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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "Maintaining balance, grace and serenity in times of change" Part 1

Dec 27, 2016

"Maintaining balance, grace and serenity in times of change"
Part 1

It may appear to be a rather simple task or attitude in which we simply make a choice as though we were choosing our beverage for the evening meal.

However nothing could be further from the truth as balance or true unity and balance within our trine or trinity are in of themselves a major accomplishment. When we add to that "potion" the ability to maintain grace AND combine such with often disruptive, chaotic and complicated scenarios, this energy becomes for some almost impossible to achieve or hang onto.

In part my guides chose this topic at this time due to the strong and very influential energies that arrive in the New Year, beginning in January. (Look for my January forecast and the year ahead coming soon) And although these are positive energies and influences, guiding us towards our potential, change IS coming. And even without any added influence from a new month or year, change is always a part of our human lives' and can be both exciting and challenging even at the same time. While hope and faith certainly plan a part in how we navigate and even recover from or during changes and shifts. The foundation of serenity and balance become the platform or in a sense what all else "stands on" as we manuever throughout our life.

My guides have quite often referred to our state of grace and the power and dynamic influence attaining and then maintaining our state of grace becomes.

So as we begin, it makes sense to say that for many of us while this time of year is filled with joy and happiness, for others it can be strained, stressful and chaotic. Between dealing with family members, co-workers and friends, and the financial pressure we often feel, it can be a time of challenges. Before any of us as spiritual and human beings can hope to rely on serenity, balance and grace during changes, we do need to have embraces these energies and influences.

So for part one, we will focus on defining our terms and in what context these words imply or are used specific to this topic. It also is important to note that one cannot fully claim one when lacking the other. So we can at times be in a state of grace or feel serenity, but we cannot be in constant balance or automatically shifting towards balance without that state of grace or true, spiritual serenity.

Although my guides quite often refer to a "state of grace" we briefly remind those that may not have read prior blogs. A statee of grace is a state of being, therefore an energy rather than an emotion but with the power and/or ability to induce or reduce specific emotions. Grace is the spiritual ability to accept whatever is or is not, to continue our journey without losing step, becoming blocked or overpowered. A state of grace also always carries hope, but hope is more general rather than always specific to one literal desire or desired outcome. It then becomes accepting what is and what is not, however our spiritual empowerment and identity blocks any external circumstance or situation from defining our worth, identity, significance within the collective and lastly, our true potential.

When we truly walk in grace we are self-defined, beyond doubts or uncertainty and gaze ahead to a future we know will always offer more.
Serenity; sometimes interchangable with "peace" serenity is the ability to be happy in a calm and relaxed manner. It is a bit like a state of grace but on a more conscious level. It becomes more of our comfort blanket of food, so serenity offers us a serene or unchallenged way of absorbing and choosing how we may feel about a situation. So serenity is more of a choice that is made more often, than grace, but also is not quite as strong or powerful. We might say something such as; the family get together was full or anger and disagreements, I instead choose serenity and kept my spiritual and emotional self from being affected.

And then we have balance. Balance is the almost continous reset button (metaphoric button not literal) that once we have learned how to harness such energy, we are able to remain or return to balance. Balance is the unity between all that is spiritual and emotional, so it allows us to feel when necessary, yet at the same time not become overly sensitive to others, circumstances or experiences. Our balance can also affect our physical being, and in unity we can reach a place where to some degree we can balance all things. Obviously we cannot "balance" a broken arm for example, but we can balance a physical occurrence so that it doesn't cause any more damage than necessary. Balance is at times done without any actual conscious or projected intention or energy. And in some, balance is a choice, or if not a choice a desire to achieve and when achieved of course always serves our greatest good.

Of all three, balance in some ways is the most dominant or the stepping stone towards grace and serenity and is also an energy that when practiced and in full awareness, becomes like that "reset button".

So when challenges, chaos or differsions appear or an obstacle becomes presented in our life, we almost automatically realign ourselves to achieve balance. However although we may be "born" with this gift, like some credit cards we have to actually desire to "activate" the process or influence for the full benefits.

So each have an important and significan rolee in our life, both now and the future, and all are vital to finding, seeking and living our greatest or highest good.

Next; working towards and into serenity and the possible differences serenity makes within our life.

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