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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "Manifesting our dreams versus investing in spiritual schemes" Part 1

Jun 17, 2016

"Manifesting our dreams versus investing in spiritual schemes"
Part 1

We all or the majority of us that take interest in the spiritualty of life and self are at least vaguely familiar with manifesting and creating. We may not all be well versed experts, but the basic foundation of spirituality is applying such to our human existence. And within all aspects of spirit and life, are those intentions, dreams, inspirations and the ability to take action and make choices that bring us closer towards those goals.

It resonates with universal law and is a widely accepted prototype that we first must believe, which becomes the intention. From that intention, desire, motivation is created and along with our drive, a path and purpose is chosen. Obviously living as humans it's not just a simple walk, nor is it merely a thought that magically becomes a reality simply because we desire it to be. As my guides have channeled in various blogs or series, we are created or the foundation of our life both spiritual and human/physical begins by our thought process; the value and image we have firstly of self and then towards the collective or our world view. Within that amazing and unlimited potential for pursuing our individual goals, dreams, path and journey is the secret to success, yet also the slippery slope of falling.

When we fall from "grace" or from true purpose and the attainable, we can easily go from our birthright and spiritual vision of creating towards that which can result in nothing more than a "scheme". If allowed, that direction towards a spiritual scheme of manipulating or even the provocative and ego-driven false belief that we harness the power to change or shift the universe or that which exists within. In a simpler term, it could be defined as misleading our own self, or following a false trail. If we use the analogy of a hunter, he must carefully tread the trail, with great attention to detail and be able to determine fresh tracks that can lead to a successful hunt versus one that has gone quite cold. And as the hunter tracks the prey, if he is not aware of all senses and surroundings, there is the risk that the hunter becomes the prey, and the predator circles back in essence the hunter becomes the hunted because he failed or neglected to obey the laws of nature.

It's not all that different in our spiritual and human journey. Dreams inspire and for those that find passion and pursue their visions from that first idea or yearning to completion almost always find success at the end of a path or along the journey. But just as the hunter must read the signs of nature while also maintaining awareness of other dangers that lie in the deep woods, or along the trail, we too must learn to separate what is inspiration versus desperation.

The lesson becomes understanding and acceptance that there is always the risk of going "off course" or getting lost. In the spiritual sense that can be as simple as losing our focus or when the rewards seem too far to reach, or require inner adjustments or shifts, we become lost; and what began as an investment quickly turns into a manipulation that can never produce realistic results.

And just as the best trapper or most experienced hunter has been fooled by the tracks, the signs or the appearance of being on path. We too can lose our way spiritually and rather than creating with a clear and concise outline of what we desire to manifest, we slowly veer off course and the result can be chaotic devastation that results in chasing that which is impossible to track or to achieve.

A spiritual "scheme" is allowing our spiritual and human or physical trinity to become devoted, dedicated and intent on that which holds no true outcome. Or it can be so narrow that it limits the immense potential or possibility so that we no longer view self and life as a journey to pursue yet embrace as we go, but a land we have created in which the path never truly showed promise.

Join me as my guides help us to understand the difference between the pursuit of dreams and manifesting, and the spiritual web of schemes we can easily fall prey to. ~

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