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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "Maintaining balance, grace and serenity in times of change" Part 3

Dec 29, 2016

"Maintaining balance, grace and serenity in times of change"
Part 3

Balance or spiritual and/or energy balance is the ability to right one's self no matter the external circumstances. For many of us we are able to achieve balance without any work or intention, it just seems to happen naturally. However for others balance can be a challenge and requires focus and concentration to achieve and is then usually easier to maintain once we relate to the feeling.

If we think of how a bouy in water reacts, we know that even in the stormiest sea the bouy can be thrased about but ends up balanced and upright. We have that same spiritual gift or ability, and although our balance can be thrown off during a major hurdle, the goal should always be to regain balance.

And it can also be a hard word to describe or transfer the idea or feeling of that energy, when we are dealing with balance from within. Being out of balance feels spiritually and emotionally what it would feel physically to have many or most of our joints dislocated. As you can imagine we would be in terrible pain and unable to complete even the smallest or easiest task. And at times it can be easier to be aware of NOT being in full balance (or alignment) than to be aware of balance.

When we have for whatever reason become unbalanced, we are unable to self-soothe, serenity is far away as these two do go hand in hand. It's almost impossible to have one without the other. There is just the general feeling and energy that we are not rising above circumstances, holding onto to our power and identity but instead allowing our thoughts and life or path to be filled with worry, doubts and despair. Balance is the opposite of these things. Balance is finding our center, connecting to our own spiritual energy, then to the collective and finally the Divine or source.

So when we need to balance out, it can require meditation, deep breathing, any form of relaxation or much the same as in part 2 for serenity. We form an intention and release ALL toxic thoughts, ideas, potential and instead even if we are not quite ready to totally move past an event, we can at the very least face it in balance, and being balanced is not some magical or "pretend" place of perfection.

Balance is being upright, holding on to remain upright and focusing our energy on what lies within so we are able to be balanced along with serenity to achieve our highest level of energy.

Next, putting it all together and mastering the techniques.

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