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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "Manifesting our dreams versus investing in spiritual schemes" Part 3

Jun 20, 2016

"Manifesting our dreams versus investing in spiritual schemes"
Part 3

My guides along with universal law and the belief or even foundation of many spiritual beliefs arises from premise that our purpose is the pursuit of our dreams. And these dreams, whether love, career, or both meet reality through our intentions and the dedication we produce by manifesting.

Manifestation is simply the result or outcome of taking the risks, making the sacrifices and pushing forward to whatever our personal path, desire or dream may be. And as the world constantly changes around us often our visions (dreams and aspirations) shift and change as well and it becomes our ongoing quest or journey to fulfill.

Where we often become conflicted, confused or perhaps chase the "dream" that is more of a scheme or a refusal to see what is or what is not rather than viable options is both simple and complicated.

The whole universe moves to a tune or to the music or song we each hear and then resonate with. And although even the most worthy dream or vision, or what can at some point become lucrative or provide the desired outcome; there exists that fine line. A "scheme" which we can define as pursuing that which remains out of our grasp or beyond our capability to achieve or attain weakens rather than strengthens. It as we mentioned briefly in part 2, becomes simply a repetitive pattern of behavior, response and desire that shows absolutely no promise. And the although all dreams begin with simply that vision and intention, once action takes place our journey, path and purpose are shifted in some way even if that is initially very minor.

A spiritual scheme however is the intense focus on only one potential outcome or result, yet no matter how we exert our energy and whether literal, spiritual or physical it remains unchanged.

Imagine trying to move a large, cumbersome piece of furniture from one room into the other. The vision and intention exist, and there is absolute truth in the sense that IF moved, it would in fact be a better placement for that piece. However if we awaken every day, and over and over try to push, to pull to drag or use the same forces, the same tactics and after a fair amount of time, this piece has not even moved half an inch, we do at some point have to face this reality. And in this analogy it would be that without some other factor, influence or approach, we are not going to be able to relocate this furniture. So for those that mistake a scheme for a true dream; they continue the same course of action (with intention and manifestation) yet expect a different or varied result. So imagine for a moment, that you were to devote hours in your day, every day for say weeks, months perhaps even years in pushing, pulling and dragging. The action has not changed therefore it is unlikely without some significant form of Divine intervention (a miracle) that the furniture will finally one morning move. So when we scheme, we dismiss all other options and because that energy is so limiting, it can have detrimental effects on all other aspects or facets of our life. So the person that is intent on moving what is basically immovable, begins to gain focus on what is not or has not been achieved, therefore bit by bit, their entire aura and energy shifts into a lower energy. They lose the ability to enjoy their home as it currently exists, and if they continue in that focus or sole purpose; they also lose the ability to redirect their vision, intention or to become flexible, accepting and most important lose the ability to be in "grace".

For those that can appreciate or at least accept the difference between pursuing their dreams versus supporting just a scheme; their focus shifts in a positive vibration which involves or can entail a variety of ways to spiritually adjust. Again the difference between these two is huge, because it effects and creates influence, energy and the use of resources from a negative to a positive. So again using this analogy, those that are in pursuit of a dream, or the intention to manifest via intention; perhaps they look to purchase something new which can fill the space in the empty room. Or in some way they accept that moving the furniture is not possible, no matter how important doing so may seem or even feel. They are able to release what has been proven to be impossible with the resources available and alter their expectations rather than continuing to waste energy, time and resources.

While of course moving a piece of furniture is rather trivial, this analogy hopefully demonstrates that tenacity can be wasted and that we all must learn to heed the lesson of what simply cannot or will not be.

For those that approach life, lessons, their path, visions and how they manifest a desired outcome; they become flexible and open and are able to shift their agenda to that which can and/or will be changed.

When as humans we become "slaves" to a spiritual scheme rather than manifesting our dream; we begin to live and exist in a pattern of failure, misery and disappointment. We can recognize this pattern or obstacle by taking time for self and past reflection. If for example each day the large, bulky piece was moving an inch or a couple of inches, then our investment may well be worth the dedication and sacrifice. If absolutely NO progress, changes or shifts can be seen or felt, we then become committed to that which is unsupported and improbable or likely impossible.

And chasing or pursuing that which has proven time and time again to be without change equates with no value, no reward and therefore all risks and sacrifices are done in vain. And whether moving furniture or pursuing a person or the vision of a relationship or the outcome of such, we then live in a constant state of disappointment.
And although it is difficult at times to accept what simply cannot be, the only way to move forward is to let go.

So a spiritual scheme is really cheating our own self out of all of the unlimited resources and all the potential that exists simply by releasing what is immovable or unchangeable for that which can be navigated, altered or shifted.

And although as mentioned our purpose IS to pursue the dream, the visions and to seek our destiny, we spiritually must always be open to altering those intentions so that rather than nothing, we are able to manifest that which can and will change our life and bring harmony. And it also allows us to embrace our "state of grace". Only when we can accept reality with pure truth, yet maintain the faith and hope, we then understand the full impact of our spiritual being and energy. This lifts our spiritual energy and our humanity to the highest level and as one door may close, many more become opened.

Next, our final look at the comparison and the steps needed to change the scheming to dreaming and the impossible to possible. ~

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