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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "Maintaining balance, grace and serenity in times of change" Part 2

Dec 28, 2016

"Maintaining balance, grace and serenity in times of change"
Part 2

So as we look at one of the steps, energies or even an attitude of working towards being or becoming in the highest state, serenity is without a doubt a necessity. Although serenity as a state of being is important and supportive of our healthiest spiritual self; when we add all three components life changes. And those changes are what then provide us the much needed means, influences and inner strength and support to survive.

As we look at embracing serenity in our lives' we (per usual) first define the meaning in this context and serenity is actually from the root word, "serene". Taking from the Merriam-Webster online dictionary and paraphrasing without compromising, serene equates with being clear, tranquil and without the threat of a storm or disruptive change. Therefore when we add that with a deeper spiritual definition serenity becomes the place that exists within all humans (spiritually then emotionally) where we first obtain a clear and comforting energy of consistency, quiet and support, and then are able to continually return. My guides show serenity as a walk on a deserted beach at sunset, the sky is orange as it sets in the west, perhaps accompanied by the moon rising. Whatever comes to mind, serenity is a word almost easier to picture or envision than to try to articulate to explain. Although in some instances it can be interchangeable with peace, my guides do feel there are differences in that energy. And we can maintain serenity during difficulties, obstacles or challenges, where peace is not always possible. So the difference is often peace is or a result of that which is external where serenity is internal and is always available or within our grasp- spiritually speaking.

For those of us that are not familiar or have not had time or been successful in finding serenity, my guides often advise that we actually practice by using visions or images. Just as you may incorporate a vision or a specific scene during relaxation techniques, meditation, perhaps prayer or any intentional attempts at achieving”clear without storms" energy.

Therefore to be successful in dealing with all challenges in whatever capacity or aspect of our life, path or journey these arise, our serenity works to keep us clear and strong. Along with the analogy and even the literal vision some of you may use to help in relaxation, meditation or reduction of stress, our serenity is our adaption of that feeling until it becomes a habit. Serenity is one of our natural spiritual resources which is in being or becoming serene. And as spiritual and human beings we all have access to this power, support or energy. Once we are aware of its existence and use deliberate intention to manifest our system into a serene state, we are well on our way to that higher or more positive transition. And it is all of these in combination that create the most profound shift, yet even separate they are powerful and can be put to good use. Just as any plug that has electricity powered to such outlet has equal energy to plug in an electronic device; this could also be said of grace, serenity and balance.

So serenity is the desire followed by varied actions that place us in a state of those metaphoric "clear skies" or rather than being just a visual, it is actually a strong energy. While it begins within our spiritual core or center, working to utilize this energy or influence over time increases the power and also helps to hasten the time between the desire or request or need for serenity. And as most things can, we begin to incorporate serenity into our energy, life and being so it becomes an active and working part or trait of who we are.

When we are in a state of constant serenity, or we can telepathically just think of being serene and we are suddenly calm, relaxed and able to stay away from that "ledge".

Again we ALL have the ability, the gift and the blessing of serenity, for some it may be more challenging to find or achieve but it is not a special influence or a limited edition. And while serenity enhances just the daily life we life, there is no comparison to the help and comfort it offers whenever we face distress. It may not be an actual miracle, however all that we have and then use encourages us and helps us to walk ahead and forward so we are able to find our purpose in life and of course live our potential.

Next, balance and how balance and serenity often go hand in hand.

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