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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - May Forecast & Guidance

May 1, 2016

May; 2016
~Monthly forecast and guidance~
"Destiny's child"

While this current year has certainly energized our focus on uniting or reuniting with our highest spiritual connections; self the collective and what we recognize as the Divine or creator. May takes a bit of control as we move from the significance of choices, decisions and accountability into a framework of destiny, fate and Karma. Not to necessarily imply that nothing we say, intend or take action upon matters much; as our free will ultimately can and will always override the Karmic.

However think of May as being strong and powerful in orchestrating, creating and developing potential, opportunities and unprecedented synchronicities. Within in this destined or destiny influential energy, comes all that has been chose and sacrificed, risked and even ignored, denied and embraced. It becomes a focal point and the center of a maze (our life and being) not just from or about our current life and path, but with strings or cords attached that go back to our literal beginning. In May more than we have seen thus far in 2016 is the strong universal message of acceptance and consent.

1) Our universal message and lesson; for May it is to allow the Karmic influences and energies to take charge and to accept the deliverance or that of "we reap what we sow". Although it does feel to focus much more on the positive aspects created and resulting from past choices, shifts and changes; we all may be subject to some minor consequences throughout the month. Once again we find ourselves in a bit of a precarious perch, balancing the influx of destiny and fate by acceptance but without becoming totally or completely passive or uninvolved. Imagine this month much like a well-known landmark or theme park; and with all packed in our vehicle we traverse the distance full of anticipation and also with a fairly accurate vision of what waits ahead. Even hundreds of miles from the destination, signs pop up along the way, not just pointing out the turns or routes, but reminding us of what lies in store, rides, food, something for everyone. In terms of our message and lessons this May, our "job" is to carefully follow the signs and landmarks, adhering to the main route. If we keep to the path, we are symbolically led to the outcome that is expected, and in the spiritual sense, all that we have worked or created to be manifested. And therefore the "warning" or the potential for causing obstacles stops or blocks along the journey is for those that seem unable or incapable of simply following the lead. May is not intended to be a month of breaking away from the collective, universal or even Divine, but in reaping the obvious rewards by adhering to the signs and symbols along the way.

2) Relationships and love; for those of you that have tuned in or listened to prior Starz BlogTalk radio, you may be familiar with several topics discussed that seem to flow with the energies of May. When it comes to love in the form of soul-mates and/or life-partners, many of us will find undeniable validation of "meant to be". When fears or general doubts have prevented us from diving in or caused us to keep our guard up, the natural forces of destiny will certainly prevail and many of us may end up surprised by who ends up standing next to us. As we have seen a bit this year, May also will bring lost or disconnected relationships back into balance and harmony. However these will only resurface and intertwine into our current life if they offer the potential for true reunification. Any past or present relationships that are dysfunctional and/or toxic and cannot be aligned with harmony by destiny's hand will be or become unmanageable. So although May is much more significant for meeting, uniting and reuniting, it will still be a month of release for those clinging to what destiny cannot or will not allow or support. This will hold true for any and all types of relationships, however romance seems especially poignant and romantic and many will become a part of what can only be called a "true love story". As my guides do believe in "love at first sight", this phenomena will exist more so in May than perhaps any other single month of this year. And one last reminder on Karma, destiny and fate; those that believe or have clung to their faith and hope no matter your age, or how long you may have waited, nor those that have seemed unsuccessful in many attempts, prepare to be amazed at how Divine intervention and timing truly exist, as again May is full of the rewards or fulfillment of all sacrifices made in the name of love.

3) Jobs, careers, business and economy; the economy remains more or less stable, with a few unforeseen, yet predictable shifts. For those business both solely owned and major corporations that have been sliding backwards and simply making no headway, fate kindly puts an end to the suffering. In situations where groups or large numbers of employees can be affected, they will be swept to their higher self and potential via their own individual Karmic intervening. Again the message is to accept the "leadership" and the signs of destiny or Karma, but not to the degree that we give up or emit a passive energy. Jobs and careers will be abundant for those that have made the necessary sacrifices and are willing to risk. Again we see that trust and faith in self and universe has a strong and direct correlation to outcome. So for those willing to seek, but with humble and intentional direction towards the signs and pointed towards where the light shines brightest, we can't help but succeed. Because this is a destined month of transition and in some cases remaining in a fixed position, for those that have not fully met the criteria, new opportunities may be postponed until we have done so. All in all it can be a prosperous month and most especially for those following their true path in career or having place all of their energy into success or creating that vision. Manifestation becomes the reward of our strong will and the power of fate.

4) Weather patterns and systems; May as we experienced in April for the most part holds true to the expected conditions for each geographical location. If its summer expects warm temperatures and if winter, it will be cold. While the overall pattern is one of stability, because Karma has placed her hand across the galaxy or universe; we can expect to see and feel some powerful weather created events. Keep in mind that as a collective the weather will reflect the majority and the compilation of what has and has not been addressed in fixing or tending mother earth. Fault lines across many countries are at a high risk for volcanic and earthquake activity. The atmosphere due to pollutants and chemicals may gather in various places and weather chaos ensues. My guides predict we will see approximately 4 very major or significant weather events, and 3 feel to be the result of the earth shifts, many of which are caused or resulted from man's ignorance and/or prior denial. While strong storms such as thunder, tornados, hurricanes and flooding are expected events in many seasonal areas. The prevailing weather that has the potential for damage will be that which rises or springs from the earth, even if that is under the sea or oceans floors. We can and will overcome any and all adversity and as is usually true with fate and destiny, the light or sun will shine quickly and help us all to unite on the highest level. In many cases what may initially seem to be a disaster can and will lead to a higher state, place or just the energy of gratitude and appreciation.

5) Politics, government, leaders the media and global security; as I have mentioned in most of the monthly blogs, the US is in the presidential election year, and much of our energy seems to be caught up in watching the "show". Once again we will see and feel the Karmic influences as those candidates will be answering to a higher power or authority. Both positive and negative, but ultimately serving the people or collective, past successes and mistakes will be brought to light and attempts that may have been made to withhold pertinent information or "secrets" will become moot. Current and/or existing leaders in other nations will feel the crack of fate as she plays her strong hand and holds fast to the truth. For those countries and governments that have been in effect "held hostage" by leaders bent on unreasonable and violent rule will find small triumphs, freedoms and unexpected events. Karma comes with a powerful sense of justice and compassion, and those with ill intentions will be prevented from furthering their evil cause. For our national and global security, because we as the collective are always in a learning phase, we may see breaches of our security, however as my guides also pointed out for April; while tragedy cannot be undone, it also will oust many of the leaders of these groups and there will be some unexpected disclosures from some of their main sources. So while suffering to some degree is unavoidable, it can and will save the lives of many others and again as a collective and universally a worthy trade. As the media has already begun to soften their approach and some inner shifts have already take place. There are more to come, those that once sought only fame, now are united with integrity and honor and this will hold many back from their expected style of reporting while at the same time, those with inside information will come forward, willing to pay whatever price for their consciousness of justice and truth. Some changes may not be known till closer to the end of May, but by the end of this month we will begin to see the larger shifts, both politically in security threats and the media's presentation as a group or whole.

May is a time of destiny, fate and believing in those sources and the existence of what we cannot always, see or hear but sense to be true and real. Our journey, lesson and message are to allow Karma to "parent" us, thus becoming in a sense, "destiny's child". Again it is not a fully passive energy or influence asking us to withdraw participation, creation and control of our lives' and all that we desire to be. However it does suggest we defer to that higher source and in faith and flexibility be open to the numerous and profound signs and symbols that can and will point us in the perfect direction.

There are surprises and often we will have unexpected experiences, relationships and events that rather than attempting to unveil their existence or follow a trail to or into the past, accept, embrace and show gratitude. We all have the influences of destiny, fate and Karma wrapped into the empowerment and the gift of free will that holds us accountable and rewards those who seek the highest path. And in May, that immovable force, that profound and deeply rooted energy becomes the anchor, the force and the map we need to navigate the journey for now. So remain focused, follow the well-worn paths, no need for denying our individuality for Karma lavishes that upon us. May asks for our trust and for many that dream we have waited upon, whether a raise or a lover will surprisingly show up. Divine timing, fate, destiny and the choices made all combine together as we enter into this level and dimension of "destiny's child", learning, exploring and applauding at the marvels of our universe and spiritual being.

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