiritual or life lessons that we are attempting to learn, or have agreed to accept in our learning process, sometimes we just seem to wander off point. In order to understand and perhaps resonate with lessons and those that may need to be repeated we need to have some awareness and acceptance of a few universal laws that are quite relevant to such lessons.

The first (other than of course as mentioned in part 1 believing in the theory of lessons and reincarnation for such purposes) is that we accept that "grace overrides Karma". In this context, the meaning and message contained within is that free will and choice are always available and we are rarely "forced" to concede to predestined lessons or situations. It also indicates that we may have agreed to a plan also called our "soul contract" in which we return or reincarnate with very specific lessons assigned to be learned and absorbed. However often times a human is faced with a lesson that feels and perhaps is particularly difficult or requires great sacrifice and/or risks. Should they decide to turn from that path, therefore that lesson, their choice takes precedence over that "contract". The problem of course is that lessons cannot be randomly skipped, ignored or avoided. So in some instances the universe or Divine will reset that person's life so that months or maybe even years later the same lesson appears again. And once again a choice is made. And while this is a chaotic and lower vibration spiritually way of life, it IS our choice.

But it's not of course quite so easy. And ties into those that have lived perhaps 20 lives' versus those that have lived half as many as one chose to accept the lessons and the other chose to not.

As my guides explain, eventually the human body gives up, our shell or physical existence is limited and it is our spirit that receives everlasting or eternal life. So those that refuse, or for any number of reasons decide not choose not to stick with the plan, one in spirit only, there is a form of reckoning and accountability. My guides do not believe that we are punished, however if the outcome we all seek is to attain that highest state of grace it simply is impossible without learning each and every lesson. And for many or even most humans the majority of our lessons are for the most part identical. We may learn these differently both in how, why and when, but the core of the lesson is equal for all.

Compassion, forgiveness, understanding and true and unmitigated acceptance are those that appear highest on our "list". And then as we move through each life, although we hopefully gain knowledge and attain lessons, we also often create the need for additional "learning experiences"; thus the cycle then continues. So our reincarnates or the number of lives' lived can be directly related to learning our lessons, with also the inclusion of other influences and energies that all influence not just the number of lives, but how such are lived, what relationships are formed or abandoned and even our career choices, health and numerous other influences.

If we look at any subject, topic or theory; one can only offer validation or at least a valid opinion of the topic by having some knowledge, both literally via actual learning and spiritually by or through our Karmic influences.

Next, what we choose to learn, or do we have choices? The details that surround our lessons.

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