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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "Mind, Body & Spirit Part 2

Jun 28, 2016

"Mind, body and spirit"
Part 2- Starz BlogTalk Radio (Monday's at 8 pm EST)

As usual we hosted another insightful and interesting show, focusing on the components of our mind, body and spirit. Our regular hosts, Natalie AKA StarzCast (founder, owner, CEO of Starz and affiliates) and myself, Maya AKA StarzMayaMoon.

Although we generally resonate in some way with all of our radio topics, this in particular was one that both Natalie and I upheld and shared strong feelings and offered both insight and guidance. We have all come to know Natalie (other than via other venues) through our Blog Talk broadcasts as she openly and warmly shares her own experiences, whether those are amazing success stories, spiritual phenomena or struggling through life lessons. And last night was no different. We both agreed that each part or the influence of such can play a significant role in how we view our self and life and can literally make the difference between life and death.

Although we would both set true "miracles" in a much different category, there is proof all around us that our spiritual energy and how that energy is allowed or embraced in influencing our life can make a significant difference. As Natalie shared a personal story of her journey, sharing with the listeners her insight has given her hope and faith and has proven that the belief in our spiritual power can and will encourage. But more than just encouragement, a strong spiritual connection with self and more importantly with the Divine, God or creator gives us the strength and courage to carry on when adversity interferes with our path or happiness.

I shared a recent news article where a private plane crash landed in the ocean, blown far off course and the lone pilot survived over 120 days in his emergency rubber raft, the self-inflating device that offers some cover or shield and a water purifier. When asked what he attributed his survival to, being at the mercy of storms, sharks and limited food; he had no hesitation in giving full credit to his spiritual beliefs, and that he never allowed himself to give up hope.

So it seems apparent that our mind, body and spirit are all inter-related and can work in harmony, or when out of balance, can and often do give way to various problems or issues. Although as with all spiritual beliefs, there is no way to "prove" a theory, it does appear from what Natalie shared about her journey in life and my own experiences that our spiritual energy, influence and core does seem to be the most significant factor. It or our spirit has the ability to hasten physical and emotional healing, and to renew our faith whenever life seems to create friction.

One thing seems universally true and without question, for those that have found the key or tapped into the power and the amazing energy our spiritual being offers, we all become survivors, no matter the trauma or challenge.

Also Natalie mentioned that often a physical development or "symptom" can in addition to being an actual physical or biological disease, illness or syndrome is often a symbol for our spiritual core or energy. My guides absolutely support this and went on to agree and to suggest that just as a physical symptom can be a warning for our general health and well-being. It can often also be symbolic for our spiritual path, a lesson perhaps or that which requires attention and offers a chance to shift, alter or change our path or life.

In conclusion we agreed as we shared stories and theories that there is an undeniable cord or connection that joins the mind, body and spirit and in doing so also connects or adjoins with our emotional energy or state of being.
As Natalie closed the show, in summary her words rang true and should be remembered by all, maintaining our "state of grace" is that place or energy that allows the power of our spiritual being to intervene, assist and empowers us all to live within faith and hope.

Next, looking closer at the connection of our core.

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